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Everything posted by holystove

  1. http://www.burnleyexpress.net/news/walker-claims-metric-signs-are-kick-in-the-teeth-for-brexit-burnley-1-8393290 "We fought two world wars, but now we are producing pathway signs in kilometers" .. Never forget the enormous sacrifice and bravery of the Baby Boomers in WW I and II
  2. He wasn't even supposed to play in that game but was brought on because of an injury to another player. Doesn't matter if you play in a relatively weak league, those two goals show his immense quality. Belgian press reporting today the following clubs are very interested and have contacted Anderlecht: Juventus, Napoli, Dortmund, Tottenham, Everton, Monaco and Atlético. Atletico currently in pole position, willing to pay upwards of 22m EUR.
  3. do you have a link to this study? Stunned that the highest scoring network still is factually wrong two thirds of the time
  4. After their win in Ostend yesterday, Rom was in dressing room talking to Youri. (hopefully about how great it is to play for Everton). @rscanderlecht/status/833406206433775618
  5. Maybe because this "journalist" (infowars) also has an audience in the US. "Journalists" like these now see their weird world view confirmed by a lunatic President.
  6. I disagree, Rubes. You're right, she is a Remainer and she was actually quite opinionated on this. Read some of her speeches before the referendum about how "it's clearly in the national intrest to remain in the European Union". I think the UK would have been much better of if someone from Leave had become PM. Even someone like David Davis who really believes in quitting the EU and has had, for a very long time, a vision of what life outside the EU should look like. The fact that May has to implement something she personally doesn't believe in, makes her completely clueless because she always has to ask herself the question "OK what would a Leaver do in this situation". Makes for very incoherent policy, as the last few months have shown.
  7. regardless of who he is or what he did, his speech was the most sensible opposition to Mays version of brexit since June 23rd.. together with Ken Clarkes speech in the house of commons. he didnt make his speech to become commission president, that's just absurd. his ambition in the past has been to become president of the European council (tusk), but that position was never going to go to someone from a country that was only half in the EU. anyway, imo, it would be a shame to disregard what he said because of who he was (is). I think he added something valuable to the debate. willing to debate substance
  8. Full speech by Blair: http://uk.businessinsider.com/tony-blair-full-speech-on-blocking-brexit-article-50-eu-second-referendum-2017-2 It's not gospel, but he makes some very interesting and true points.
  9. Tielemans starting for anderlecht right now against Zenit for those interested in watching a possible future Evertonian.
  10. in last years' CL, Gent beat Lyon, Valencia and Zenit.. they are not a bad side (very good manager). Gent deserved to win tonight, they were the better side. I assume spurs will win their home game though.
  11. his stats this season are great indeed. he 's past ready moving to a bigger league.. much like Lukaku half a decade ago. speaking of which, rom pick up the phone and call youri. oh and he's much much better than praet (praet = bilyaletdinov).
  12. He can play in all central midfield positions. Very exciting young talent, would love it if he came to Everton. I agree with Makis on the price, not cheap... especially considering there isn't much room left in central midfield with Gana, Schneiderlin and Barkley.
  13. Dept. for Int. Trade ‏@tradegovuk 20 u20 uur geleden Meer UK gov welcomes EU vote to ratify #CETA trade deal with #Canada. Well help British business take advantage of the benefits this will bring - This is the official twitter account for the Department for International Trade. It is not some parody account. (For those not as astonished as I am by this : Liam Fox making the argument for remain ; British business will get little advantage from this deal as in two years time it will no longer apply to the UK).
  14. General Petraeus looks to be the favorite to be picked as new national security adviser, after general Flynn was fired. Petraeus has two months left on his probation for mishandling classified documents. If he is selected he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours about his change in employment. Trump administration is beyond bizarre .
