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Everything posted by holystove

  1. They did a survey off all 303 professional football players in Belgium in the first league : Witsel won the award for most overrated . Defour would be GREAT for us though ... He's like Pienaar in that he never stops running but he does it more intelligently and he has more skill. Please Moyes sign Defour.
  2. holystove


    If Dembele stays with AZ they can just give the trophy to AZ already . Where's Real Madrid's 94m euro bid for him?
  3. and this is how he celebrates it . http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090611/en_af..._20090611190408 it might be pretty but I wouldn't touch that for the world.
  4. Any time Real get in some kind of money problems, either the city of Madrid, the country or the King take on the debt ... It's how the Royal club works .
  5. not every movie gets nominated for an oscar either .
  6. holystove


    I'd say AZ is about the best team outside the big three . Welkom.
  7. as it should be, in my opinion .. but I think we really should be looking at players from a better league .. OK the likes of Defour would fare well anywhere, but the overall level op play in the league is so low it's really not a good measure of how good a player is .. Anderlecht didn't play in Europe last year so it's really hard to know what Juhasz is actually capable of against good players week in week out. Moyes waited to pull the trigger on Fellaini only after he saw that he can succeed in Europe as well, after all he had been following him for a while but never against good sides.
  8. that and his recent run of signatures .
  9. lol just saw that there is such thing as a "rating" .. competitive forum this .
  10. Greatest thread ever. Bolton! Intuition!
  11. Everton over England everytime .. Easiest question ever . Everton over Belgium on the other hand -- and this is where that famous Belgian patriotism kicks in -- I'd give up the right leg of each of our starting players in the national team for a semifinal by Everton in the friggin Carling Cup. Thank you.
  12. You DO seem to be the common element hmm.
  13. No you're right .. I just thought 25 was a little steep and couldn't resist making the Intolerable Cruelty reference. . "Miles Massey: All right, so much for the ice-breakers. What are you after, Freddy? [takes a drink of water] Freddy Bender: My client is prepared to settle for 50 percent of the marital assets. [Miles spits out some water] Miles Massey: Why only 50, Freddy? Why not a hundred? While we're dreaming, why not 150? Are you familiar with "Kershner"? Freddy Bender: "Kershner" does not apply. Miles Massey: Bring this to trial, we'll see if "Kershner" applies. Freddy Bender: "Kershner" was in Kentucky. Miles Massey: "Kershner" was in Kentucky? Freddy Bender: "Kershner" was in Kentucky. Miles Massey: All right, Freddy, forget "Kershner". What's your bottom line? Freddy Bender: Primary residence, 30 percent of remaining assets. Miles Massey: What, are you nuts? Have you forgotten "Kershner"?"
  14. Why only 25, Rubecula? Why not a hundred? While we're dreaming, why not 150? Are you familiar with "Kershner"?
  15. Just noticed that Lescott didn't even crack the top 10 .. ouch. (sell! sell! sell! ) Can't say I disagree with the overall standings much though.. But I'm quite confident they'll look differently next year. My prediction for next years top 3: Moutinho (if we get him) Fellaini Arteta .
  16. If jags hadn't gotten injured this would have been his , no contest .. but durability counts. Congrats to Pienaar, is late season playing got him there. (He should mention Baines in his acceptance speech tho, he made Pienaar a lot better).
  17. correct. 1 = 'one' one 1 1 = 'two' one 2 1 = 'one' two, 'one' one 1 2 1 1 etc..
  18. not the answer I was looking for .. how did you get to 1111111 ?
  19. At the press conference all Kaka could talk about was that the financial crisis has affected every aspect of life in todays world and that he hopes that the transfer sum will help AC Milan. I guess his heart is still in Italy. Must be weird to hear though for a Madrid supporter whose team just did their biggest transfer ever, that he actually hopes AC Milan got the better end of the deal. .
  20. can you figure out what the next line is supposed to be : 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221
  21. would be great though if Rodwell is able to own that defensive midfield spot so Neville can perhaps play RB ... that would immediately fix 50% of our right flank problems. who knows maybe fellaini can take up the role Moyes envisaged for him and share it with Rodwell. how solid Neville played in that position in the middle of last season I still found him to be very strong at RB as well.
  22. You're right, should have thought it through before writing. (Altho I do rate Turan a lot lower than you do). Possibility of midget singings just pisses me off.
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