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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Sigma (Away)

    i understand the 10 men and we had a job to do arguements. but the reason i was miffed was because the only time ive seen us play anything near decent, this season, was the second half of the 1st leg. i wanted them to go out and dictate. but we were lucky that they werent better opposition. 4-0 in a first leg and playing someone like Benefica away in the 2nd leg the way weve played so far, well... it will just be a very nervous 90 minutes and i dont think i would have any fingernails left! i am usually one of the optimistic evertonians, one who is often made fun of because ive got blue tinted glasses (i really do!) but im just struggling to find anything positive at the moment. ive defended Jo and Felli all preseason but frankly, theyre not doing my defence justice. i hope we destroy wigan, and if we dont then we at least play well, like we can do...
  2. well, Eduardo is being charged with Diving: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/europe/8223917.stm question is now, if any club complains to the authourities, will they act in the same manner? me thinks not...
  3. Matt

    Sigma (Away)

    as friendly towards that idea as he is towards 2 stikers, as you point out!
  4. Matt

    Sigma (Away)

    Danny boy was signed as a right back if memory serves. was anyone else extrememly disappointed by the overall performance though? i seem to have watched a completely different game to everyone else! we were crap and if we played like that against a better team we wouldve been chewed up and spat out several times over. was extremely disappointed watchin it, but it was good to see the kids getting a run out and the yak back...
  5. Can VDM be counted as an Everton player? i know he was on our books but how many minutes (yes, minutes. im not going to go by games...) did he actually play?!
  6. Wheater isnt likely to come now after Huth has left to Stoke. i think Stoke have done a crackin bit of business there, Huth adn Tuncay, wouldve like Tuncay. not that we need him but he is a good player...
  7. i wonder if they would impose a general rule throughout the european leagues like this proposed financial cap? i know i was taking a 'sledgehammer' approach, but fines will make no difference to the players or clubs. bans are the only option in my eyes...
  8. i dont get why people are upset by swearing. after all, 150 years ago, c**t was an everyday word. words like rape/paedophilia etc are far more offensive in my eyes but noone ever seems to think about censoring them out. saying that, theyre all just words for crying out loud, and anything can be made offensive with the correct tone. its all a load of nonsense...
  9. at the end of the day, he is a CB and cover LB too. he is 31, but so what? David Weir is still playing at 40! He has a lot of experience in the EPL, allbeit for lesser clubs, but he wasnt part of a relegated club (though they came close) like huth/wheater/taylor. i think 5mill for a CB/LB cover is a bargin, and he can do well for us for the next few years. also dont forget, he is competition for Yobo (who needs pushin in my opinion) and only a guarenteed started until Jags is back. dont write him off folks, i think this is an excellent bit of business from the boss, again!
  10. bloody hell! he mustve started in the national team when he was 17 then! he has always impressed when ive seen him. sounds like another versitile player for defence. now the big questions: how much and wages?
  11. as long as we're in the black then it wont affect us. Everton could actually be seen as a role model in this case; managable squad size and wage bill, not massively in debt, living within our means. BK and the board may have actually have been doing us a favour in the long run! i dont understand fining a club thats already massively in debt, that makes no sense to me: increase the debt because theyre in debt. Points being docked would be a better incentive...
  12. how old is he now? hes been around for ages!
  13. well, that was crap. im only voting for Pienaar because, well there was noone else work voting for. to be honest, the whole evening has been rubbish, with the stupid hotel having a "technical problem" exclusively to channel 5. so. im going to find something better to do...
  14. i liked Jacobson and since we already had him made sense to me to keep him. he made a difference in the cup final. feel sorry for him to be honest, finally signed for a team (bburn) thinking hes probably 1st choice then they go and sign salgado. isnt Chimbonda a RB too?
  15. Matt

    Sigma (Away)

    well, according to the bbcsite: TEAM NEWS Striker Yakubu has been included in the Everton squad for Wednesday's Europe League play-off second round, second leg tie with Czech side Sigma Olomouc. The Nigerian marked his return to action after an Achilles injury with a goal in a reserve game on Tuesday. Holding a 4-0 first leg lead, the Toffees have included youngsters Kieran Agard and Hope Akpan in their squad. Phil Jagielka, Mikel Arteta and Victor Anichebe are still injured and new man Diniyar Bilyaletdinov is ineligible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everton (from): Howard, Nash, Hibbert, Baines, Yobo, Duffy, Neville, Rodwell, Osman, Fellaini, Pienaar, Cahill, Gosling, Saha, Yakubu, Vaughan, Jo, Wallace, Baxter, Akpan, Agard, Turner Anyone willing to put a startin 11 from that lot?
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/s/stoke_city/8224661.stm just some more reading material...
  17. Oceansize - Everyone into Position, the full album... Magic... followed by Radiohead - In Rainbows...
  18. Matt

    Sigma (Away)

    any news of the line up yet?
  19. its a shame he cant have Kanchelskis' number 17, might encourage him to rise to that standard!
  20. i can understand why people wanted us to go out following the Arsenal game. as long as we get some bodies in, a push for another top5 finish and a good run in Europe is perfectly possible...
  21. i know, and for the most part i agree with him. but my expectations are also realstic (allbeit less realistic), with Arteta Yak and Jags still to comback, we have a decent team. for the 1st time in a long time we have too many attacking options! if we get a couple of centre backs in, a DM, and RB, were sorted! well, nearly....
  22. well is not seems that UEFA are going to look into it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/europe/8223917.stm one last question, did he turn round and look at the referee for a descision or did he just pick himself up?
  23. aaah, whoops! still, he wasnt a striker!
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