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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. Weighed myself at physio today, and it would appear that my enforced lack of activity and rich living (home cooked curries), have not been kind to my weight and/or waistline.


    Therefore I am going on some sort of diet I think. Not decided which.... any ideas?


    Almost 2 stone heavier, so I'm not being over sensitive about my weight! :)

  2. We've been gash giving him any support. We all know he's not the kind of player to go chasing after the ball down the channels, but we still persist in doing it and expecting him to pull something out the hat.

    Give him chances and he'll score, but he's not ideal in a 4-5-1.

  3. As much as the lad is a true blue, and gives 100% and is probably a nice bloke (as all blues are)......


    HE IS A CARTHORSE AND WANTS SHOOTING. Failing that he wants selling to someone in the championship, because I'm afraid that his level.


    Sorry Hibbo!!!!

  4. I can only see the gap between have's and have not's getting bigger.


    US government bail out the big guns like AIG, because they're a flagship company. On the back of that they'll be no danger that they can't continue sponsorship.


    A team say in League 1 isn't going to have the same level of sponsor who can afford not to cut back on spending. Even in the Premier League you'll find similar situations. For example Chang. They will lose out on cash because people will not spend the leisure pound on their product, haven't got a 'sugar daddy' to bail them out, and so could potentially pull the plug at the drop a hat a la XL.


    Don't think it'll be long before the arse falls out of it.

  5. Got a couple of mates who are Arsenal fans, and that rumour was doing the rounds a long time ago. Seem to remember him going through a big mental breakdown of some sort around about the same time too.


    If he is, he is. So what! Nothing to with the ability to play football. One of the best centre backs to play in this country.

  6. Week before last they cocked up an internet order and wwe were left waiting for over 2 hours after the food should have been delivered. Complained to the head office, because the branch weren't prepared to do anything about it. Only took the order because we were starving.


    Got £15 'gift vouchers' off them to use on Pizza Hut. Rang to order tonight and we just got a range of excuses off them.

    'Pizza Hut don't do vouchers'

    'You can only use vouchers at a restaurant'

    'You can't use vouchers on any deals, because you can't use multiple promotions'

    'You can use them but you must pay the full menu price'


    It was only a couple of quid difference, but on principle I refused to buy off them.

    I'm sensing another strongly worded letter to Pizza Hut!


    Had a kebab instead. JBS Special- Chicken shish, Doner, Kofte on Naan with chilli and yoghurt. Made me feel a bit better about the evening!!!!

  7. We've got 3 left backs and the only one that hasn't played is Valente (for some reason)











  8. I actually couldent eat that :lol: I don't like anything to do with insides. I mean heart, liver, kidneys? Not for me thanks. Rice and Yoghurt sound nice thought - and always good to have a Mrs that can cook. ;)


    Sorry what I meant was Kidneybean curry, not Kidney and bean curry.

    Agree with you on the innards and offal stuff mate.... No ta. Doesn't matter how good a cook she is, I still couldn't eat it!


    My mrs is Indian.... so home cooked curries-a-gogo in our house!

  9. Freezing cold saturday morning playing for Broadgreen Comp agains St Dominics in the cup.

    About 10 minutes from the end our centre back cleared the ball to me on the halfway line. Turned the defender took 2 touches to mid way into their half... 35 yards out, on the volley, top right corner!!! B-E-A-U tiful!


    Funniest goal I've seen was when my mate scored with his knob from a corner when I played for the Liver Vaults! Ran back to our half with us trying to celebrate, just clutching his balls. Brilliant!

  10. :lol:


    If anything, it was your player who was asking the ref to book Skrtel in the first half just because Felliaini was given one.


    Arteta did ask for the player to be booked.... correct! Well done!

    I don't like to see it from anyone, but the fact is it is not the first time that in the derby that a liverpool player has asked for the card to be produced, and lo and behold 'yes you're right... he is a dirty twit... I will send him off as you reccomend'!!


    Ultimately though I'm not blaming the ref for the result, just some piss poor decisions and unmitigated bias. We simply weren't good enough!

  11. We were poor all over the shop again today, apart from probably Jags and thought Neville was ok.

    Think Fellaini is defo struggling with the pace of the Prem. No offence to any of the Belgian lads that come on here, but the difference between the 2 leagues is massive and he's clearly not been stretched as much as this there.


    Cahill red card......... hmmmmmm. Another example of reds asking for a player to be carded, and getting exactly that. Nothing to do with not turning around to be booked.


    Need Pienaar back and perhaps another creative influence in January. Arteta is our only creative outlet, and so gets man marked or doubled up which basically means he's not able to get in the game.


    Thursday now takes on even more importance. COYB and Moyes... get your hand out of your arse, pick up the pen and scratch your initials on the contract!!!!

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