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Everything posted by holystove

  1. someone took the time to actually write down what he says.
  2. At least for you the debate was at a reasonable hour. ? I tried to genuinely listen to trump but its just incoherent blabber. He got worse toward the end of the debate. Clinton was unconvincing though. Imo, she should just let him dig his own grave.
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/23/trump-is-headed-for-a-win-says-professor-whos-predicted-30-years-of-presidential-outcomes-correctly/?wpisrc=nl_most-draw8&wpmm=1 Trump wins.
  4. Cuban is a joke. You can't bully Trump for he is the ultimate bully. If I were Trump I'd take him up on that, overpower Cuban for 4 hours (call him an idiot, and whatever else it is Trump does) and then donate the 10 million to a charity (like "Make America number 1" which supports the mentally challenged) . Probably will get him a few more votes.
  5. Actually I'm told I speak English with a Seanchan drawl
  6. My best MikeO impression: Marco's 30 so you're 50. You joined 3.06.2013 which is three years ago, when you were 47, and Marco was 27. 50% of 47 is 23,5. Marco was 50% of your age 10 years ago, when you were 40 and he was 20. -- Anyway, happy birthday, Marco.
  7. Johnson wont make a good impression in any debate with statements like "what is aleppo?", and neither will stein with her opinion that historically ukraine was part of russia so the annexation of crimea is only logical. I think what graham said about cruz vs trump also applies to clinton vs trump. Its like choosing between being shot and being poisoned. Trump is like getting shot in the head, with clinton there might be an antidote.
  8. If the 68 year old is too weak to continue her run for the presidency, the alternatives to replace her are a 74 year old Biden or 75 year old Sanders . These people should just let go already.
  9. Donald Trump through the eyes of a true republican. (Also, great sense of humour).
  10. I disagree with that statement. His new campaign team is trying to get him to stick to the script, be more presidential, etc. but he just continues to be a loose cannon. He's such a narcissist that it doesn't matter if there are other republicans trying to steer him toward reasonable policies. If he wants to build a wall, and Paul Ryan is telling him it's a dumb idea and he should focus on something else, he'll just get rid of Paul Ryan. I'm sure there were reasonable people in the Baath party, doesn't really matter if the guy at the top is a maniac. The only republicans I would trust are the ones that have gone on record saying they think Trump is bad for the GOP, like Jeff Flake and Evan McMullin and ..
  11. prefers Origi over Lukaku. Think he could have gotten Origi for 28m in 2014.
  12. Hopefully to Everton. One more reason to finish in a spot that guarantees European football.
  13. 800.000 eur is of course a big number but not compared to what the other managers of the better national teams make. It is much less than wilmots got.
  14. Only paid 800.000 EUR a year and he's moving his whole family to Brussels. Looks like he really wanted this job and is fully committed. Good point about him doing well in cups, bluenosetoffee.
  15. This is what I come home to after a two week holiday :-\ I dont really mind though. Guy I wanted isnt available right now (Preud'homme) but probably will be next year. Martinez can be caretaker for a year. Belgian FA is very poor; we were never going to get a big name like Van Gaal etc. I wonder how much Lippi would have cost, he was my preferred choice.
  16. Yes the fact that I don't think the death of 200 people is funny makes the EU a miserable organisation, makes a lot of sense... Nevertheless still the most sensible argument for voting leave that I've heard from you. *EDIT*: alright, in the interest of keeping it civil, edited out the less reasonable parts of this post..
  17. 200 people died in that coup but at least you got a laugh out of it. Ffs.
  18. At least 80 dead, including several children, in an attack after celebrations for Quatorze Juillet ...
  19. I disagree about it having been put right. I dont think he should have been given a bonus. I can name you ten races of the top of my head where a fan or a car or a motorbike impeded a cyclist which directly influenced who won. The fact that fans were allowed to come so close is a big mistake by the organisation but in my opinion its all in the game. Several riders have said the same on twitter. Geraint Thomas on being shown a pic of Froome running: "well hes from kenya, you expect him to be good at that". Have a great holiday, Mike.
  20. What I said about the religious freedom thing, I got from a flemish newspaper I was reading earlier. After reading up on Pence (on politico) apparently he did revise that law. Still it appears he finds himself to the right of Trump on most issues. Is he well known nationally? Is he a good debater?
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