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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Haha!!! I knew you were a joke poster but this... incredible!!! Simon Davies is now a defender now!!! Did you ever watch alexandersson/blomqvist? Shite! Sure smith had dropped them pre-Moyes anyway - next you'll moan about releasing Ginola!!! Come on oracle... what should Moyes do? Remember he's got a budget of £0 - you'll need all your footie manager skills to do this! (I got Cambridge to the prem on amiga version when they had fake players and Lineker was at grampus eight 5-3-2 is the future!!!) *Mods if I directly called peteo a cunt for his RAWK (red shite site) comments would I get a naughty point. Note: I'm not saying this yet but I'd really like to!!!
  2. What's RAWK? Ibrahim Said a winger? If you're classing him as a winger (as the oracle) Moyes does need his head checking!!! Sure he was a defender who never actually got a game?! If Moyes had nani, johnson or Lennon they'd play - as did Drenthe until he started messing about. Drenthe did some good things for us but if and that's a big if in the oracle's case, you watched him, he lacked discipline and was at times a liability. Moyes, like every other rational fan, could see this and I believe Moyes would have turned him into a prem top player - class undoubted but too many costly mistakes to be trusted 100%. Go on peteo... Drenthe or Pienaar? This Moyes shit has got so boring. Ask any fan of any other club and they laugh when it's even suggested that some 'Evertonians' want Moyes out.
  3. What a huge pile of shit! It's getting a bit boring now!
  4. Although Owen wouldn't surprise me, I don't think we'll go for him - I genuinely think we'll sign Pienaar, Naismith and Dempsey with Drenthe/Straq not being signed and players like Mucha, McFadden, Yobo leaving and I actually can see Big Vic fetching us a few million - don't think baines, felli or johnny will go unless huge, huge bids come in. I also think we'll see Donovan on a perm deal come Christmas with his contract up at Galaxy/MLS in Nov.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me one bit and to be totally honest for free on a short term deal maybe it wouldn't be such a bad move. Not something I'm going to get excited about but I'd see the logic if Moyes was to get him in early and gave him the pre-season.
  6. Was it from 4th official? Would be delighted if we signed him - excellent player.
  7. The '4th' season was built on a solid defence and not too much pretty football - this what you're now moaning at Moyes for doing!
  8. Adam Forshaw last season, Baxter 2010-11 - I think (pretty shaw!)
  9. Moyes plays better football when he's able to strengthen us... Like that summer he bought Johnson, Lescott and Howard, and we went on to finish 6th. Or the next summer, when he bought Yakubu, Baines and Jagielka, and we want on to finish 5th and break the club record of consecutive European wins. Let him add to what we've got - pienaar for starters and we'll play better football. Some people were raving about bolton's style under coyle, blackpool's under holloway - for all Swansea/Norwich did well they had some shockers too... Moyes knows how to get results - it's not always pretty and doesn't always work but it's bloody effective when judged over a 38 game season. Finally, are we ignoring some of the excellent football we've played since strengthening in January?
  10. But when these 'lower' teams are outspending and beating you to targets and strengthening when we're losing players/ consolidating then where does that place us?! Let's judge Moyes when he's had money to spend and not just replacing sold players.
  11. I'd imagine there's only 1 win or so between 7th and say 4th - the real league is made up of 20 teams over 38 games each... Spurs finished 4th and were unlucky not to have finished 3rd. Well done to them - they deserve the champions league spot but I hope Chelsea nick it!
  12. Correct and vucevic from Blackburn is - not sure if it's correct but the qu does say players... sure we've had Serbia and Montenegro players in the past (wasn't kezman?) and we've got a few Serbs but not sure about montenegro's (is that right?!) since they've become independent... good shout though marco!
  13. You're judging the team who were looking title contenders up to around that point where Harry got linked with England on one performance in their poor patch of the season.
  14. Spurs attacking options up to dec... Defoe, adebayor, pav, dos santos, bale, Lennon, van Der vaart, Modric, krancjaer, pienaar... have I missed anyone?! We're much better than that shite!!!
  15. I couldn't bring myself to post in this thread last night - was sure peteo was on the wind-up!!!
  16. Osman's gone on from that to make over 200 apps for us - that's the point I was making. Not every player is ready at 18 or even 20 - look how important Leon has been.
  17. I heard it was a 2yr deal. Maybe he's shown enough to make Moyes think he's a late bloomer - Osman was what 21/22 when he made his full debut vs Wolves?
  18. Excellent post adziom - couldn't have put it better myself!
  19. Tuesday 15th May 2012: Who is the only Italian player to win an English Premier League medal? Balotelli
  20. He shouldn't have been on the pitch, pulled up taking a kick and was shaky from then on.
  21. I can't actually remember us conceeding any pens! Oh actually 2 vs Blackburn but other than that? So EFC.
  22. Pienaar - hope to see him signed up asap!
  23. Go - for what we may pay in fees I'd rather focus that on trying to get Rodellega in on a free. He's not been the best this season but he does possess class and Moyes has often got the best out of 'under performers' (okay not always strikers!)
  24. Cabaye on Cahill incident... http://mobile.nufc.co.uk/default.aspx?s=news-display&aid=2771256 To be fair to him he did apologise to the ballboy at half-time too.
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