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Posts posted by DonKey

  1. Saha looks alright.


    Neville looks like an AIDS infested Peter Crouch.


    Pienaar and Osman look like bad guys from GTA or something.


    Fellaini has had an incident with some form of scary ass barber somewhere.


    And er... Baines is erm... more like Steven Taylor than Baines.


    Nice graphics but a shame they look nothing like who they are supposed to look like.

  2. What a incredibly silly thing to say from Moyes, goes up there with slagging Fernandes off after his MOTH against United whilst giving Neville a pat on the back. Yakubu is a goal scorer for goodness sake, which he is bloody good one at that! Moyes knew what he was investing in, so does he really think he can change him and still have him being effective, especially after a long injury and his age?


    Moyes should keep it closed and concentrate on learning tactics other than being negative, and teach the players to keep the ball on the ground. A great manager would have a team placed to provide for the jewel in the attacking crown, not send him fishing for aimless punts to the wings.


    Yeah, it's all downhill after 26 isn't it. The arthritis, and the incontinence just add to the fact that you just don't seem to be as good as you once were. Bloody whippersnappers.


    On a serious note, Saha is also a goalscorer and is showing the way for me in terms of graft and contribution to our general play. While Yak is still coming back from a serious injury, do you really want to see a modern day Micky Quinn equivalent.... REALLY?!?!

  3. I'm still trying to find pictures of the last 5/11 minutes.


    a) Hughes face when City look like they've nicked the draw

    B) Hughes berating the linesman(tapping his watch and all that crap), and then being pushed out of the way by the merry flagwaver.

    c) 10 seconds later Fergie and the 4th official having a good old chuckle 5 metres in front of Hughes face.


    Quality. :D

  4. It could genuinely go to Noah's brother Ever E Baahdi for that performance.


    Gave it Rodwell though. He looked like a giant amongst mortals for me. Composed on the ball, always looked like he had so much time. Picked his passes well and drove forward when he got the opportunity.


    I thought he, Fellaini and Cahill all really complimented each others play.


    Notable mentions for Gosling and Jo aswell for me.

  5. Thought he came across quite well in his little interview on Ch5. Didn't sound at all like the Billy Big Balls I thought he would. Praise for Moyes, praised the club, said it would be good playing with Cahill, and then said he hoped to play a 'small but significant part' in our season.


    Like a lot of folk on here I was unsure about him, but he is a decent player who adds depth and experience to a good squad.


    All in all, quite pleased with the lads we've brought in! Well done Moyesy!

  6. I think he generally uses the ball well when he gets it, and is a big focus for us when we go forward. Last season he was getting used to the tempo and style of the prem and so far (if were honest) the rest of the squad haven't shone in a below average start to the season.


    The fact is we have the makings of a good squad with the potential to bring real quality and or experience off the bench. As a general point I'd be pleased if no-one was guaranteed a game and places were at stake every week.


    Although we did get stung for £15m (or thereabouts), lets wait and see what happens as he matures a bit more.

  7. Was watching the Sunday Supplement on Sky Sports and one of the blokes was advocating a scheme where clubs are not allowed to buy u18 players. So I'd imagine it would be something like you sign on scholarship forms until your 18th birthday. By that point teams will generally know if you are the real deal, and the price to buy will go up accordingly.

  8. Sorry folks, I couldn't find the other thread.


    Reading his interview on Sky Sports, and theres 1 or 2 subtle clues that we were one of the clubs after him in the window.


    "With one (Premier League) club there was actually a deal on the table waiting to be done for quite a while and I couldn't understand why it wasn't sorted"


    :rolleyes: There could only be one club who conduct their transfers like that can't there?

  9. Not football related but... Played last preseason game for my rugby team today and had to get the air ambulance out for a lad on the opposition. Looked like he'd bust his neck.


    2nd one in 3 weeks. The other lad dislocated his spine. Couple of operations later and by the sounds of things he's started to get feeling back in his fingers.

  10. I'd perhaps look at a referral system similar to American Football and what they plan to put in place in the Cricket pretty soon.


    Teams allowed X number of challenges, but if they get it wrong there's some form of standard penalty.


    Either that or a system where the ref will allow play to continue until a video ref makes the call. That could be a bit messy though I suppose.

  11. I'm a bit surprised there going to spend so much on a player who is not as good as Modric. Only reason their trying for him is because of the injury.


    I really dislike Spurs at the minute and especially the way Harry "Well.... I like the lad, and I think we are going to put a bid in, maybe increase his wages... he's definitely someone we'd like here... but I can't talk too much about it as the Chairman are talking to his people" Redknapp does his transfer deals in the public.

  12. Was looking on FA website to see if I could find the rules about loaned players. Didn't, but I'm certain they're not allowed to play against the parent because it falls into the 3rd party ownership thing or something along the same lines.


    But anyhow;




    Looks like the injury curse has struck again as Vaughany is out of the u21 squad with a knee injury. This lad must've been a right bastard in a previous life for all the bad luck he's having in this one.

  13. I think the fact he is being greedy is a sign that he's feeling good and confident about how he's playing at the minute. Watched far too many players when confidence has been low who've been frightened to take responsibilty and have a dig.


    Hopefully he can keep himself fit, because this is probably the best form he's been in for maybe the last 5-6 years.


    Yes I have been impressed with Saha.

  14. I had the privilege to meet big Dunc twice. Once when he came into Kirklands, where I used to work and then when I went for a photo with the FA cup in Littlewoods in town. Got to the front of the queue and he remembered me from months before.


    Back on topic..... the guy was legend of his time. He inspired the fans, and teamates, and shook up the opposition and you could almost always guarantee that something would happen when he was on the pitch. In terms of 'Legend' status over other greats, I do think Dunc will always be a hero more due to personality than sheer technical ability, but there are more deserving folk to be labelled as legends!

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