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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. Judging by the way some of the stuff is written on the website, I reckon it's somewhere in SE Asia knocking tops out for a fraction of the cost.


    Me and my mate bought a few a couple of years back in Singapore. Top quality gear, with all the right badges, fabrics, logos etc.

  2. In a heartbeat.....


    His head would've been turned playing for England with some of the lads who played for 'the big 4', also his agent has a lot to answer for.


    Ultimately though, we were able to get a big wedge for him which allowed us to move onward and upward. If he'd have stayed at the time, he could potentially have become an Evertonian version of Matt Le Tissier. Great on his day, but if he didn't turn then neither did the team because he would have dominated so much of our style of play.


    Only thing you can say (and the same for Franny Jeffers), is that he didn't go just for money but actually furthered his career quicker than he could have here.


    Could get him back (if we can afford him) when Moyes becomes United manager! :ph34r:

  3. State of Origin made quite an impact with Pig Flu. Think Lockyer and a few of the Broncos guys were put into quarantine, and still some chat about some of the other blokes that were involved.


    Hope it doesn't have an impact on the next SOO game, and hopefully Setanta wont have gone completely tits up before the series finishes.

  4. I don't doubt that they could afford him (if they really wanted to), but it's just down to squad dynamics.


    Who would they get rid of? Start of the season, I would've said Ireland, but he's been probably one of their best performers.


    Apart from that, I've mentioned before that I don't think Spud will be fully fit until after the transfer window. I had my cruciate done in August last year, and it's still not 100%. He'll have better treatment and rehab, but still.....

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