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Everything posted by holystove

  1. Maybe so.. I'm not a fan but I hope turns out to be a great signing. Once a player is at Everton it no longer matters how much he cost, as long as he delivers what is expected of him.
  2. Yeah, I agree Tielemans was probably never coming to Everton .. just using him as an example. Same position - better player - lower price.
  3. This. I'm happy he's coming to Everton as he's an improvement over Barry. However.. I understand Koeman is Holland oriented and money is not really an issue anymore, but that doesn't mean we should be missing out on better players who went for less. (Tielemans at 25m € is the first that comes to mind, playing in the same position).
  4. This might seem a bit trivial but for someone from a small (geographically) member state who cant drive for 2 hours without being in another country, like me, this is really great. Surely (hopefully) something that can be kept in place for British tourists in EU and EU citizens in UK post-brexit.
  5. 144 is actually not the worst. according to YouGov May is at 63% disapproval one week after election. just to put things in perspective. ☺
  6. I still hope he comes to realize that Everton is his best option and that he needs to fully commit to the club. couldnt all be forgiven then?
  7. yes I would put those remarks on the same level as they all have the sole purpose of provoking people with an opposite point of view and have no basis in reality. however do fully accept your point than two wrongs dont make a right.
  8. My response was not meant as a bait to turn this thread into the worst parts of the brexit thread, but just to point out how some who might question pete0's aggressive stance regarding conservative voters were somewhat similarly round the bend with their opinions on what the EU is, or isn't. (search the thread for posts containing words like "dictatorship", "hitler" or "fascist").
  9. Agree with your post, but to be fair to pete0, many users were (/are) at that level in the Brexit thread on EU-related matters.
  10. well if you're expecting Bergkamp 2.0 you're in for a surprise. I hope I'll be proven wrong, I can only go on what I've seen from him so far. Once live (for The Netherlands), completely anonymous playing against proven Premier League midfielders, and numerous times on TV where he flourishes in the poor Dutch league but disappears in the biggest game of the season against ManU.
  11. That's actually a fair comparison. A 24 year old Naismith could have torn up the Dutch league and then disappear in the Europe League final just as well as Klaassen. Now the question is, who would pay 26m for a younger version of Naismith..
  12. Well then.. party of Macron projected to get 80% in French Parliament after yesterday's election to push through his agenda .. Notice the party of LePen will get between 1 and 5 seats (or less than 1% ! ). Anglo right wing media: - April 2017: Macron can't win - LePen will be president + frexit - May 2017: Macron won't get a majority in Parliament - lame-duck president - Juni 2017: .... ? is the nationalist anti-globalist wave that people were afraid of after Brexit and Trump dead?
  13. I get the feeling the people who now blame Corbyn for buying votes by promising free stuff are, on the whole, the same ones who believed the pie in the sky Leave were selling in the referendum.
  14. I was watching CNN and someone described DUP as basically Mike Pence if Mike Pence had his roots in a violent armed militia.
  15. Quite right on the Brexit negotiations. May at the very least needs a unified Conservative Party to get the Brexit she wants... try getting a hard Brexit past Ken Clarke (or Soubry for that matter). Also DUP doesn't want a hard border, which means Customs Union? As you say, not a working majority.
  16. (Turnout 18-24% as high as 72%). I wonder what people make of this tweet. I tend to disagree as Labour isn't the anti-brexit party.. but a lot of people seem to agree with this point of view.
  17. http://video.dailymail.co.uk/preview/mol/2017/06/09/457232430275644787/308x174_MP4_457232430275644787.mp4
  18. I have laughed at the news for the first time in almost a year. Schadenfreude, I believe is the word.
  19. I watched it for the first hour but thought it was a bit boring in the sense than it didnt add much to the letter than was released yesterday. I was however very impressed by Comeys opening statement. No notes, no prompter, nothing.. he spoke in a very coherent manner and didnt pause once. He came to the hearing extremely prepared.
  20. Religion doesn't annoy me either .. kids go to Catholic school as well. Today my son came home singing "we walk on the water, just like Jesus" ...
  21. I hope you are right about Michy playing at Everton but I was actually implying Batshuayi will start as striker for Chelsea ahead of Lukaku by christmas time.
  22. Regardless of the majority May will get, she has, with the way she has run her campaign, very effectively weakened her hand in the Brexit negotiations. Before the election she might have been perceived as a "bloody difficult women" and a tough negotiator. After this campaign she's seen as someone who shuns debate, nearly squandered an enormous lead in the polls, and U-turns on major policy decisions. Just press her, and she will fold. If the idea of this election was to get a stronger mandate for brexit it has backfired immensely. Granted, the alternative, Corbyn, isn't much better, but he has at least stated the first thing to do is to enter the negotiations as friendly allies, as opposed to May's more confrontational approach, which better suits her national (Daily Mail, Telegraph) audience, but won't result in a better deal.
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