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Everything posted by holystove

  1. The Putin System (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6580938720868203336#). Very scary. I didn't know Russia was still that fucked up.
  2. Aren't Barcelona in some kind of financial trouble? If that's the case, why would they buy an expensive midfielder they don't really need...
  3. The music the US army uses to recruit people. It's a good song really. .
  4. So the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and the Colbert Report are also unavailable to you? Why would comedy central block the UK ..
  5. I can watch it. Would be strange if the only blocked the UK .
  6. more craziness from the Far East : "In June, the North Korean soccer team dropped ignominiously out of the World Cup without a point after conceding 12 goals in three games. Since the players returned home, they have been publicly shamed, according to reports. The manager has been forced to become a construction worker, and there are fears for his safety." http://www.newsweek.com/2010/07/30/north-korean-soccer-team-punished-for-world-cup-exit.html .
  7. The world is a wonderful place. "Tokyo's 'oldest man' had been dead for 30 years ..." . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-10809128 .
  8. I'm a bit afraid about that one .. how long has it been since Donovan has had some sort of offseason?
  9. DJ Steve Porter - Press Hop 2 .. Not as good as Press Hop 1, but still funny enough ("Ima take ma talents to South Beach").
  10. I love watching those retards on "Jersey Shore"! Welcome mate.
  11. very good journalism. This newspaper correction is incredible : "We made no attempt to check the accuracy of the story before publication ..". http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/145880/Rockstar-Games-Grand-Theft-Auto-An-apology .
  12. didn't want to start a new topic, nor hijack this one, but this guy refuses to come on as a substitute even though his coach is very persistent : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjJO76tO8jA .
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/7912418/Mahmoud-Ahmadinejad-attacks-Octopus-Paul.html The Iranian president accused Octopus Paul of spreading 'western propaganda and superstition' ... .
  14. http://deadspin.com/5595974/kings-of-leon-dethroned-by-pigeons Canceling a concert in St. Louis after three songs because birds were pooing on you...
  15. A month sooner than they initially said. Great news. Hopefully it only takes him a couple of games to get back to his best form. Can't wait for the new season to start.
  16. I just saw Inception. Everybody should watch it so I'm not going to give any spoilers .. it's definitely a movie I'm going to be watching again. Christopher Nolan is brilliant (has he ever made a movie that wasn't at least really good?).
  17. The history of (and the argument against) intelligent design. Half an hour but very very interesting and well done. Well worth your time. Speech by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=0vrpPPV_yPY .
  18. The West Wing. Pretty good but not as impressive as I was lead to believe.
  19. Why the hell is Thierry Henry going to New York : http://deadspin.com/5592581/dumb-tv-people-interview-thierry-henry-remind-america-why-it-cant-have-nice-soccer-things Pretty clear they still need to learn a thing or two about "soccer" .
  20. That is indeed a very enjoyable experience. On a related note, I always get violent diarrhea after doing sit-ups.
  21. This settles it then : http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsporza.be%2Fcm%2Fsporza%2Fwielrennen%2FTour%2F100720_TDF_Merckx_over_Contador&sl=nl&tl=en .
  22. Mechanical failure is part of the race. The commentator said it might have something to do with Schleck using the wrong gear, so it could even be his own fault. In one of the earlier stages (3r stage, iirc), there was a big crash with some of the favorites of the TdF about to loose a lot of time. The peloton decided to wait for those riders and afterwards a lot of people critiqued that decision. Staying on your bike, not getting a flat tire, avoiding mechanical problems, .. it's all part of the race. There is no general rule of etiquette that says other riders can't take advantage. It was up to Contador himself to decide, he chose to attack .. The commentators mentioned that during some stage of the TdF in the 70's Merckx saw his rival (Ocana) fall and refused to take the yellow jersey. But then again Merckx is the greatest of all time and he knew he could win any way he wanted to . Generally it's a faux-pas to attack if someone falls because a fan interfered or something, but personally I am annoyed if they wait in any other situation.
  23. I love national anthems too! BTW, the European anthem exists in the same capacity as it always did. It was elevated to an official anthem in the Constitutional Treaty. So it's still the unofficial anthem of the EU. There's one obvious anthem missing from your list and my personal number one : MOTHER RUSSIA! .
  24. They're a ProTour team and have lots of money. They've signed Flecha who's a really good one day race rider, so Sky is definitely taken seriously. This TdF they've been really poor. Wiggins has been crap. I do like what I've seen from Geraint Thomas but he's no TdF winner. In cycling nobody really cares about team standings (except for maybe the occasional Spanish team). Teams (=sponsors) come and go and personally I don't see Team Sky as representing British cycling . It's Cavendish, Thomas, Wiggins, .. Cycling just isn't big enough in the UK. We haven't had a TdF winner in 30 years and cycling is huge here. That's why I thought it was ridiculous to say that Britain could have a TdF winner in 5 years. And I still do.
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