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Everything posted by holystove

  1. Nigel FarageGeverifieerd account‏@Nigel_Farage Volgen Meer Here is a list of 114 enemies of democracy who should be made to pay the price at the ballot box. http://www.westmonster.com/full-list-of-brexit-blocking-mps2/
  2. So you were indifferent to the rights of a certain group of people.. until you've actually met some of them. Now you're a gay rights champion. In the same vein: here's Trump voters in Philadelphia who happen to know a Syrian family and are now trying to get the ban lifted.. (http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Assali-Family-Syria-Donald-Trump-Vote-Allentown-Immigration-Ban-Travel-Order-412238593.html) ...........
  3. Reports of Trump officials offering individual EU countries trade deals... looks like everyone gets a "special" relationship! All proposals have obviously been forwarded to the Commission. Could be ignorance on his part, or he's trying to break up the EU because he agrees with Putin that a broken Europe is best for the world Remaining question, why is he yelling at Australia?
  4. You always get odd outcomes in these polls where they ask multiple questions on one issue. Example: what do Britons think about what Trump says about torture: Oddly 3% of UKIP'rs believe torture doesn't work, but it should be allowed anyway... for kicks?
  5. Reportedly, they contacted Martinez before trying to get him on loan and he convinced them to go ahead.
  6. After the Dutch, the Norwegians also seem to have a sense of humour regarding Trump Translation: - If you were stranded on an island, who would you bring along? - I'll take one for the team and bring along Trump
  7. you're right that the euro will be a stronger with much deeper integration. i hope trump, brexit, russian, middle east and other negative forces will force eu to act. tusk speech today was great in that sense. for me personally, as the citizen of a geographically tiny country, the euro has been great. Belgian economy has also benefited greatly. with trump destroying America, it might not take as long as expected for the euro to become the global currency.
  8. I just watched Ken Clarkes' speech in the HoC in full and must say I'm very impressed. Spot on about referenda, UK role in Europe and the future of free trade. Had never heard of him before.. He seems more eloquent, thoughtful and passionate than Cameron and Major combined. Why wasn't he ever the Tory PM? link to speech: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-mp-ken-clarke-tears-9728434?utm_content=buffer2fd73&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  9. My problem with the ban is that it is horrible disproportionate. Before the EO, it took about 2 years to enter the US as a refugee from the Middle-East. There already was "extreme" vetting. So what are the chances you were going to miss one of them is a terrorist? 0.0001%? Now with this absolute ban, you're 100% sure there won't be coming any terrorists from those 7 countries. The price? Antagonizing the muslim world, strenghtening ISIS (Trump is right now the top ISIS recruiter), and for the very minimal probability that this ban stops the terrorist that otherwise would have gotten through, you also ban the brilliant young Syrian who was going to go to MIT, the courageous Iraqi Yazidi woman who was to be honoured at an event in Washington for her fight against ISIS, the Iraqi interpreter who risked his life for many years translating for US soldiers, .. apart from the obvious flaws in the EO that you already mentioned as wrong.
  10. no, wait, still banned... https://uk.usembassy.gov/executive-order-protecting-nation-terrorist-attacks-foreign-nationals/
  11. Free trade agreements and tariffs. Interesting article (London School of Economics) about the importance of harmonising regulatory environment, rather than just talking about tariffs. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/01/30/brexit-and-free-trade-fallacies-part-one/
  12. iirc, the Obama ban was only for new visa's. This ban goes way way way further. Trump has banned people who have been living legally in the USA for years to return home from a vacation abroad. Trump has banned everyone with dual citizenship, if one those citizenships is one of the 7 banned countries. There is a Tory MP (prominent Leaver) who happened to be born in Somalia but has been living in the UK for decades now, who finds himself now banned from the USA. EDIT: just read that boris the diplomat has agreement with US that uk nationals can go to usa, regardless of place of birth. Also Obama only targeted one country. Trump 7, and all of them muslim. In essence it is some sort of Muslim ban. (especially if viewed in light of his statements that after the ban is over, he'll be looking to bring in primarily christian refugees). When he made the comments about banning muslims during the campaign, the public outrage was so immense he had to tone down his rhetoric. Now it turns out puppet-master Bannon has made him do it anyway. So I don't really see it as fulfulling a campaign promise. (same thing with the wall, btw. A lot of people (Trumpers) thought it was just a metaphor for stronger border security.. now he goes ahead with actually building a 40 billion dollar wall ). - Anyway, it's the first time in modern history that the president of the USA cannot be regarded as the leader of the free world and protector of liberal democracy. That honor now falls to a German lady who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, who would have thought...
