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Everything posted by c1982

  1. £5m for maybe the best player in his position in the PL with 3yrs left on his contract... I'll file this under bullshit! (I have no doubt they are interested though.)
  2. Milner was u21 at Leeds as they weren't in prem for long with him - don't think Bowyer earnt a cap, maybe 1 or 2 but no goal. It'll be smith just before he moved to man u. They've been in the championship since.
  3. You laugh but he's bringing Southampton up and should they be mid-table and playing decentish football, which I imagine they will, then the 'flavour of the month crew' will be calling for him to be our next manager come next season!
  4. Matteo is Scottish and Beckford is capless - pretty sure smith is correct.
  5. Pretty sure SAF had a few qualms about Ronaldo's defensive efforts (and when to do tricks) in his early man u days and to be fair it took him a good 3 years to become the top class player and then only his last couple of seasons at man u he looked world class. The top, top players need to have the ability to get back and get stuck in. So I don't think it's too much to ask to develop aspects of a players game who is nowhere near in that league! I don't think Moyes necessarily wanted to turn Roy into a defensive player he just wanted his workrate to improve get back and mucking in as much as going forward - a skill required in premier league football.
  6. If man.utd had signed Rodwell I believe they would have developed him as a cb and still think he will end up in that pos. Positionally he may have looked lost as a cm as he has played as a cb throughout his youth career!
  7. If we sell jags I'd like to see Rodwell used alongside Heitinga with Duffy/Disin in the rotation. Rodwell played his youth football at cb and I think he'll end up there now he's had a couple of years in the 1st team - Rio Ferdinand 'learnt' his game higher up the pitch in his early days and I see Rodwell following the same pattern.
  8. Johnson's struggling with his boozing at the mo, has turned up to training pissed a few times recently.
  9. Only top 6 gets Europe now it's Chelsea vs shite final with shite already there.
  10. Thing is most see rio as a liability and Evans as plain shite... that's been their cb pairing for the majority of the season! Answers on a postcard!
  11. Moyes has proved he's a top manager - Harvey is no comparison. Moyes has not been backed yet managed to get the most out of a team costing a fraction of many below them. I loved royle but football was in a very different climate back then.
  12. It's alright us wanting lambert but in the real world he's contracted to Norwich... compensation for starters, would Norwich allow us to approach him? Would he even be interested? Surely he'd want assurances e.g budget etc... Paul Lambert looks a very good manager/tactician but he's got a job, thus makes him unavailable. Moyes is contracted to EFC and will be unless a 'bigger job'/new challenge comes along. We cannot afford financially to sack him nor should we entertain the idea.
  13. Hansen is spot on there to be fair... that's the reality of it.
  14. 1. Gerrard is still a top, top player. 2. Carroll is not a £35m player no way but he is leaps and bounds more effective than Vic, if he was ours we would accomodate him. 3. Kuyt is an excellent player who would walk into our team. 4. Suarez would get into most teams in the world - a tit - yes but no doubting his class. The amount they've spent compared to us you'd expect a lot of their players to get into our team but the fact that there is not a lot of difference in quality between the 2 clubs then there is some credit due somewhere.
  15. @RRDrenthe Doesn't match other acc name.
  16. Moyes spent time with Italy at 02 or 04 not sure which one, makes sense.
  17. Fickle fans = sections of the spurs fans booing redknapp in recent weeks!
  18. Gerrard/Suarez/Kuyt/Carroll (etc.) wouldn't get in our team?
  19. Fickle = we lose and another time for Moyes to go thread appears... we win and it's not mentioned... lose again and his heads on the chopping board!
  20. Would he do that if he had this quality of player though?
  21. Who will win us this trophy with our resources then? If Moyes had an extra £10m a season to spend then I believe yes he would win a trophy. Put Donovan and Pienaar on the wings yesterday and I believe we would have won with some comfort.
  22. Watching from tv we could tell it wasn't over the line in seconds... too much is at stake for this technology not to be used!
  23. Once again this thread/forum shows how fickle football fans are... if we had won Moyes would be Moysiah (he probably wouldn't actually - it would have been brushed over) until if we lost in the final. The majority of us would have picked the team he put out yesterday, yes we may have liked Drenthe's impact but none of us know the full story there. The fact is we looked comfortable enough in the 1st half but the game turned on the Distin mistake and we never really came back from that. Yeah it may have been the tactics or lack of by Moyes and many of the players must be accountable. Maybe it is time (I personally disagree), his record away to 'bigger' teams is awful and we've failed once again on the biggest stage so what do we (EFC) do? Would people on here want Moyes sacked then? The football world would think EFC are mad and who would want to come to us after that?! Basically it's not happening, the only way Moyes will go is if he moves on to a different job or runs his contract down - so we can stop the sack Moyes nonsense now. As for his replacement, I'd struggle to name many available managers who would take us on from what Moyes has already done. Rodgers, Martinez, Lambert... all under contract - remember we don't have a lot of money to buy-out a managers contract... It annoys me the doomsdayers who highlight our faults and have managed to ignore a lot of the good that has happened in recent weeks. We all want EFC to be the best but we're not. Kenny is probably 'King' again today... does that mean he's doing a good job at that lot? We need to stand by and support Moyes while he is here - none of us know what would/could happen without him. Maybe if this 'investment' suddenly appeared the situation could be reviewed but for anyone to suggest Moyes has been anything but an excellent manager for EFC needs their head checking! Manager of the year 3 times is it?
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