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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Doesnt compare to Saha's bag of tricks. One other thing that i thought off, Saha for the most part stays on his feet. Yak, despite his size and strength goes down easier than a hooker... Hooker probably scores more too...
  2. close but im pretty sure the last bit translates as "Stick sausage in your sauerkraut"... oh and March of the Fire Ants? Fucking immense track...
  3. thats what i thought.... Thats a little sad really.... But like one of the liverpool responses says, its one or 2 idiots who ruin it, and theyre at every club. Dont know about you, but i dont dwell on tragedies that have happened,i recognise them and pay my respects. It does intrigue me though, what goes through the minds of these morons? (the guys with the flags, songs etc... i dont mean winding up the Kopites, thats just natural!)
  4. honestly, i havent been home when theres been a match on in several years, so ive no idea what the roads/trains are like at the moment. maybe best getting a taxi to James St then getting the train from there, think theyre every 30 mins though... Im going to leave it to the regulars to help ya, im just a little bored and throwing ideas out there!
  5. ok... maybe im too innocently minded and too young to remember (was only 3 then) but i dont understand what the significance is? Is it because we werent there to compete?
  6. 15 mins might be possible if there is noone on the road and you get every traffic light green, but would include a little speeding too! Assuming that you get out of the ground around 10pm, with the crowd that follows, i think you would be ok for the 22:56 train, but you would be best walking to the end of Walton lane (if i remember the roads correctly - the one down the back of the Park End) then get your taxi, so that there arent too many people in the way. From there, 20-30 mins max (barring anything crazy happening!). Best of luck mate, from an envious Blue!
  7. he spent 5.5mill on Distin who is Distined (see what i did there, 'ey 'ey ) for the bench when Jags is back, 3 million is buttons...
  8. end of next season right? He is the most important player to tie down, he would be the most difficult to replace. Screech isnt going anywhere for now. I would love to have Donovan (im marrying an american in the sunmmer, so im starting to feel some affiliation with the US players!) but he's not yet proven himself to the same extent that Pienaar has, so on that alone Pienaar all the way. But i dont see why we couldnt secure both (depending on the asking price of LD)...
  9. yeah i know, she was on her way to do the washing in the end so thought it best to let her get on with it. Besides, there was football on! :whistle:
  10. Think he is talkin about Felli there Bill, but anyway,unless either player has a Swedish following think he maybe a little confused!
  11. His stupid hair isnt his fault, a lot of the greeks have it like that...
  12. agree with the team selection but with Mark on the scoreline. They werent all that against Arsenal but this will be a different game. Johnny has to stay at the back in case of counter attacks (he may not be lightning but is the only player we have that has the strength to match Drogba). I just hope we dont take a hiding...
  13. 1 bad performance compared to Yaks countless lazy strolls?! This is a no brainer for me, Saha all the way... Yak, on his day, if he tries, is an excellent striker. But these performances are few and far between. Saha, despite being injured most of the time, still puts in his shift (derby excepted - terrible performance i agree) and has some incredible skill. I would like to see Saha behind Yak maybe, Saha doing the graft and Yak just banging them in. But if DM is going to stay with 1 striker, Saha.
  14. Dutch is quiet easy, same grammar for the most part as german and for the vocab too. If its not german-ish then try english! After that... well... as is mentioned below, they nearly all speak fluent english anyway (and every other language too!) No advantage, just i was living there and thought it would be polite. But it was impossible, they hear youre english and speak english! Same now in Geneve, trying to keep my french up to date but everyone wants to practice their english (except the dutch, they just want to show off!). Tis a little annoying!
  15. All the best dude to all 3 of ya!
  16. seems to be ok now, lord knows what was going on!
  17. Moving on to Chelski vs Arsenal... Looking forward to this one!
  18. Had a colleague who could speak Xhosa, had an ear-shattering click! as for German, it took a while to click with me but once it did was simple. It was the cases that through me. My trouble is trying to practice all 4 languages (speak dutch and learning spanish now too, so hopefully soon to be 5) and keep the vocab up. Not interested in Greek, same with Russian - cant deal with another alphabet!!!!
  19. tell me about it. i hate computers...
  20. Birmingham vs Wolves. Thought Wolves mightve hung on and done us a favour but no, theyre rubbish. Well played Kevin Philips though...
  21. its not a speed thing Bill with the forum, the topic (after hitting Post) just takes me straight to the home page. Then i hit back and post again and this time it keeps me in the topic showing my response as usual. Its not happening everytime but i'd say 90% of the time. Anyone else having this trouble?
  22. my fiancee just walked past in nothing but her Everton shirt.... i will see you all later!
  23. Le francais ce n'est pas trop difficile! C'est plus facile comparativement a l'Allemand! Bienvenue Monsieur Nantes a TT! Desole pour mon francais, c'est pas pafait je sais, mais j'essaie!
  24. Dumfermline vs Celtic. Celtic went 1-0 up after 20 mins but conceded 60 seconds later then gave away a pen 5 minutes after that! Crap football but reasonalby exciting. Starting to heat up too! 2-1 Dumfermline but dont see it staying that way!
  25. I can see NI coming second in the group, but feel sorry for the Scots. Im waiting to see what happens in the world cup before i start getting excited at how easy the group is on paper...
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