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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. Half time thoughts-


    Yakubu didn't celebrate his goal at all. Miserable get, although the service (lack of) he's had I'm not surprised.


    Castillo looks decent. Keen to get on the ball, and broke up a few Stoke attacks. Maybe a little over enthusuastic with some of the passes he's pinging at people.


    We look much more sold at the back with Lescott at left back.


    Fellaini been tidy, but nothing spectacular. Had a shot blocked from about 40 odd yards. Looks to have a rocket of a shot.


    Fantastic to see Cahill back. Just wondering how long he'll get today.

  2. I can't believe that someone thought it would be a good idea to spend 5billion (?) on finding out what it was like immediately after creation.

    Surely that much money could be spent much better on getting the future/present sorted out, or even reducing my bloody gas/lecky bills.

    On top of that, which clown signed off on their risk assessment? Slight possibility of bringing about the end of everything..... hmmm. Get knotted, go and find a new toy somewhere else!

  3. Would judge any proposal individually I think....the Lerner model would be OK but Shinawatra No.


    Agreed. Lerner appears to have allowed Oneill to just get on with it, but giving him the funding thats been needed.

    They've managed the difficult takeover issues and still managed to keep their identity as opposed to Chelski, United (to a degree), City and our smelly friends from across the park.

  4. I think there is no chance of us signing this lad in january, unless you boys have an absolutely disgraceful Champions League. After hearing that it was him that knocked us back, I reckon he'll be off to top 4 (or maybe Liverpool) or Italy/Spain next year!

  5. Mickey Mouse is in court filing for divorce from Minnie Mouse.


    Judge- Mr Mouse, could you please approach the bench.


    Mickey approaches the bench.


    Judge- Mr Mouse, I'm not sure you have sufficient grounds for divorce.

    I don't believe your wife having bucked teeth is a good enough reason to grant this divorce application.


    Mickey- Judge. I didn't say that my wife had 'bucked teeth'!

    I said she was fucking Goofy!!

  6. Woman goes to see her doctor to discuss her medication.



    W- Doctor I want to change my HRT.


    D- Why what appears to be the problem?


    W- Well, since starting it I've noticed hair growing in strange places where it hasn't before.


    D- Where exactly?


    W- MY BALLS!

  7. I think your right Liker mate Castillo imo will play the more advanced football and Fellaini will do the dirty work at the back either way tho if both turn out to be good players and we have a fully fit squad we look very good on paper, With the likes of Saha competing and a good set of MF's to choose from im quite looking forward to how things pan out, As we know were very suspect at the back with Lesbo at CB i just hope Moyes see's sense and goes back to the winning formula we had last season plus i'd like Jacobson to turn out to be an improvement on Neville if that is the case i can still se us doing very well


    Not too sure about that one boys.


    "Hi all from Belgrade.


    Castillo is very good player and you are lucky to get him.


    He is hard working defensive midfielder with great understanding of game and very good anticipation. Although vertically chalenged, he scored quite a few headers during his 2 year spell with us, during which he was voted best player by fans twice. I think the real reason B'burn didn't sign him is his contract, which is very complicated - he is partly owned by his former Ecuadorian club, partly by Red Star, partly by his manager, which won't look good with your FA after Tevez case. Also, he desperately wanted to get out of Red Star which is in permanent ownership turmoil for some time now, so he didn't had any training with us during pre season. I guess you will have to wait for month or two to start seeing the best of him."

  8. Found this info on http://www.footballtransferleague.co.uk/fo...ll_club=Everton , relating to accuracy of of transfer rumours.


    I've worked it out that the average level of accuracy for all the papers is 17.42%.


    Blue Kipper reckons that we were linked with 95 players over the course of the whole summer window.


    By my reckoning Everton were either officially interested in/made enquiries about 16 players.


    Probably wrong but never mind. I was soooooo fed up last night at (12.30) that that I started mucking about with the numbers.

  9. I think the circumstances surrounding Saha's transfer are in our favour.


    1. He's come from within that culture at Man U. Professional and I can't recall seeing him in the papers once for being

    pissed, or slagging his mates off.

    2. He comes to us with a point to prove.


    Nash must know that he's not going to get many games, and so the move for him is a realisation of a dream. Experienced cover that a lot of folk thought was needed.


    Fellaini looked very impressive against the Shite. Hopefully he can continue that level of performance here.


    What a difference a day makes. (There's a song in that somewhere :) )

  10. Team looks a little more interesting now. Lets be honest the players that have left only really Johnson, Carsley and Fernandes played that much.


    Howard, Nash, Turner, Ruddy (4)


    Hibbert, Neviller, Lescott, Jacobsen, Baines, Valente, Yobo, Jagielka (8)


    Arteta, Pienaar, Cahill, Osman, Castillo, Rodwell, Fellaini, VDM(?), Gosling (9/8)


    Saha, Yakubu, Anichebe, Vaughan, Baxter (5)


    Not too bad for numbers, but think we just need to get over the couple of injuries we've got in midfield at the minute.

    Just glad transfer window is now shut!

  11. Agree with you on that one mate, but we've said all along every club in Europe knew the shit state were in and were going to play the game accordingly.


    We've been linked with this fella since almost the start of the window. Glad he's here and hope he works out, but hate the fact the club have left it until stupid o'clock to get him in!!!!

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