  13. Alright a 20% tax on everything imported from Mexico DOESN'T MEAN MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL. The 20% will be paid by the people who buy stuff that's 'made in Mexico', namely the poorer US citizens, or as Trump likes to call them the Forgotten who from now on will no longer be forgotten. They will no longer be forgotten, they will be taxed.
  14. to quote my previous post: "doesn't that only even further delegitimize the result because it means both sides didn't know what they were voting for?"
  15. Rubes, I think the a big reason Remainers moan like a sow in heat is because it was only a 2% majority and the Leave campaigns' most successful arguments were lies. I also don't really get the counter argument that Remain lied just as much .. doesn't that only even further delegitimize the result because it means both sides didn't know what they were voting for? Secondly, May and others are using this questionable mandate to turn the UK into something that goes against everything Leave promised before the referendum. Prominent Leave campaigners promised that Brexit wouldn't mean leaving the single market (now it turns out it does mean that); Prominent Leave campaigners promised more money for the NHS. Now it turns out that to get a good deal from the EU, the UK threatens to become a tax haven (which means no NHS, or at least a very substantially smaller NHS). May putting all her eggs in a US-UK trade deal will probably also mean some sort of privatisation of the NHS because that's what Trump wants... If that had been on the ballot, no way would Leave have gotten a majority. If I were British I'd be very wary of how this Tory government is (ab-)using the support for Brexit to turn the UK into a anti-social, anti-civil liberties, anti-regulation tax haven. Final point, wasn't it Farage who said that in case Remain won with a small majority, this would in no way put an end to his cause?
  16. So Trump approves an oil pipeline that he owns stock in, and then puts a gag order on the EPA and USDA so they can't report on the effects. It's happening!
  17. The loonie factor does seem to be particularly strong and prevalent in one side...
  18. I agree.. but the line between funny and frightening is really thin. " Dave Padgett is feeling angry. 2 hrs · Barnsley, United Kingdom · So Gina Miller is shocked at the abuse and threats she has received for taking the government to court to stop article 50.This woman is not British although she as made millions in this country.Those millions are not in our banks, try off shore. She should be shot, hung ,drawn and quartered .Is that a threat yer it is, got to smile looking at her hench men at each side of her they looked as handy as a ash tray on a motor bike " Alan Kershaw 1 hr · Scunthorpe, United Kingdom · So much for Democracy. The judges who ruled this morning are nothing more then traitors to the English people..... As for Gina miller someone should end game that bitch....... "
  19. not really possible to appeal to the ECJ. case could only have been referred by supreme court. Anyway, this all seems like a waste of time as it won't change a thing. As I understand it, UK Parliament will (and was always going to) vote in favor of triggering article 50. Hope the March deadline will still be met.
  20. What is the reaction to the fact that he won't be releasing his tax-returns even after the audit is finished? Bit shocked (and frightened) by that..
  21. This is actually a lot harder than it should be. My brother is gay and him and his husband have been trying to adopt a child for years now. There's not enough kids up for adoption in Belgium so they have to go international. However, most countries where Belgians usually adopt from (Ethiopia, Somalia, the Congo, etc.) have very strict rules which require that the child goes to a traditional family (i.e. not same sex). Maybe it's easier in America because there are more possibilities to adopt within the US, but in ultra-liberal lefty Belgium, it's very tough for two gay guys to adopt a kid. (back on topic: so he's negatively impacted by a decision taken by someone who he didn't even get to vote for ).
  22. Never thought I'd say this, but right now this doesn't seem like the worst president.
  23. Steve, only allowing people to vote after they've had kids, wouldn't be the greatest thing for LGBT rights . - Yikes Rubes. Brexit will cause the Belgian GDP to drop 2-4 percentage points. This because of a decision I had no say in... however I don't equate you deciding what you think is best for you with threatening me.., and it doesn't make me want to fuck you with a barbed wire xmas tree . Other countries will make decisions without you having had a say in them, and those decisions might adversely affect you. It's just the way things go in a globalised world and it is not EU-related.
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