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Everything posted by c1982

  1. c1982


    We go a further point ahead of that lot - ultimately that's all that matters at this stage of the season.
  2. Was quite incredible... but McClaren did something similar with boro didn't he? Hodgeson has a much better cv than redknapp anyway as mentioned - inter and the fact he's managed at international level before. Woy actually currently lives near me and I often see him around 'town'. Saw him park up the other week with his wife... in a disabled space!!! The future England manager breaking the law - wish I'd taken a picture! (to sell to the sun!)
  3. I'd love him to hit one like walker did today... I'd shit, wee, sick and cry all at the same time!!!
  4. c1982

    Fulham (home)

    Was sat right behind that goal and it was like it was in slow motion - incredible save!
  5. Go on then Mourinho name the teams he wouldn't get a decent amount of games at?
  6. Osman would play regularly in a central position in most teams in the premier league - maybe only man.city and Chelsea he wouldn't get 20plus games a season at.
  7. I've got your back on this... teemdave! (see what I did there!)
  8. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/football/view/248568/-32m-Goodi-bag-/ Fook off!!!
  9. Exactly so he's not getting any game time here in a hurry!!!
  10. Problem is... he may have ambitions to actually play 1st team football...
  11. You've hit the nail upon the head dave. Couldn't agree more. Spot on.
  12. c1982

    Fulham (home)

    That was the final 'decision maker' on both occasions but I'm not sure this year... I'll see if Newcastle are chasing a champs league spot and we can spoil it before I make my decision!
  13. Only Rodellega is a 'real' free agent of the 3 - Clyne and Hoillet with both be due compensation related to their market value - not full value but I'd imagine £4m odd for Hoillet. Didn't actually know Clyne's contract is up but like marco have heard united are interested.
  14. c1982

    Fulham (home)

    Must be guarenteed... in front of MOTD or footie first! I may skip the final day as I've regretted going to the last couple of 'last days' (pompy and chelsea) rather than watching Survival Sunday!!!
  15. c1982

    Fulham (home)

    I've missed Norwich (had a pre-christmas all day drinking session which was too important to miss!!!) ... and Man.City as it was on TV and it was a mid-week night game and it was deadline day and I had man-flu so the sofa was the better option over 120miles up the M6 and back in the early hours!!!
  16. Didn't say he spent money well and it was more like £100m - he's still a good manager e.g getting results.
  17. I put £1 (which sometimes becomes £2, £3, £4 or £5) on a few scenarios each week - little loss each week for potential tidy win! I had Pienaar first or last to score at 18-1 a few seasons ago and put £1 on - claimed my winnings and popped the notes in the wallet and put £4 on us to beat melatlist 3-2 at their place at 25-1 - nice little win but regretted putting the £15 in my wallet!
  18. O'Neill isn't awful, proven at Leicester, Villa and now Sunderland (they were in the shit before he came) in the Prem. Yeah they've lost players but that's what happens with lack of stability at a club... next subject Randy Lerner...
  19. Different situation - yes, different circumstances - yes... but I look at Villa now and think how 'stable' they were under O'Neill. I really do fear that happening to us post-Moyes. Say what you want about negative and boring football but ultimately football is a results based game and there's no doubt that Moyes and O'Neill are alike in the fact that they get results.
  20. Player of the year - RVP (Arsenal) Young player of the year - Walker (Spurs) Best goalkeeper - Vorm (Swansea) Best rookie - James McClean (Sunderland) (not a rookie as such but at this level) Think the PFA got it pretty spot on this year!
  21. We don't know if he does though, all the clip shows is nev telling jags to mark the front post player.
  22. hart walker coloccini kompany baines yaya toure silva parker bale rooney van Persie Would have gone 4-3-3 and had aguero over bale - maybe cabaye over Parker too...
  23. Well done for making PFA team of the year!
  24. We could still be talking about these goals and assists if he had of not breached club rules... Asprilla is the perfect Roy e.g. Newcastle top of the league when he signed then lost out to man.utd - Asprilla rocked the ship at them mid-season and Newcastle threw away a huge lead... Asprilla was shite in the PL!
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