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Everything posted by msloan78

  1. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    Fuck fuck fuckity fuck!!!
  2. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    Another season of no penalties?
  3. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    How many more little niggles are they going to get away with? FFS!
  4. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    Second half made for Mcgeady or Atsu I think. Pace to catch them out as they start to press further and further up the pitch.
  5. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    Foul on halfway was by Mertesacker on Lukaku too.
  6. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    Someone put something in Alan Smith please... ffs. Arsenal have done this that and the other.... blah blah blah!
  7. msloan78

    Arsenal (H)

    Don't get how Chambers wasn't a yellow if Baines was. Did Sanchez get a card for taking out Mcarthy?
  8. Everything I see, hear and read about Martinez and his plans for us make me think he will be here for quite some time and is looking at building something of a legacy. I hope so!
  9. Yes please! Why would you want to go to Arsenal and never play?
  10. Just listened to SSN transfer update on the radio, and according to the Times we met his representatives over the weekend with a view to signing.
  11. Tried to kill his flair and vision. What a load of shit.
  12. Would be pretty keen on these lads, but Townsend would probably be the one. Think Nauton could add some back up for Coleman, and is a similar player, in terms of how he tries play.
  13. Shane Long looks to be going for £12m. A fit Kone was a bargain for £6m in my eyes.
  14. I assume it would be because Chelsea were his sponsors. If he is not employed by them over the period of the loan, he needs a new sponsor and has to go through the process again.
  15. Definitely worth a look at that price. Very talented and has the ability to be a real game breaker. I think Martinez may also be the type of manager who could get something out of him.
  16. I live in Leicester now, and was desperate to take my little boy along for his first game.......... unfortunately tickets will be in short supply anywhere I reckon.
  17. Nice kit that. Quite often like the 3rd kits as there a little bit different to normal.
  18. On the back of this, there have been a few guys who have had to retire off the back of repeated concussions and potential permanent damage.
  19. In the Australian NRL comp, they have to complete a cognitive test at the start of the season. If they suffer a head injury, they have to go and resist the test on the side line. Get less than your preseason score, and you can't go back into the game. They are then tested again, and are not allowed back on duty until they meet that initial score. Works pretty well, but it can open to manipulation, eg. Scoring deliberately poorly in your preseason test. There is a similar protocol for RL in the UK, but I don't think it includes the sideline screening.
  20. To be fair the kid looks like he might have something. Played for Villa u16's when he was 12. Having seen some of the manchildren that play at that age group, fair play. I agree though it is terrible to dub anyone the new this or that, especially when Wilshere isn't that great anyway.
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