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Everything posted by holystove

  1. Seems some in the EU haven't lost their sense of humour over this. First there was Juncker with his: Today, Tusk enters the race: (The Juncker one actually made me laugh.)
  2. Artikel 50 triggered ... 2 year countdown to liberation, freedom and sovereignty starts today
  3. great speech. he expressed my sentiments exactly. don't even know who that guy is, but the EU can definitely use his inspiration.
  4. Just because he signs a new contract doesn't mean he will stay. What if the new offer is 140k/week and a 65m buy-out? He would most likely sign but still with the intent to leave.
  5. fully agree. if you run over someone with your car, the penalty will be worse if the guy dies. if the guy just gets back up, you'll barely get a fine, if he dies it's vehicular manslaughter. don't see why it should be different with football injuries.. the consequences of your actions matter just as much (if not more) as the action itself.
  6. and then he pops up with a brilliant goal .. just about sums him up I guess.
  7. Just had a poor first half against sub par Greek defenders; constantly offside because he didn't hustle back in time from previous attack. Hate it when he's like that.
  8. Still.. a couple pages back in this thread, Rom was being compared to Deeney .. Comparison to Origi is definitely an improvement.
  9. Apparently he's nostradamus. I just like the quote and used it as a signature, rather than post it in this thread as it is opinion and noone is going to change those any time soon. But now that you mention it, tt's a quote from this article : https://capx.co/brexit-lunatics-will-destroy-britain/ if you disregard the title, he actually made a very good point about why leave would win.
  10. I agree there is no comparison, right now Rom is way ahead of him. But to be fair to Origi, three/four years ago, they were comparable, with some even making the case Origi had the brighter future. In the last two seasons Rom just took off, while Origi has stalled.
  11. I agree, the D66 result was very encouraging. Looking at the results a little closer, the right-wing nationalists got 14% (which resulted in 4 seats less in parliament compared to 2010), but the parties who openly campaigned for more international cooperation got over 20% (which resulted in an increase of 17 seats). Joris Luyendijk wrote a short piece about this in The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/20/brexit-press-dutch-elections-geert-wilders?CMP=share_btn_tw).
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-4325248/Carragher-Romelu-Lukaku-right-snub-Everton-deal.html jammie carragher
  13. Still convinced that having, or rather not having, Lukaku on our roster will have a big influence on him possibly signing with Everton.
  14. Trump views everything in terms of winning and losing, and to see him sulking through the entire photo-op with Merkel and then refusing to shake her hand was actually great to see. It is exactly the outcome you want when Trump meets a Western world leader. Let's hope he actually learned something about trade, human rights, how to treat (powerful) women, diplomacy, ..
  15. I fully agree with you there. Would add that cultural differences don't necessarily relate to countries, though.
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/compost/wp/2017/03/16/trumps-budget-makes-perfect-sense-and-will-fix-america-and-i-will-tell-you-why/?utm_term=.71a761168777&wpisrc=nl_most-draw8&wpmm=1 satirical analysis of Trump budget. Funny and sad at the same time.
  17. Yes, definitely good for the UEFA coefficient of the Belgian league, which decides how many CL and EL places every league gets. It's also encouraging that this years' sides in the quarterfinals are different from the one that reached the quaterfinal two years ago (Bruges), which does show some depth. Last time a Belgian team won the EL was in 1988-1989, it will be a long time before we see a team from the smaller leagues win it again.
  18. Agree on CL; Bayern - Madrid will be really close. EL I'd go for: ManU, Besiktas, Genk, Schalke.
  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/17/us-makes-formal-apology-britain-white-house-accuses-gchq-wiretapping/ US Admin now apoligizing to UK for saying wiretapping was done by GCHQ. So there's nowhere left to turn to for Trump to give some credibility to his statement... He should be censured by Congress for this.
  20. I think you are right that cultural differences will somewhat disappear as a result of globalisation. However, there isn't going to be a McD or Walmart in Cuba because someone is going to force Cubans to eat at McD or shop at Walmart. It's because people want to do those things. Tough to deny them that possibility because we want to keep the possibility of visiting indigenous cultures when we go on holiday. There will still be difference because how big the planet is, with warm regions, wet regions, mountainous regions, etc .. In keeping with the topic, islanders will always be islanders
  21. It can be practically implemented by working incrementally towards a common identity .. by opening borders, by creating common goals at an international level, by increasingly working together to meet those objectives, by creating the structures to achieve this, by increasing foreign aid, by encouraging scientific discovery, by promoting universal human rights, .. I personally wouldn't start closing borders, withdrawing from the international stage, demanding complete assimiliation for immgrants that do break through our borders, abandoning international treaties that guarantee human rights, building walls,
  22. To be fair, she couldn't keep a straight face .. from second 30 to 40 is hilarious. The Telegraph had a good piece on this : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/13/crafty-nicola-sturgeon-leaves-theresa-may-tangle/
  23. The biggest swing is from PvdA (Labour) to Green Party and Lim Dem. All the other parties more or less got the same result.. which Wilders admits, is a poor showing from him. Results show that "nexit" was only an issue in British (and us) media.. People who voted Wilders did so primarily from an anti-immigrant point of view and on the other side, a swing from Dutch Labour to Lim Dem and Green Party doesn't mean Holland is all of a sudden extremely pro-EU-federalism. Relevance for Brexit: likely coalition will be PVV (right centre liberals), CDH (christian centre), D66 (left centre liberals) and GL (left environmentalists) .. If the Tory-right reads the campaign promises of especially those last two, they will not be particularly impressed.
  24. Trump must be seething. Is there any mainstream media now branding this judge as an enemy of the people like what happened in England?
  25. going by exit polls, Wilders only 12%; everybody should be happy about that.. even though he would have made brexit easier for the UK, it's beter for brexit not to be associated with Wilders politics. Biggest winners Dutch versions of Lib Dem and Green Party who both openly campaigned for stronger EU. Well done, Holland.
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