  15. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/587392/Everton-AC-Milan-Romelu-Lukaku
  16. in the article there's a link to his full blog .. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2017/01/dominic-cummings-brexit-referendum-won/ well worth a read from an interesting brexiteer. he makes clear that for him the end game was for Leave to win, and basically anything to reach that goal was fair play, including lying and misleading the public... after all the other side was doing it too. doesn't really strengthen the argument that describes the referendum result as "will of the people"
  17. The director of Vote Leave, Dominic Cummings, has said that given the small margin of victory the NHS-promise probably swayed the result towards leave. Ofcourse we'll never know for certain but IMO the lies (on both sides) were of such magnitude that the final outcome of the referendum was a crapshoot and of little value. Luckily the UK is a representative parliamentary democracy where referenda are only advisable . I don't believe a majority of people would vote for something that would make them poorer in the short term, with the remote possibility of maybe in the long term being as good (or better) off. Leave won because Vote Leave managed to convince a lot of people that it would be in their personal financial interests to do so; 350m for the NHS was quite powerful in that sense. I agree very much with this statement. Although it would have meant the UK would have stayed in the EU seeing how a majority of MPs were for Remain.
  18. if your manager and some players are rumoured to go to a "bigger" club, you're doing it right.
  19. . If we're going down that road, here's another funny one. http://twitter.com/ColinJohnTuite/status/829308374168772610
  20. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/175845 Here's an interesting one. Goes to the heart of stupidity of rerenda. Debate the possibility that the "Will of the People" has changed since Brexit
  21. Don't know if this is true or not, but if it were, this confirms that comparing Trump to Hitler or authoritarian leaders is just plain wrong. He most definitely is David Brent. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-administration-leaks_us_589a45f1e4b04061313a1fbb?1z2yceae87f3tmx6r WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that’s good for the economy? Or a weak one? So he made a call ― except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident. Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didn’t know, that it wasn’t his area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead. Trump was not thrilled with that response ― but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had placed the call at 3 a.m., according to one of Flynn’s retellings ― although neither the White House nor Flynn’s office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.
  22. "Chelsea plan to move again for Romelu Lukaku and Joao Cancelo as part of an aggressive close-season recruitment drive." https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-chelsea-plan-summer-spending-spree-with-romelu-lukaku-and-joao-cancelo-on-the-radar-143512509.html Conte doesn't seem to like Batshuayi (who towards the end under Wilmots was actually starting for Belgium, rather than Rom). I'd take 50m + Batshuayi.
  23. Just because a newspaper leans a certain way doens't mean everything published by it is rubbish. I've read sensible things in The Telegraph, aswell as the Guardian. Not all of The Telegraph articles are as moronic as this one : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/06/brexit-opportunity-reverse-tragic-decline-marriage-britain/ .. Anyway. I don't think publishing the demographics is a waste of time. For example, May can now think about how she can design Brexit-policy that will specifically appeal to younger voters as the voting figures show that they're the ones that need the most convincing. etc etc The BBC article isn't one-sided; it also includes the views of Brexiteers. Including the statement by Oxford educated Dominic Commings, director of Vote Leave, who believes that educated people overwhelmingly voted Remain because "the better educated people are, the more prone they are to holding irrational political opinions". .. .. So you've found an (anonymous) economist who believes brexit is a good idea.. I agree with him, but not regarding the economy. It is now possible for both of us to post twenty articles from economists who either say Brexit will be postive or negative, (even with the added requirement that they're all from the far-east), but I suggest we don't go down that road.
  24. Odd to say the least. http://justwriting.eu/?p=1012
  25. I just finished flipping through it. Its basically the lancaster speech with graphs thrown in. Funny parts: 1. part 8 of the white paper describes how the Single Market has alle the elements of trade the UK wants, but the UK wants to leave it. 2. In order to provide continuity HMG believes the preserved law should continue to be interpreted in the same way as it is at the moment. ... So as interpreted by the evil European Court of Justice , and with an enormous amount of "Brussels red tape". and my personal favorite 3. "Whilst Parliament has remained sovereign throughout our membership of the EU, it has not always felt like that." .. that's right, read that again.
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