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Everything posted by holystove

  1. What about picking Myron Ebell (global warming is a myth) as head of EPA? What about making Steve Bannon (white supremacy) an important adviser? What about making Mike Flynn (islam = terrorism) the national security adviser? What about Mike Pompeo (torture = great) as head of CIA? Jeff Sessions (racist) as AG? I'm glad you're becoming more okay with him but if you agree with the above I can't imagine what you were expecting. And nothing of what he has done so far would have been done by a democrat; so if he claims to have voted democratic in the past, it was probably just opportunism.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/11/serbia-deports-russians-suspected-of-plotting-montenegro-coup do I put this here? baffling.
  3. Man gets his country back; moves to US. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/go-west-farage-plans-new-life-in-us-kbtt33v2k
  4. hate to be spamming this thread but this is preposterous: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/business/with-a-meeting-trump-renewed-a-british-wind-farm-fight.html anti-"wind farms" (because they ruin his view); pro-coal; appointing global-warming denier Myron Ebel head of EPA, .. this affects the whole planet. Can't the second amendment people do something about this guy?
  5. Also, Bannon's appointment makes it ok for this to happen: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/alt-right-salutes-donald-trump.html?_r=0 " Earlier in the day, Mr. Spencer himself had urged the group to start acting less like an underground organization and more like the establishment. But now his tone changed as he began to tell the audience of more than 200 people, mostly young men, what they had been waiting to hear. He railed against Jews and, with a smile, quoted Nazi propaganda in the original German. America, he said, belonged to white people, whom he called the “children of the sun,” a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but now, in the era of President-elect Donald J. Trump, were “awakening to their own identity.”"
  6. recently have lost all faith in polls but for those that care, here it is, the result of another poll: http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2016/10/daily-chart-6 "WHEN Michael Gove, as justice secretary, was campaigning for Vote Leave ahead of the European Union referendum on June 23rd, he claimed that the people of Britain had “had enough of experts”, referring to the long list of countries and organisations that had warned that Britain would be better off remaining in the EU. New analysis from the British Election Study, polling more than 10,000 voters, has found that Mr Gove was partially right, at least among his supporters. Those who voted to Leave typically preferred the wisdom of ordinary people to that of experts. With a victory for gut feelings over hard facts, the triumphant Leave side has told those who chose Remain to stop complaining about the Brexit result: their victory was slim, but it was a victory. However, those who opted to Leave have stronger feelings of remorse about their vote. Whereas only 1% of Remainers regret their choice, 6% of Leavers do (a further 4% are undecided, compared with 1% of Remain voters). That would have been enough to have changed the outcome of the referendum to a win for Remain. The theory that many Leavers voted as a protest against the political elite, as well as experts, gets more credibility from the study. Leaver remorse is strongest among those who didn’t expect their side to win: one in ten of them regret their vote."
  7. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/11/10/democrats-won-popular-vote-senate-too/93598998/ my question is where were these democrats during the redisctricting (if that's the word)?
  8. I assume the guy who wrote that ment it as a joke (at least I read it that way).
  9. This. I was at the game as well. Rom was MoM by far. We couldn't believe our eyes, his touch and vista were amazing. I'm always annoyed with him being offside all the time, but I don't think he was flagged once.
  10. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/reporters-notebook-on-the-trail-with-donald-trump/ Journalist writes about what it was like to follow Trump for over a year. QI.
  11. Following up on this.. Trump got 1 million fewer votes than McCain and 2 million fewer votes than Romney. The fact that Trump still won, just means that Clinton was the most un-inspiring candidate ever. Some solace in this. America didn't go nuts, people just stayed home in such numbers that the nuts-part which was always there, actually won this year.
  12. Came on in the 60th minute, missed two chances from inside 6 yards. Did give a nice assist for hazard who should have scored but his shot was saved by stekelenburg.
  13. Didnt know.. Thats incredible though. 1 in 4 (47% of 53%) americans vote for trump and suddenly the most important man in the world thinks global warming is a hoax.
  14. Saw on twitter that turnout was only 53% ????? No source though
  15. She is projected to win the popular vote. Strange for the democratic candidate to have won the popular vote but the democratic party to loose the white house, the senate and the house. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/9/13572112/trump-popular-vote-loss
  16. Pretty bleak day but watching CNN all day today has introduced me to this commercial which appears in almost every commercial break. - Hello? - Hello? - Who's this? - This is Lebanon! - Lebanon? Where have you been all this time? - I'm here! I never moved! It's you who left! - I didn't want to... but things haven't been easy. - It has been even harder on me!
  17. The newspaper is not known for inventing quotes .. also he was interviewed in his mother tongue.. so I would assume he did say it. Incidentally it was in a question that was actually about the problems with Rom's first touch .
  18. http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/16076/De-Rode-Duivels/article/detail/2969292/2016/11/09/Ronald-Koeman-Kluivert-is-bij-Barcelona-beland-Waarom-Lukaku-niet.dhtml Sorry about the Dutch but interesting Koeman calls him the best finisher he has seen in his carreer, including as a player. Also: (only slightly edited from google translate to give it an authentic Koeman-Dutch/English vibe) Lukaku actually wanted last summer to move one step higher than Everton.?How did you continue to convince him? RK: "I told him just honestly how I see Everton and his role. He started to train later because of the European Championships, but I gave him confidence and he has himself recognized that it was good for his development to play another year at Everton. There is a very good contact and appreciation between us. Whatever comes after this season, no one knows. " Everton may not be the end? RK: "Yes. Not normally. If Romelu until the end of his career was to play at Everton, I know what he has left something on the table. His potential is greater and higher than Everton."
  19. 2016 = non-educated white voter responding to a populist
  20. http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/cnns-van-jones-this-was-a-white-lash-against-a-changi-1788735808 this for me.. also "imagine how scared the women whom he sexually assaulted then threatened again last month feel right now"
  21. Good read. "A vulgar right-wing populism emerges out of a whirlwind of anti-establishment hysteria." After Trump and Brexit, there is no doubt in my mind that Le Pen will win in France in May '17. China doesn't have to do anything to become the world power, we (western civilization) will just take ourselves down
  22. That would realistically be the best case scenario. Hope you'll be right.
  23. Disagreeing with the decision the judges made is something different than calling them the enemies of the people. The ruling could have gone either way so it was always a given that one side would oppose the ruling. It's something completely different to personally attack the judges who made the ruling. What is the effect of such attacks on the respect Joe 6-pack has for the judiciary? What if he gets into an argument with his neighbour, they take it to court and the judge rules (well-founded) in favor of the neighbour - will the guy accept the decision or will he be trying to find out if the judge is by any chance an openly gay ex-olympic fencer? It is totally irrelevant that two of the judges were friends with Tony Blair. It wasn't a ruling on brexit, it was a ruling on the application of the law. Not one legal commentator that I've read today has stated that the ruling is constitutionally/legally unfounded (most even seem to say the supreme court will fully agree), they are however the strongest in their disapproval of the Sun, DM, DE, Telegraph because of the damage these tabloids are doing to the rule of law.
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