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Everything posted by holystove

  1. Mike Pence to be the Trump VP. The guy who passed a law in his homestate allowing companies to discriminate against gays and transgenders in the name of religious freedom? Great!
  2. I turned on the radio driving home from work and the first thing I heard was "ou est le velo?" .. never heard that during a Tour de France stage. Great win for De Gendt today!
  3. Quatorze Juillet today. Always a fun day in the Tour de France.
  4. Going by those polls doesn't look like Johnson is gonna get to participate in any of the debates I was actually hoping he'd get some of the Trump voters.
  5. There is a difference between watching a comedian who through his jokes offers relevant social criticism (Franken, Maher, Stewart) and a politician who is so far out there you think he must be joking (Trump, Johnson, Kim Jong Il).
  6. Foreign secretary is a bit of a nothing position though isnt it? Somewhat high profile but no influence on domestic policy which is where the (brexit) focus will be. While boris is shaking hands in some far off country, she can rule the country without him looking over her shoulder. Could be a smart move.
  7. Very good points. Major overreaction by some. Last article I read on this in local medai (yesterday) stated that he is rumoured to have a personal agreement with Napoli for 3m/year (in Italian media), which the journalist finds odd seeing how there's also a rumour of Everton offering up to 6m/year.
  8. Although that was exactly the reason (some in) camp 'Leave' said they thought the EU wasn't democratic enough. You can't vote for the EU commissioners and the President of the Eurepean council, and that is an outrage!
  9. http://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2016/videopreview/20160712114809-636.mp4 as I said, clueless
  10. She probably said that to appear tough for the daily mail public and to rally the nation behind her in an us vs them kind of way, but if she thinks she's primarily going to have to negotiate with Juncker she's as clueless as the brexit-politicians.
  11. I didn't see it. Flemish play-by-play commentator said he didn't. Anyway, as a neutral I was pissed that the best player went off, lowering the probability of this game producing anything worth watching.
  12. Their tactics were sound though. First you injure the other side's best player. Payet didnt even apologize or check on him; stay classy dimitri.
  13. Just incompetent then. Great yellow card for koscielny. Guy is a joke.
  14. Clattenburg not calling a foul on ronaldo is a travesty. Either he's incompetent or he got instructions from uefa. (Actually propably both). Crappy final to epitomize a crappy tournament.
  15. Belgian press now reporting napoli out of the question. Everton most likely if he leaves zenit.
  16. How many more times are you going to throw that post in my face?
  17. Germany - France. First time I felt the best team didn't wint. Shame. Don't really care who wins it; just hope you don't get the feeling in the final that UEFA wants France to win.
  18. IMO he's best used as a box to box midfielder (see the game of Belgium vs Ireland; he was allowed to go forward much more and played a great game). In all other games Wilmots asked him to just protect the back four and in possession to just pass it to KDB or Hazard, which makes for pretty anonymous performances (and a waste of a talented player). With a decent manager like Koeman, he could be a great signing.
  19. I assume this is the left-wing view on things; some interesting points though. Beware, Britain. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/04/disaster-capitalism-tory-right-brexit-roll-back-state
  20. I have high hopes for the vp choices. I could get excited about a Clinton-Warren ticket. And something like Trump-Palin has hilarious written all over it.
  21. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3671801/Army-veteran-rescues-bald-eagle-dangling-upside-rope-75-foot-tree.html America, FUCK YEAH
  22. Maybe, just like the Britons they googled what the EU is on the 24th and decided it's pretty good.
  23. Meanwhile on the continent: http://www.politico.eu/article/danish-eu-support-rises-post-brexit-opinion-poll/ - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-04/eu-support-surges-in-denmark-as-brexit-scare-spreads-in-nordics The European Union is more popular in Denmark than it was before the U.K. voted to leave the bloc, according to an opinion poll published Monday. A Voxmeter poll has 69 percent of those surveyed supporting Danish membership of the EU, up from 59.8 percent a week before the vote. A post-Brexit survey in Finland released last week also saw a rise in support for EU membership, up from 56 percent in March to 68 percent, Bloomberg reported.
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