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Everything posted by holystove

  1. Played very well last night. Better than against Ireland even though he didnt score. If he gets sold, chances of an inflated price are very good.
  2. How expected. Sneaky Italian bastards.
  3. If a company invests in poor parts of Europe (don't know the criteria, but every country has such regions) they get financial aid from the EU (through loans, subsidies, ...). The EU doesn't force a company to relocate though (it would be absurd to believe that). Belgium has the same problem as the UK in that a lot of big companies leave the country to go to cheaper countries; I could make a list just as long as Lowensda. The reason these companies leave is because its cheaper to have production in another country. It's more expensive in the UK (and Belgium) because of national fiscal policy (for example in Belgium, there are huge taxes on income). This is a political decision by national governments. You can't blame this on the EU, as evidenced by the fact that Germany (a rich country) is a beneficiary of companies relocating; they have a more company-friendly fiscal policy (not saying this is better). And if that is most important to you, a Brexit will only make it worse, as not only will the UK be crippled by its own fiscal policy, it will face tariffs etc to export to the biggest single market in the world (coincidentally, the neighbours of the UK). -- Anyway good luck tomorrow, either way it goes, it will be very interesting.
  4. Portugal defense is awful . Great game for the neutral.
  5. Italy are always winning Group E so they're probably not playing with their best players; they're all focusing on Spain already and I don't think they care much about their last game in Group E. If Ireland beat them tonight, Ireland will advance because at the very least Ireland will be one of the best third place teams. Could be a real chance for them.
  6. Swedish manager retiring as well after Euro 2016. What's the point of making this public now? Just wait til after you're out of the tournament.
  7. After your post I was looking up which countries had the biggest armies (on wikipedia) and turns out Greece has an active military of over 140.000. By comparison Belgium, which actually has a bigger population that Greece, has only 30.000 active military personnel. By "decent" army, do you just mean total number, or also state of the art equipment etc? Because I noticed Germany and Italy both have bigger armies than the UK (if Wikipedia is to be believed).
  8. Because England and Spain didn't win their group, France, Germany, England, Spain and Italy are now all on the same side of the bracket. If Portugal don't win their group, they will join those 5 countries. (Belgium is on the other side of the bracket; losing to Italy might have been the best thing ever).
  9. Unsuprisingly the UK has an opt-out on the ever closer union thingy. There is a German-French dominance in Europe, but IMO, that is because the UK opts out of everything. The UK should be a major player instead of opting out of everything. What's the expression? Shit or get of the pot? Well, the UK has been shitting on Europe for far too long so it's time to get of the pot .
  10. There was an QI episode on France a couple of years ago (I believe you can watch it on youtube). Don't remember perfectly but I think Fry said that if you looked at battles lost vs won, France has (one of) the best armies in history.
  11. Spoiler alert!! Great episode. But isnt the lannister army just going to take back winterfell like they took riverrun?
  12. I realise he is. Used to watch him on The Daily Show. Never thought he was very funny, though. Fact that he's a comedian doesnt change anything about the facts he is (trying to be) funny about. He didnt make that pillow political add, nor did he come up with the 350 number; he just highlighted why they are false arguments and lies.
  13. The monthly move to strasbourg is definitely one of the dumbest things ever. The french refuse to make brussels the permanent seat of the parliament because they feel like a french city should house one of the institutions. Dumb patriotic bastards. The amount of blatant lies highlighted by oliver is amazing. Especially liked(?) that one about the pillows. Who would believe such a thing though? Is there anyone in their right mind who believes his naps are regulated by the eu? what are they trying to achieve there?
  14. Matt - Kevin from American Pie (all around good guy .. probably slept with Tara Reid) Bill - Walter Matthau (only slightly less funny) Duncanmckenzieismagic - Bull Randleman from Band of Brothers (probably because of the military thing, no-nonsense kind of guy) MikeO - Henry Fonda in 12 angry men (both physically as well as the role you take on in most threads) Markjazzbassist - numa numa (not meant in a derogatory way, just the face I see) Hafnia - Rick Grimes (I imagine he looks like him; everything is either black or white and he decides which is which; disagree and get shot in the face) Paddock - Bronn from Game of Thrones (middle age, main role is comic relief)
  15. - Boris Johnson wants you to vote Leave so we won't see Jean-Claude Juncker sipping Champagne on Thursday ... :crying smiley:
  16. How many current everton players are evertonians in your meaning of the word? I'm sure Mark just meant everton-player with the word evertonian. Maybe being an evertonian means putting up with idiots like lukaku because they make everton a better team instead of putting yourself as a fan first :-)
  17. Strange refereeing in this game .. deserved win for Belgium. Lukaku had a lackluster first half, but an excellent second half. McCarthy was completely invisible, thoroughly outplayed by Witsel. Coleman did alright.
  18. I once saw him completely ignore one of those kids they run out on the pitch with and have disliked him ever since as a person.
  19. good call! I'd go for : Schumacher Skrtl - Pepe - Mascherano - Lothar Matthaus Lucas - De Jong - Messi - Walters Suarez - Diego Costa All cunts.
  20. And the teams that didn't win their first game now have to play more attacking football. More press reporting that De Bruyne will be benched in favor of carrasco or mertens .. If Wilmots does that and doesn't win, he will be out of a job real soon.
  21. Just saw a map on tv which showed that the areas of the UK that receive the most funds from the EU and have the fewest amount of immigrants, have the highest percentage of people in favor of Brexit. Same with Trump voters, most of them would in reality be better of voting for Bernie Sanders. People are (unknowingly) voting against their best intrests because someone convinced them of abstract concepts like sovereignty and patriotism/nationalism. America first/Britain first instead of putting yourself first.. Shows the importance of educating the public which this last week before the vote should be about.
  22. No truth to this. Wilmots just said that there's only one certainty against Ireland and that is Courtois in goal. Walloon media reporting that De Bruyne will be benched.
  23. Sweden has played 180 mins withouta shot on goal
  24. https://www.facebook.com/notes/chris-emerson/why-ive-voted-to-remain-in-the-eu/10153790193179220 guy who wrote this sticks to the facts and doesn't try to make any predictions. Based on what he wrote you can still choose to Leave, but at least it'll be a better informed decision. It's reasonably long, but I would suggest reading through it all as it is very comprehensibly written.
  25. And here's the two of you.. while her blood is still warm.., going online to state that someone who yells Britain first and then kills someone who campaigns to remain in the EU, has nothing to do with the Leave camp out of fear that it might sway some doubters to vote remain. - I guess this shows the Leave camp did the best scaremongering, being able to frighten someone so much that he goes out and kills a person with an opposite point of view to his. Although, it was always going to be someone from the Leave camp.. Their main demographic are the uneducated .. and what would someone from the Remain camp shout before stabbing Farage in the face? "Unity!'? -- To clarify: not all who want to Leave are uneducated, old, neo-nazi's, fascists, xenophobes, .. but if you are, you're probably in the Leave camp.
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