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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Moyes is getting loads on here - some of which I agree with, some is just fickle. Is the match against Suderland not the must win game this week? Yes vs the shite for pride but that will soon be forgotten if we progress to wembley after a win on sat. Imagine we grind out a hard fought point or even a win then follow up with defeat vs Sunderland - some would be moaning that our players were burnt out having played 3 games in a week (£40k a week!!! - I know.) Yes we may have lost momentum but at the same time we may have avoided a tired performance on Saturday (in a more important game). I personally am forgetting about that shite last night and am ready to get fully behind the boys on sat and hopefully again at wembley (twice). Yes Moyes cocked up last night but he'll have critics whatever - I think last night was perfect for Cahill and Neville!!! he's now got a chance to take us to wembley again and let's just prey he delivers! P.s. I will be critical if the Heit/Distin partnership is not restored on Saturday.
  2. We're the early game on Saturday aren't we?
  3. We've been shite but every bastard bobble and deflection has gone to them - those heated balls again or is it Kopite magnets?! Conspiracy!!!
  4. It wouldn't surprise me... just made it up though!
  5. Neville's coming on for Vic - pienaar on the left then.
  6. That line-up makes sense as Sunderland is the most important game this week and the defending we had to do on sat - give any of us 1 win and 1 loss this week... I know which way round I'd have to pick!!! But we're hopefully going to exceed all expectations this week... COYB!
  7. 10 men... That's just cocky!!!
  8. I think it's a cert that nev and Cahill start for us - Gerrard and carragher for them.
  9. Easy... pity he doesn't speak with such elegance on here!
  10. Delighted, I agree with the comment of there not being a current PL manager I would prefer at GP.
  11. I think we're playing that young keeper Larry Lose... one of our many up and coming keepers!
  12. I think the result shows the subs were correct - Osman should have arguably sealed the win when he went through from the RM position. With Cahill we had someone who can (not saying he did all the time) hold the ball up if we need to relieve the pressure - Royston can hold on to the ball and drive us further up the field but it was clear it wasn't happening 2nd half. When Roy came off he was clearly the player who needed replacing. If Anichebe had of come on I don't think we would have been talking about a win here - sometimes you've got to accept a team is going to throw the kitchen sink at you and all you can do is defend well - look at Arse/Milan mid-week. Milan started to defend at 3-0 down and just did enough. I have no qualms whatsoever about decisions made today.
  13. Spurs have only lost to both mancs (twice each), arse and stoke before today (I think?!). The 2nd half onslaught was enevitable, regardless of whether it was deserved, overall it's an excellent 3 points. COYB!!!
  14. Drenthe needed to come off he was lost in the game today (decent 1st half but you can tell when he's not on his game) - Rodwell, although didn't do a lot, was the right person to bring on at a time when we were under the cosh. Jelavic gave all he could and couldn't walk when replaced and then Jags came on to sure things up and we went 3 cb's as many have called for. To be fair I think the subs made got us over the line today.
  15. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    I'm sure he had a short unsuccessful spell at Leicester - yes.
  16. Is this to do with our recent upturn in form?
  17. I'm getting all this (including line rental) for £50 a month - all you have to do is threaten to quit sky every year - talk to retention and they'll put together a package to keep you... this year free phone, line rental and broadband - next year maybe 50% off channels. Basically if you've been with them for a while they'll offer you something - the chap who sorted mine as good as told me to ring and 'negotiate' a deal next year but it'll have to be a different discount.
  18. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Was just coming back on after run and food to add viera - must admit gallas and wiltord totally slipped my mind - shocked at number of caps for wiltord always saw him as more of a back-up option for france.
  19. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Thuram Barthez Zidane Deschamps Blanc Lizarazu Desailly Henry Would be shocked if any of them aren't there... off on a run now so will have another ponder!
  20. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Last guesses - Andreas Brehme and/or Markus Babbel?
  21. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Muller (getting de javu here!) Thomas Hassler was another recent one wasn't he?
  22. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Forgot Klinnsman too and I remember sforza being Swiss capt - maybe Bayern too?!
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