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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Once again this thread/forum shows how fickle football fans are... if we had won Moyes would be Moysiah (he probably wouldn't actually - it would have been brushed over) until if we lost in the final. The majority of us would have picked the team he put out yesterday, yes we may have liked Drenthe's impact but none of us know the full story there. The fact is we looked comfortable enough in the 1st half but the game turned on the Distin mistake and we never really came back from that. Yeah it may have been the tactics or lack of by Moyes and many of the players must be accountable. Maybe it is time (I personally disagree), his record away to 'bigger' teams is awful and we've failed once again on the biggest stage so what do we (EFC) do? Would people on here want Moyes sacked then? The football world would think EFC are mad and who would want to come to us after that?! Basically it's not happening, the only way Moyes will go is if he moves on to a different job or runs his contract down - so we can stop the sack Moyes nonsense now. As for his replacement, I'd struggle to name many available managers who would take us on from what Moyes has already done. Rodgers, Martinez, Lambert... all under contract - remember we don't have a lot of money to buy-out a managers contract... It annoys me the doomsdayers who highlight our faults and have managed to ignore a lot of the good that has happened in recent weeks. We all want EFC to be the best but we're not. Kenny is probably 'King' again today... does that mean he's doing a good job at that lot? We need to stand by and support Moyes while he is here - none of us know what would/could happen without him. Maybe if this 'investment' suddenly appeared the situation could be reviewed but for anyone to suggest Moyes has been anything but an excellent manager for EFC needs their head checking! Manager of the year 3 times is it?
  2. That game was there... it was so, so winnable. Jones and Carragher got off lightly yesterday, they should have been targeted and as soon as we let them back into the game it seemed we knew what would happen already... the players, the management and even the fans - we all went flat at 1-1. A huge missed opp and sadly we've made our neighbours look good again on a morning they announce a summer pot of £20-30m targeting young players... I don't know where we go from here, yes it was just a game but I think that it could be a really big game in terms of the future of the club!
  3. We were perfect in the first half but really shite 2nd. Distin's mistake was costly!
  4. Up at 5 for a 6.20 train which should arrive at euston by 9.15am... bit of breakie (after a few cans on train) then to the green man and then wembley way!!! COYB!!!
  5. You paid £255 for a ticket you're not going to use... by gosh Eddie that's a bit shit!!!
  6. Cost of Wembley ticket to watch the Merseyside Derby - £60 Cost of Eddie's ticket too - £60 Cost of return train ticket for Eddie of course - £30 Cost of full english breakfast (large) for Eddie of course - £10 Cost of 5 pre-match pints for Eddie of course - £20 Cost of pie and another pint in the ground for Eddie of course - £10 Cost of 5 post-match beers for Eddie of course - £20 Cost of a 'rub and tug' special in Camden for Eddie of course - £30 Cost of super hot big boy kebab and can of Fanta to consume on the return train home for Eddie of course - £10 Cost of providing Eddie with the best day out in his life... priceless! I don't know about anyone else but I'm in!!! Edit: ooops went over budget on the rub and tug... found a cheaper Eastern European one!!!
  7. Disagree with your pienaar view and taking what Dunc has said into consideration I'll leave it at that!!! Got to agree that Ossie doesn't always get the plaudits he deserves though.
  8. Bale, Modric, Van Der Vaart, Parker, Lennon... name 1 player who would cost say the £5m we may have to pay for pienaar who would get into that midfield?! There's no shame in not dislodging those players!!!
  9. Pienaar productivity stats have been brought up time and time again (I haven't seen them) but a huge majority of fans, the players, the pundits all say he's top notch and makes EFC a better team... through my eyes he's a fine player who is an essential part of our set-up. Statistically he may not have as many assists/goals as he maybe should but it's been said and I'll say it again he often assists the assist e.g is our main playmaker. Pienaar is a very clever player and speed isn't a huge part of his game so I think he's well worth a 4yr contract. MOTD show Pienaar to be good and it's no lie - I watch him on a weekly basis and he's true class in my opinion (minus the derby!)
  10. Just out of interest peteO... how often do you watch Everton games live or full 90mins?
  11. Tickets are here... excited now!!!
  12. Ryan Giggs - 39 years old... Pienaar has many years left in him, he's easily worth £5m of our (non-existent) funds. Yeah he left us for 'bigger' things but he'll get his 'punishment' by watching his EFC team mates lift the FA cup and not be a part of it. Pienaar makes us play better and to be fair he's probably paid for himself already in final league placing!
  13. Can't believe what I am seeing - it wouldn't surprise me if Jones gets a 2nd yellow and walks!!!
  14. I can read but not post on quiz screen... Ruiz is Costa Rican... Baudajeer (Wigan bought from brum), jara of west brom are both from chille and I'm sure pizzaro of man.city is the 3rd (if not he's from Peru).
  15. Just go for it... there's no Sunderland thread less than 24hrs before - it's all yours. Also they'll be loads of people in here for the semi I'd imagine - I may pop on via my phone if I can get enough signal in wembley.
  16. Top pro! I am proud of how the majority of our players express themselves in the media.
  17. Heitinga was rested I'd imagine... it'll be jags/Heit vs Sunderland then Heit/Distin vs that lot.
  18. ...also hibbo almost scored but imagine if it had gone in and been flagged off as jelly was offside!!!
  19. Distin got caught ball watching on both goals - will take that point with the clean bill of health and no red cards!!!
  20. Only one not working for me too - I think there may be a conspiracy about the TT monopolisation of the quiz questions...
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