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Everything posted by c1982

  1. He was pushing jags onto the man in their sight, Heitinga should have been marking Rooney and Distin as left back the back post area. As dm Neville should have been the extra man in the box rather than being 1 for 1 as we were (as Heitinga was picking up who Distin should have).
  2. Difference being that Ronaldo seemed keen to learn/be the best. This is not the first and will not be the last club Drenthe has dicked about at. Moyes would have given him the time I'd imagine as his class is unquestionable but Roy's got to 'give' as well. Roy not playing has nothing to do with ability it's to do with him breaching club rules.
  3. Sadly it wouldn't be so simple and the banks would want their cut!
  4. A few have made their mind up about neville already - he played well today and yes united were missing a leader. On the rooney goal, he shouldn't have been neville's man in the first place, as mentioned before I think that was possibly Johnny's worst game as a cb in the royal blue jersey - he or jags should have been on rooney as cb's. Distin for me was poor and I expect to see neville at lb for the fulham match. United simply didn't use valencia enough today.
  5. I don't hold anything against rooney's badge kissing... imagine thousands of blues shouting stuff about your wife and child - he gave back what some of our fans earned... respect is a two way thing!
  6. Blackburn and Fulham but thought I was onto a winner early doors!
  7. Spot on Romey (won't quote it as it's a biggun'!)
  8. Very valid point to be fair and some justification for the system!
  9. I had arse, Bolton, Blackburn, villa and fulham yesterday at 480-1 (all draws). Worth £1!!!
  10. Say it pre-match, fair do's... but not after watching that! Dare I say if man u had a Neville type leader on the pitch today e.g. Giggs - they wouldn't have let a 2 goal lead slip - TWICE!
  11. Exactly... if we can add to this side in the close season we have got some real, real quality, with finish now!
  12. We can look at this on the flip side... at 0-1 we would have had a 3vs2 situation which could have resulted in us going 2 up... football is about the whole game the 4-4 result and 1 point is what stands... we, as Evertonians, should be enjoying this!
  13. Fucking hell Jose... get your Footie Manager CV up-to-date and put your name in the hat for the England vacancy!
  14. I really misunderstood your post then!!! To be fair to you, you weren't sacking moyes when the going got a bit tough, so comment wasn't aimed at you so much!
  15. We weren't shown up today though... soon as things went against us it's same old fucking hell moyes... get barkley on! This was a game we attacked from the start - we sat back at times and maybe got nervous but decisions went against and didn't help our plight - we come out of this game with heads held high - no other team has scored on this pitch for the last 7 (?) games... I wish we'd shown up more when we went ahead against Liverpool but this is a totally different scenario today.
  16. This match is showing up some of our miserable bastard fans!!!
  17. I'd understand this comment if we'd sat back all game...
  18. We've backed off at the back too much today.
  19. Interview with Big Dunc 1st then you're free to flick!
  20. I think it'll be nev at lb (his strongest pos) and johnny in cm (his weakest pos)... or maybe a flat back 5!!!
  21. Kenwright/St.David - root cause of the clubs problems... I would love real life to have Scooby Doo style alternative endings! I'd say fans with short memories are the root cause of this clubs problems.
  22. If we got say £20m (at least what he's worth in current market) for Baines and that £20m meant Dempsey, Pienaar and one from Hoilett/Jarvis/Moses/Zaha/Donovan(contract up in Nov) with Da Silva on-loan if he was to go to man.utd (us sending garbutt/bidwell to a championship club for a season) then I hate to say it but I could entertain a deal. Look at newcastle - the carroll/barton/nolan/enrique (basically their best players when sold) money has put them on the brink of champs league, this with a 'shit' manager and 'shit' chairman... see any parallells? Baines and maybe Jags (I won't put Rodwell's name here just yet) being sold could be a step back to go forward for us if the money was to be re-invested.
  23. Can't post in quiz section again... if anyone mod would be so kind to transfer this in please! Norwegian qu... Would have said Stig Inge Bjyornabe (sp) had it not been for clue! So will go with Gunnar Halle as 1st guess and Erik Torsvelt (spurs gk) as 2nd - I can picture a ginger chap at Chelsea too but can't remember his name!
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