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Everything posted by holystove

  1. I quite like Supernatural as well (although I've only been able to view (download) a couple episodes), but to me "The Wire" is still the best show ever made (and I don't even consider it a close race).
  2. just turn it inside out before you put it in the washing machine .. I learned that from me mum!
  3. I love baseball .. I just wish Europe would begin to take baseball seriously .
  4. legally yes .. but what does that mean? It's just a threshold below which society can't impose sanctions .. I don't know what relevance a presumption of innocence has in our everyday society. I'm not saying he did it, but because of all the other indications (such as out of court settlements) I'm also not saying he didn't do it. And my post was just a reflection of my amazement that some people will go vehemently after anything that might shed some bad light on their idol, thereby maybe even denying their idol the right to be who he really was.. which is extra sad now he's dead. -- not saying he did it =).
  5. I also don't understand how it are the ones that think he's innocent that get to make posts with a moral superiority undertone .
  6. It is weird though that even the people that are such huge fans of him can't accept him for who he really is.. Should be fun being molested as a child and 20 years later getting yelled at just because some people can't accept their idol had different sexual preferences.
  7. Not really sure if your math is correct there . However I do think it might be a money issue as well.. Soccer just doesn't pay as good as their big sports.
  8. Earth Song .. I think it's his best melody, lyrics are a bit crap though.
  9. looks like a rip off of "The View" .. the horror.
  10. Great artist and very talentend performer, I didn't know him in any other capacity so I'll leave it at that.
  11. Some or most of you must have already seen this but for those of you who haven't, this guy is pretty cool. John Carpenter on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8JrsnpWUSw .
  12. Yes because of the credibility of the writer I've searched for a couple of other articles written by him. http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/petrov/main.html .. Although mostly about macroeconomics and not so much about political implications as in the article you posted.
  13. congrats to the US .. but it's obviously not the dream final .. shame. I didn't watch the game and I don't want to sound like a dick but the fact that Spain looses in the semifinal of an international tournament to a second string opponent further reduces the credibility of the event. (in my opinion).
  14. In that article he lists several possible outcomes of the establishment of an IOB, one of them is : · Coup d’état—this is by far the best long-term strategy available to the Americans. Article published in 2006. IOB established in 2008 for oil derivatives, planning towards trade in crude oil. Iranian civil uprising ongoing in 2009. .
  15. You're right .. They don't tell you anything ... I've been reading up on that Iranian Oil Bursary.. Some say it's connected to the 134billion because Japan is one of the biggest creditors of the US and fears that all OPEC countries turn towards the EURO, the dollar will become worthless. Others say Saddam Hussein was trying to do the same in 2000, hence the cynical launch of 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' in 2003. But all the information comes from these conspiracy theory bloggers and I don't know what they made up and what is actual fact. It's impossible to find out anything definite.
  16. Strange story really .. My first reaction was 'well it's probably fake money' .. But after thinking about it, where do you exchange Kennedy Bonds which are worth 1 billion dollars?.. Who could possibly be on the other end of that transaction? The dollar amounts are way too large for even large-scale criminal activity... Only treasuries would accept those and you can't really fool them into taking fake money because they'll check them in every way possible .. So, what if there is a possibility that these Bonds are real? .. Does this mean that concerns about the weakness of the dollar are to such an extend that States are looking to just dump dollars? Maybe someone is dumping bonds before the crash and they don’t want to let it out. Also it appears both men have now been released from prison.. wtf? An expert on FNC was of the opinion a government had to be behind this, especially if these were indeed counterfeit. The expert remarked that only a government would have the technology to concoct forgeries this good. Further reading : http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&...5456&size=A "Italian authorities have not yet determined whether they are real or fake, but if they are real the attempt to take them into Switzerland would be the largest financial smuggling operation in history; if they are fake, the matter would be even more mind-boggling because the quality of the counterfeit work is such that the fake bonds are indistinguishable from the real ones." Anyway, for the official reaction of government instances see this article : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/82091ec2-5c2f-11...?nclick_check=1 . The last word ? http://gawker.com/5295490/the-billions-in-...ished-were-real And more towards the possibility that they're fake and those two Japanese are indeed not very good at organized crime : it's been done before in the Philippines : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/1180171.stm A post I read on another forum : I love this story .
  17. The lost art of the backspace . I'd buy Casillas, Jesus Navas, Dani Alves and Busquets.
  18. to add to your argument, Antwerp is actually in the second Belgian league.
  19. And keep some for when you're over here ... Up to 5 grams is considered legal possession .
  20. I wonder if anyone had heard about this .. Two Japanese men are detained in Italy after allegedly attempting to take $134 billion worth of U.S. bonds over the border into Switzerland. 134 billion, that's 3 times the worth of Bill Gates. The article is quite well written: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=a62_boqkurbI . I'm guessing 0.001% of that money would buy Everton .
  21. Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon.
  22. Before Fellaini left, Defour played in the creative midfielder role and won the most valuable player (golden shoe) in the Belgian league that year. So he's quite good at that too. Because Big Mo left he had to play defensive midfielder and excelled at that position as well. I think if Everton bought him, he'd be usable in every midfield spot except for maybe left midfielder. However seeing how Standard would completely implode without him, I can't see them letting him go for a reasonable fee. Especially because of the CL money they got coming, they don't need to sell. I fear both Moutinho and Defour will be out of price range. (unless Sheik Ahmed ... ).
  23. translated version of Belgian source : http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n...history_state0=
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