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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. What a big bag of turd that was! Arsenal cantered through that 2nd half, and we looked like a bunch of numpty twats who had never met. Defending for the free kicks was abysmal, no pressure on the lads taking shots outside the box, and pretty one paced attack. Looks like the whole Lescott saga has affected the squad more than we really thought!


    Only bright sparks for me were that Saha looked very sharp when he came on, Pienaar ran his bollocks off again, and Fellaini didn't do too bad either.


    According to some of the chat on ESPN, were set to announce a couple of signings in the next 2-3 days. At least 1 on loan, and 1 permanent.


    On a positive note, we can only improve on the wank that was served up today!

  2. I don't see this at all!!!! ha ha.


    So apparently now Man City are employing 2 'super negotiators' to 'respectfully' talk BK and Earl into selling. REALLY?!?!?


    Joorabchian is a massive egotist from what I've seen in interviews etc and I think would be highly unlikely to work with someone else if it wasn't to his own major benefit.


    I agree on the fact that Moyes would be out the door if this were go ahead behind his back.

  3. I like Saha and think he adds a lot fir us when he's fit, but I agree that 8m for a 31yr old in the last year of his contract is a hell of an offer. I don't think Martins went for much more


    Tuncay from Boro would be a good shout and Bent would've been another one, but can't really think of too much outside that.

  4. would bmw win the f1 woth the same car as last year? so why do we all seem to be happy with nobody coming and all think that we can break into it?

    we've lost out to spurs already now looks like villa will get delph! you watch paul frandangointo will appear from the sweedish league next week costing 15m 3ft tall with a comb over at the age of 19. i mean we haven't bought anybody with 2 weeks till the big kick off! is it not normal to line up transfers before the transfer window opens? i thought the longer they new players trained and played with the current squad the faster the settle in? is it possible for us not to sign anybody this summer??? imo its a joke and i know we've signed two kids but they are hardly going to make a massive impact


    I don't mind.... he's awesome on Champ Manager :)

  5. When we signed Lescott from Wolves, some of their fans came on here saying that he was a really loyal and down to earth kind of lad. I'm hoping he is still that kind of person and hasn't got his head stuck in the clouds.


    If he does go then I think it will probably be for 25m with Dunne/Sum Baadhi possibly coming on loan until January while we sort a replacement out.


    Hopefully though we can all come on here after Transfer Deadline day with him still in the royal blue.

  6. To be fair Karmichael as he prefers to be called, is a quality athlete although I reckon he's a bit overrated as rugby league player. probably about 4th choice fullback for the Kangaroos now.


    League is well known for producing good athletes and boxers (Mundine, Haumono, Money-Bill etc) but be interesting to see how he gets on playing another code.

  7. The thing that is frustrating is that the guys we are linked with are clearly available, unlike when we all get our hopes up about Riquelme and Moutinho. I'm a bit more concerned that good quality players are choosing to play for (in my opinion) lesser clubs.


    I believe that there is money available, and that we will pull somthing out the bag... i just wish we wouldn't leave it until 23.59 on deadline day.

  8. ..............Howard...............







    Subs: Given, Bridge, Richards, Kompany/De Jong/, Elano/Petrov/Robinho, Tevez, Santa Cruz


    Just my opinion like :D

  9. Get the last 2 skittled early doors in the morning, and force the follow on. After a good nights rest the bowlers should be raring to have another crack at them.


    Interesting little debate about the wicket of Ponting. Even though it was given, defo not out for the catch but more than a good shout for the LBW.

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