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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Think a few have been watching the red shite run throughs rather than our game today!!!
  2. In saying sacked I mean sent back to Madrid - he's not ours to sack!
  3. Rumour has it that he was out on the beak and it's not the first time! http://www.bluekipper.com/news/players_news/4256-royston_drenthe_sacked.html
  4. Lower team tactics vs Swansea? I think they've proved they are top notch at home with wins vs arse and man.city and out playing most teams at the liberty. I agree with Romey credit where it's due... we wore them down, maybe stopped them playing their game then played a bit ourselves - football's a 90minute game. Sure I read they've got the 2nd best home defence in the prem and certainly one of the best records. Let's take this momentum we've all been harking on about into Sunderland now!
  5. c1982

    Arsenal (home)

    ...and heckled him with "beat the 1st man mikky..." on each corner. He got a few cheers when he didn't!!! He got a deserved warm welcome back.
  6. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Liam Brady as mentioned by DK above.
  7. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Surprised a few aren't on there so guessing oldies?! O'Leary should he there, maybe Wright but he was at palace for a long time, bould too. Also bob Wilson and pat rice aren't they part of the furniture (literally).
  8. Kind of player who play well off jelavic's hold up play - would love this to happen although he seems to have lost his way a bit this season.
  9. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    De Gea is surely the missing one... wasn't it from a.madrid for £18m?
  10. c1982

    Zoo's Quiz.

    Looking at the dates on the correct answers the missing answer is his first club or a loan early in his career - I'm going for a lowish level Dutch club... what about Uterecht?
  11. Correct both French - they came to me eventually... Bellion shite, Pogba seems a tit!
  12. Ha, just came as I entered... Saha!!! Silvestre
  13. Barthez Evra Cantona Blanc Prunier Obertan Too early to think!!! Bet I'm missing some obvious ones!
  14. The fact people saying Gerrard was playing shite is a huge compliment to him - he scored a hat-trick!!! He is a match winner - felli is class, no doubt, but he's not going to single handedly win us games at the highest level - Gerrard has proved he can do this... there for me is the difference. I hate Gerrard and love Fellaini though so that's all that matters!!!
  15. I got stick off a Liverpoo fan who hasn't been to analfield in his life yet once owned a Villa season ticket - I went to town on the c*#t!!!
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