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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. 1995 FA Cup Semi final day:

    I had to spend some of the afternoon in Alder Hey, while I had stitches put into a gash over my left eye.


    24th May 2009:

    I was sat in the hospital in Leicester, with my our son having stitches put into a gash over his left eye.


    Coincedence...... I THINK NOT! COYB!!!!

  2. Taylor showed real class after the class. After a stoppage like that, most would come out with the old 'I was still able to fight, and the ref shouldn't have stopped it', but he just said that it was the refs job to make sure they were both safe and so...


    Top finish, and hopefully Froch will get some big fights in the future!

  3. Easily Baines best game for us...


    Made up that Castillo put a performance in, and Jacobsen.


    Pienaar also backed up sundays performance with his usual cracking work ethic. If only he could've finished!


    Jo aswell, chased a few lost causes and could/should've won the game for us. But he's working well to get in the positions.

  4. What a load of crap!!!


    Man City will not pay £25 million for a player who is 'recovering' from major knee surgery. Having come through something similar and knowing what it takes to get back to anywhere near top level, he won't be in a position to complete a rigorous medical during the next transfer window in my opinion.


    Lazy journo's trawling previous gossip!

  5. At Alder Hey, having 12 stitches put in above my eye. Split it playing for the Liver against Crosby Stewart in the morning.


    Didn't want to go hospital in case I missed the game, but went at half time. Got called in just as Tottenham were given the penalty which Klinsmann scored.


    Beautiful day, even though my head was killing and I couldn't see out of 1 eye!

  6. Really gutted to slip up.


    The biggest and most depressing thing about today was the wanky commentary and chat from there team.


    Craig Burley is a penis, and why have they got Tim 'Nobody is going to break into the top 4 apart from Spurs' Sherwood on the team. Another bellend. I couldn't believe that this game was not on Villa TV, with partisan Villa commentators the way Burley was carrying. Nothing but a has-been.

  7. I thought Jo did alright today. Got involved, dropped deep a few times, and linked the play up quite well (at times).


    Pienaar, as always, worked his knackers off and made up he got his goal.


    Cahill and Felleini were neat aswell. Think Cahill has really hit some good form last couple of games. Not only has he been a threat in the box, but he seems to be contributing a hell of a lot to the team as whole.

  8. He's a diving over rating twat!

    Asked for how many penalties today, and didn't get booked (or even spoken to) for diving.

    Quite liked him when he first moved to Villa, but now he seems to be believing is own hype. Free kicks were awful, and he seems to think he's Ronaldo with all the pleading for protection!



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