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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Bate (Home)

    its a good stream but i get kicked out every 2 mins. anyone got any others?
  2. wow youre right! looks like he hasnt touched it since he left!
  3. Matt

    Bate (Home)

    you gotta switch Agard and Yak around mate. no way Yak is going to drop back, pick up the ball and run with it. he might break into a sweat if he does...
  4. i envy you all. i only have my company laptop with Windows NT and the oldest version of IE i think that still works (though im reminded at pretty much everysite i go to i need to upgrade - trouble is, if i do i get the BSOD!). i hate computers...
  5. whats the fuss about?! i havent used purely because i hate computers (though they do let me interact with you lovely people). Oh, and the fact that Facebook changes like the wind so its like im always starting on a new site. what is the attraction?
  6. just get him signed until the end of his career....
  7. Matt

    Bate (Home)

    as good an idea as i think it is to play the youngsters, ive a horrible feeling we will be caught out. Im saying 3-1 to BATE but i hope im proven wrong. best of luck to the boys in blue...
  8. get him signed for the rest of his career. now. if we're going to sell a striker, sell Yak (shock, horror. i know, but im fed up of watchin him stroll about. im hoping he will prove me wrong, but even when he was fit last year, he was lazy). Saha should be going to the world cup if he carries on this way. world class...
  9. For me he had a great game, made a real nuisance for the defence. but man of the match goes (again - for 4th time in 5 games now i think) goes to Johnny. he was a rock, never shirks from a challenge, very strong (theres not many people who can muscle drogba of the ball) and never stopped working. Screech played well, but not motm in my eyes. didnt do much wrong, but also didnt shine. Rodwell was very quiet, Baines was also excellent for the most part but when he cocked up they were silly mistakes, not necessarily dangerous, just daft. Billy looks exhausted, disappeared from the game after about 70 mins. Yak was his usual lazy self, but got a goal so people will ignore his inability to run. Jo didnt do much either. Howard... didnt have much to do, didnt have a chance with the goals really either. Pienaar was quite quiet today, worked hard but not didnt do much. tony was a fault for one of the goals but otherwise was ok... think thats everyone, if ive missed someone they probably didnt make that much of an impression. oh, Agard came on for 2 mins and made good challenge.... thats about it.
  10. incredibly proud of the boys today. for me, its not so much that we got a point, more that it was very well earned....
  11. http://futbolyayini.com/tamekran.html channel 4. its in turkish (i think) and you cant do fullscreen but stream is good...
  12. guys, any links that work? iraqgoals and maged.tv seem to be playing up, any others going?
  13. finished The League of Gentlemen (series 1 & 2, i started 3 but its rubbish) and have moved onto Saxondale! Fantastic stuff...
  14. i was made up with our group! my wife-to-be is American so theres going to be some good banter between the family. I may follow in the example (if we win) of Mr Hammond after he beat a german in a race: On a side note, did anyone see the CNN coverage? Was absolutely appalling!
  15. My favourite is "on the night it just wasnt our day". think it was Keegan...
  16. 2-1 to us i reckon. Without Essien our midfield may have a little more fun. Looks like Chelski maybe hittin a bad patch based on their last 2 results and our performances have consistantly improved. I think we will get a last minute winnner on the break after Chelski have pushed everything forward to get all 3 points. a man can dream...
  17. i agree with you Mike, lifetime achievement award would be deservered. he is a model player (for the most part) achieved a hell of a lot, but sports personality? errrr.... no. i confess my ignorance here, i dont recognise half the other candidates! if its not football, its not worth worryin about!
  18. good to see someone keeping the faith!
  19. Id go with this, but Yak would be on the bench. We need people who are going to work for the win and based on his recent performances hes not up to the challenge... got his 5th at the derby i believe...
  20. as much as i would love to give it to one of the kids (all 3 were excellent) im going for the player who didnt stop running or working the entire game. Step up Stevie P. Jo worked non stop and played well, Bily was obviously tired in the last 20 mins but until was ok, Skippy was a terrier again... like i said in the other post, only player who should be ashamed of his performance is Yak, the personification of lazy. Hard fought victory but hopefully it will start a sucession of wins like it did last time!
  21. i would very much like to see some of the youngsters get a chance against BATE, especially since its at home. Duffy, Coleman and Baxter all played well, or at least worked hard. cant think of anything they did wrong actually! the only player i would complain about is the Slak-er. If youre on for 20 minutes you should be chasing every last thing, wont mind if he gets sold at this rate...
  22. that was never offside for Baxter. Still, hard fort victory and brilliant finish from Billy-Elliot-in-Dinov (according to the commentator...). Proud of ya boys!
  23. the officials have been awful tonight. that was clearly onside!
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