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Everything posted by Matt

  1. gotta agree with this. LD has been fantastic and if anything is even worth the money of Billy. Thing is, were going to negotiate with a league not a club (from how i understand it) so surely we're just buying him out of his contract, which would mean the transfer fee has got to be lower? Either way, i want him playing for us next season and not just for another loan spell. When does his loan spell finish, and if needed is it possible to extend it?
  2. jeez there is so much impatience again! its his 1st season in the worlds top league, look at Screech! It takes a season (as DM pointed out) to get used to it. Next year... He will come good. Trust me...
  3. wasnt he supposed to have his scans today? anyone heard anything?
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/eng_div_1/8510102.stm im going to let someone else put their foot in it before i make any rash comments...
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/merseyside/8510790.stm who wants to start the jokes?
  6. close it, looks like the Kopites got him? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/8507355.stm
  7. didnt get to see or listen to it, im just happy that we won and that its sounds the whole team seems to have responded to the derby in the best way!
  8. deja vu! Was thinking the same last season. But then Jags and Arteta got injured and we lost Lescott and had to panic buy. Hope youre right, but i will wait for the end of the season and see who is still walking!
  9. 9 points off 4th, perfectly feasible. As ive been saying from the beginning of the season; City and Villa will crumble, Spurs and the Kopites were the only contenders, Kopites more so now because theyve had their bad run. Spurs havent really had theirs yet. But February isnt finished yet, lets see what we get from Manure and Spurs. We take 4 points from that, we are certainly contenders for another European place!
  10. like i said, quite happy to eat humble pie, even though ive just finished lunch! Just regarding the Sporting mentions, I spoke to a friend in Porto who says Sporting are in terrible form!
  11. never been so happy to be proven wrong!
  12. This is true, but how often do Chelski have a dip like that? I hope youre right and that im wrong. Said in another thread that I would like to see Yak with Saha upfront, might rough them up and tire them out, but after watching the Arsenal game, they were just so casual. Cut out every threatening pass, Arsenal barely got a sniff. That being said, we're apparently a hoofball team, might work to our advantage here!
  13. though i like the optimism with the attacking mentality, i watched them play Arsenal and destroy them in 2 quick moves. We would be wide open to counter attacks. saying that, ive no idea how i would approach it otherwise. we cant sit back and defend because they will crack us, we cant try and out pass them because we're not good enough to do it and we cant attack for the reason above. which is why ive predicted we will get beat, becaue unless they cant be arsed theres no way to play against them at the moment. Im all for optimism, but realism in healthy chunks is vital....
  14. Matt

    The Scam

    i used to think i was reasonably intelligent but you 2 guys have confused the bejeesus outta me...
  15. you are very biased! Felli's legs are long enough to have streched a little further and not stood on the guy, but I agree that in standing on him (its not a stamp in my opinion)he maybe slowed down the greek foot and saved himself further injury. You cant argue though, Felli's foot goes down just above the ankle of the defender and as such, though maybe not malicious, is still a dangerous tackle....
  16. seriously? this seasons leading goal scorer despite missing games through injury? er..... this just mean he can go down quicker, no? He cant start running around more, simply because he doesnt know how to run yet! He does work the opposition because he is a big bastard and is very strong but im yet to see any determination or commitment from him. Put Yak up front with Saha behind him doing the leg work, which he does do a lot of (i reckon its just that in the last 2-3 games hes not been in the right place when the balls being played). These 2 could be a good partnership, though i am concerned about ego's clashing....
  17. Har Har... I just dont see how Jags, Arteta or Baines can be justified choices since 1 is still injured, 1 just coming back and one who hasnt been playing at the standard he was last year. Ok, Ireland hasnt had a look in, but he is a cracking player who i would love to have in our team. Dempsey i saw for the first time about 2 weeks ago and he was class, very tricky and a good shot on him, also heard some good things from the other side of the pond . Bridge... i wanted a leftback who wasnt Baines because ive been unimpressed with LB at LB this season, his deliveries have been poor. Luke Young, gets stuck in. The rest you cant argue with! For the blue players, these two because Johnny has been immense, as i knew he would be and Screech up until this weekend was playing superbly.... oh, and this weeks lotto numbers are 4, 7, 17, 24, 25, 42 with the bonus ball of 47...
  18. I didnt think it was that bad to be honest, but i dont get to see much of the other games. Still, happy to debate it!
  19. ok, well i went for a team: -----------------Given--------------------- -------L. Young Heitinga Bridge---------- ----------------Felliani------------------- Milner Dempsey Ireland Pienaar ------------Defoe Tevez---------------- I await the crys of "what?! you have to be kiddin' me!"...
  20. not sure if this should go here or in the jokes section, but its funny/worrying... http://news.uk.msn.com/photos/photos.aspx?cp-documentid=152072509&page=1
  21. fair enough, its just that i saw teams and formations being mentioned. Will come back to this, need to give it some thought!
  22. why top 10 players when 11 are needed for a team?
  23. someone else a Foxworthy fan? Or should i just start them?
  24. got me in the mood for something a little heavy... Deftones - Around the Fur...
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