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Everything posted by holystove

  1. His manifesto: http://www.mediafire.com/?1khq2dp93obby2v
  2. Breaking Bad season 4. Hated that season 3 ended with a cliffhanger, but season 4 picks up right were last season ended. Walter White is one of the best characters in tv history.
  3. Yeah I checked before making that post . But seeing how doubting the existence of such a school would be keeping within the theme of the thread, I decided to pile on. This poor psychologist just wanted to ask Evertonians some questions .
  4. And frankly, "University of Glamorgan" sounds made up.
  5. Not really obsessed with LOTR (haven't even read the books), I just love youtube clips where different clips are remixed etc. Thought the combination of the Trolololo guy with Saruman was hilarious .
  6. This is how a Dutch guy finished yesterday's TdF Stage: .
  7. I think that's because there are no moves left. Might be wrong though.
  8. Isn't the UK in the visa waiver program? why does he need one?
  9. we get it, you don't rate him. what's the point of repeating it every five seconds? --- I'd be disappointed if he went to Madrid for that price. It's not a good move for him because he's not at that level yet, and it's not a good move for Everton because he'll be worth a lot more if we can hold on to him for a couple more seasons. He's already improved so much since coming over from Standard. There, I took care of it for you.
  10. It's been revealed the driver was a woman. so .. yeah.
  11. Welcome Justin. I imagine we'll be getting more American users now with NFL and NBA lockouts .
  12. The guy who flew into the barbwire fence was injured pretty bad but he finised the stage nonetheless. I don't know what's going to happen to the driver though. Some commentators are calling for him to prosecuted for attempted murder . The one who broke his pelvis is called Vinokourov, he fell earlier in the stage, during a descent.
  13. Today in TdF. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvnLDpgmT6U&feature=player_embedded
  14. I think it does that when there are no moves left.
  15. It's a shame Finders Keepers isn't played more. I remember it being quite popular the last time we had an Arcade. The others I don't care much about, although Cheese Quest was pretty fun.
  16. Yes that's the difficult part with Mahjong. The trick is not to finish the game but to play so fast that you nonetheless got a decent score .
  17. Night Angel series. First book The Way Of Shadows. Really liking it.
  18. One of the reasons I like House MD is because they use really good, unknown music. Most recent discovery : Black Lab - This Night. Beautiful song.
  19. All in all an easy fight for Dr. Steelhammer. Re-reading his comments from the last couple of days, Haye doesn't come of that well after losing :s. !
  20. Can't get that "taking the hobbits to isengard" song out my head now . There should be a seperate thread for these autotune remixes .. I love em.
  21. this is well done : Check his other videos out too. Guy's brilliant.
  22. Game of Thrones. It's about the struggle for power in an imaginary kingdom. The setting is somewhat like Lord of the Rings. Not a brilliant show, watchable nonetheless.
  23. The fact that you actually thought "Belgian" was a language makes me appreciate it even more . (in case you weren't joking , flemish = dutch).
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