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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Spurs (Away)

    right, im off to cry myself to sleep. good night all....
  2. Matt

    Spurs (Away)

    at least those lucky enough to the have Radio Merseyside dont have to listen to Bright. If theres anyone who can wind me up and bring me down at the same time....
  3. Matt

    Spurs (Away)

    from what i heard on the radio Mike, Keane stuck it into the roof of the net which was the only space that wasnt blocked by one of us. still, shouldnt have had the chance to shoot but so ya know...
  4. Matt

    Spurs (Away)

    why did we take Saha off. Yak and Jo are very lazy players who need chances created for them and we dont have the creativity for that. Saha is the only threatening player we've got! I say give the kids a run out now. As soon as Moyes took Saha off he pretty much resigned us to a loss...
  5. Matt

    Spurs (Away)

    to be honest, the only thing getting me down is the fact that Mark Bright (what an ironic surname) is doing the commentary...
  6. Matt

    Spurs (Away)

    I cant see it being that big a humiliation. It all depends on whether we get some players back. Saying that, i dont see 'Arry taking it that serious and with his ego and our recent form i wouldnt be surprised to see him put out his reserves. im going to say 2-1 to Spurs, with our luck it will be Naughton who scores the last minute winner for them and Howard gets himself sent off or injured (just to complete the crock 11). Apologies for the downer on things, but im not well at the mo (niether is the missus) and im stuck at work. So not exactly chipper....
  7. i assume some of these comments where made before the Benfica and Bolton game?!
  8. i wont bother, mostly because its the most depressing desktop image (company logo and slogan, which cannot be changed)...
  9. i was thinking more of extra physio tables, but i suppose they could stretch to some Christmas deccies too!
  10. where did i once question the training methods? i quoted the mighty Python to make light of the claim that training is responsible. Who's the airhead now, dumbass...
  11. maybe freeing up money for christmas spending?
  12. i would go with Arteta over Jags at the moment, purely because i think the midfield needs the help and isnt protecting the defence. We cant hold it up in midfield and cant go forward with it, so the ball has to go back where it is launched upfield. We need the creativity to push back teams, that will take a lot of pressure of the back 4. A true replacement of Lee Carsely would also come in very, very handy...
  13. slight diversion here, but when did punctuation die out? or are people really just speaking in massive paragraphs until they've got no oxygen left in their lungs, go blue and pass out?
  14. You try telling that to the youth of today, and they wont believe you... seriously though, whats going on?! Has Baz got a seriously hot assistant who does all the massages?
  15. ok, 4 weeks later and i havent heard boo about his injury. Any news anyone? We're sorely missing his creativity...
  16. Has to be King Louis. I dont understand why he isnt starting every game, he is the only exciting player we have on the pitch at the moment and is in form. Was Jo playing? Thought Neill did reseasonably well, good passing and vision with the ball but seemed rusty when defending. Felli actually showed a little effort this game, which was nice to see and Gosling, despite that 1 moment when his mind went AWOL, played OK, but neither deserved MOTM. Skippy was absent, which im very surprised at - his dip in form is lasting longer than i thought it would. Rodwell needs a rest, was always going backwards... If i didnt mention anyone else, its either because they didnt deserve the recognition. Was utterly disappointed with the performance, with the exception of Louis, who again gave his all and was the only person willing to push forward...
  17. dont think were on ITV (would love to be proven wrong!) theyre showin the Lazio game and then Celtic after. havent checked Ch5 yet though...
  18. i believe the game is on ESPN, so should get a decent feed from one of the links at myp2p.eu
  19. i really dont want this game to happen! The only positives i can think of are that Seamus may get a run out (been interested in seeing him, keep hearing very good things) and King Louis is back. Possible 4-3-3/4-4-2 anyone? ............Howard Coleman Hibbert Distin Baines ......Felli Rodwell Billy ............Cahill ........Yak.......Saha not a bad line up but still brown trousers time i think. 2 last things to give us hope; 1. we are usually at our best when pressure is on and odds are against us, 2. They got beat by AEK....
  20. and to quote the great Eddies Izzard, " you say erbs whilst we say herbs, because there's a fuckin H in it"....
  21. i still like the idea of copying the plans for Barca's new stadium, that jutts out into the sea. I was thinkin we could to the same with the Mersey, and use a tidal powerplant as the foundations/co-project, but then i was dreaming too. http://www.cnplus.co.uk/news/images-barcelona-fc-stadium-at-sea-plans/5205577.article# for those who havent seen it yet. http://www.crosbyherald.co.uk/news/crosby-news/2009/09/24/mersey-tidal-power-scheme-could-power-the-region-s-homes-68459-24765449/ for my idea of support.... the proposed plans above look fantastic too, but just as unrealistic. I hope im proven wrong, one way or the other...
  22. well said MikeO. Dont forget everyone, we still have people in the team that will improve with more premiership experience; Rodwell, Billy, Johnny... When we get people back it will give us more depth too, and at least we're still in all the competitions (at least i think we are, the last 4 weeks have all blended together!). Keep the faith y'all! was only a couple of weeks ago where we went 4 games and scoring 13 goals (or something similar) without reply. So we hit a blip, so what! Stevie P is back in a couple of games and Arteta back shortly after him (fingers crossed). There is no reason why we cant improve on last years performances, we have the squad and potential. We just need (a little more) patience...
  23. its all the same; overindulgent, selfabsorbed, ripped off Queen and a few others too, just generally realy boring and repetetive. Sounds like a collection of the tracks that didnt make it to the previous album, because they werent good enough. Still, each to their own... the last one grew on me, after about 6 months, but i dont see that happening with this new one. Theres not 1 killer riff, just politcal monotany. Think ive made myself clear on where i stand on this now.... Good man, crank it up! Currently got The Specials - Ghost Town on the radio, though this will probably followed by some dire crap...
  24. the title reads like you sacked him Romey, if you look at the new threads list (recently added threads)!!!
  25. well, having finished 5th last 2 seasons arent we already there???
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