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Everything posted by Matt

  1. you're bullcrap! Your move Sherlock
  2. pedantic edit: how many times did you check that?!
  3. Im not saying Im sober (nor drinking at home..... much....) but its light-hearted fun!
  4. And so you should be, probably why youre not appreciating the word association game
  5. Matt


    I didnt this time!
  6. If you want to put some questions up here you should get some feedback for your site.
  7. Matthew?! Is that you mum? Anyway, to answer your questions: 1. He has been helping the guards and staff out for the majority of time he is there. The warden comes in at one point and actually says he doesnt approve of the poster but that exceptions can be made, whilst the head guard is there. Plus hes on the second floor of the block of cells so less of a flight risk. 2. Poster - leave it attached at the top, lift it up, crawl in. Want the bottom corners too? I'd put some rubble in the corners to weigh it down and put adhesive on the wall, so that when the poster hits the wall once Im through, the adhesive catches and bottom corners are attached. Ta-da! Its fiction, imagination, a story. To say that something is ruined because its not entirely feasible is crazy in my opinion!
  8. Bizarre... Also bizarre is this:
  9. Im sorry, but I expect that kind of response from my wife, i.e. completely nonsensical! What has a paraplegic athlete running in a circle got to do with Hargreaves?! Are you proposing we cut his legs off and give him the same equipment as Pistorius?!
  10. whats high for 18? Mine has been "high" for ages, but its all relative
  11. Matt


    missed your write-ups mate, spot on!
  12. Welcome mate, stick around.
  13. End of last season he showed promise but no consistency. The years before that, which do include his injuries he was out, he still had a fair few appearances, mainly from the bench and didnt perform. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Anichebe I know its wiki, but its usually ok for these kind of stats. The worst thing in his career was learning from Yak (stay with me). Before Yak came, he was determined, exciting and got on with it, electric off the bench. Shortly after having trained and worked with one of the laziest players to have ever graced the planet, Vic seemed to become lazier and more petulant, just like Yak. He'd go down to easily etc, kick and stamp when it didnt go his way, then mooch around the rest of the game. Difference is, Yak is a much better striker than Vic is, meaning he doesnt have to work as hard. Its this transformation thats stuck in my head and why I'd rather he left. Av - I stick by my statement before. Id rather Vic left and Straq stayed, even over keeping them both (purely for from a fiscal perspective).
  14. He was already on a contract and has been with Everton a long time, so for sure he was always going to be the one to stay (if the debate even officially arose) Just because I dont think hes not good enough doesnt mean I wont support him when he plays. I'll also criticize him if I think he deserves it. Super-sub token came from about 5 years ago now, and the fact he hasnt progressed in that time to being a regular starter says hes not good enough, even taking injuries into account. And one last time, Ive praised his cameo last night. He did work hard, he closed down and took his goal very well. There was no petulance from him, no sulking and that display alone epitomizes why he drives me nuts - he has the ability, he just rarely uses it. Cant really put my take on him any clearer than I have the last 2 posts.
  15. This is why I used the word cameo, it was 45 mins. Ive also praised him for his performance in the matchday thread. But take any game he played last season where he started and look how out of his depth he is, or how many times his workrate is poor, even coming off the bench.
  16. The same Johnny who is linked away in the papers but continually shouts out his support, determination and his happiness at Everton through the OS and twitter. I agree, on the bench (broken leg is obvious) doesnt give you the game time you need. He either needs a loan for experience or let him move on. All im saying is that at this moment, whatever circumstances have passed (no matter how unfortunate), hes just not good enough. Straq wasnt good enough in terms of finishing but he was a much harder worker (which for me is important), didnt sulk and smack the ground like a spoilt child, didnt dive and had an obvious love for the club. The question was who would I rather have and thats an easy one for me.
  17. Yeah, thats what I meant - renewable not rolling....
  18. Johnny springs to mind. Damn good player is a bit generous too - he has potential but rarely realizes it. Championship player at best, despite an impressive cameo yesterday.
  19. Matt


    something silly like 97% of Jellys last 50 goals have been 1st touch! Vic played well yesterday for 30 mins or so, which is what he is best at. He cant cope with 90 mins, a/ because of his attitude, b/ because of his stamina and c/ hes too predictable in his play and the defence learns how to deal with him. But for those 30 mins I was surprisingly impressed - he worked hard, hustled and bustled the defence, chased things down and did very well for the goal. He didnt sulk much and just got on with things even when they were going against him. IF he can keep this up for several games of 90mins then he could realize his potential. I just got a feeling (Im sure most of you already know where I stand) that hes not going to live up to the best he can be.
  20. Happy birthday yer bugger!
  21. Matt


    Because his job is to react to the situation as it adapts, like he usually does. There were a good few seconds which should be enough time for a player of his standard to see his marker and make things awkward for him. Like most of the rest of the team, the minds were still in the dressing room
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