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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Disagree - a pienaar type player (which I think ji sung is) on each wing and we'd have so much possession in attacking areas - just what we need IMO.
  2. Nah, fuck that, I'd prefer Kieran 'fooking' Richardson!!!
  3. American born Guiseppe - formerly of man.utd, currently crocked at recently relegated Villareal.
  4. I know Rossi played for Italy but he was born in the USA so is technically from the USA as the question asked! Euro cup one must be a german/west german - I'll go Brehme.
  5. Howard - £3m Hibbo - free Baines £5m Jags - £5m Heit - £6m Ossie - free Neville - £3m Gibbo - £500k Cahill - £2.5m Felli - £15m Jela - £5m £45m by my reckoning... no wonder they finished much higher than us being able to spend that kind of money on 1 player... oh wait!
  6. Jags and Lescott - think Heitinga is the best individual we've had though.
  7. 1st time round! Not great 2nd time but still on a free this should be a no brainer!
  8. Not bad from falcao... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6MtPshx2Ck&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. Because he probably said them on bluemoon too!
  10. Oh dear... Almost!!! Does Rossi count as from USA? Altidore for def and sure kasey Keller played for some shit Spanish team when he left Leicester or Spurs.
  11. Think it'd be good for him - just look at Caulker at Swansea, played pretty much every game.
  12. Hadn't noticed that - no need at all!
  13. Get yourself down FC united zoo - based in bury, it's all the ex-man utd hardcore so they've got a massive following. If you get in young and are good enough/ stick with them, they'll be a league side within the next decade.
  14. Gary Lineker pooing himself on the pitch at italia 90 and wiping his arse and hands on the turf...
  15. To be fair Downing was very good for Villa - thankfully he's been turd for that lot!
  16. Maybe it's that then, I know his family are. Maybe a move to EFC will be best to avoid family conflict! He was born in Sunderland though wasn't he? or brought up there?
  17. Injured... Hope it doesn't affect him moving on for our pienaar money http://www.kickoff.com/news/28495/nigeria-captain-joseph-yobo-has-been-ruled-out-for-a-month-with-injury.php
  18. Oh bless your little naive cottons! This isn't champ manager!
  19. Spot on! Old fashioned wingers are perfect for counter attacking teams e.g. Man utd and spurs - both teams have an abundance of pace. We don't have great pace throughout our team so we need these pienaar's, arteta's - 'centre midfielders' to help us keep sustained possession in attacking areas. Barca haven't done too badly either in the past with villa (a striker) on one wing and iniesta (a centre mid) in the other!
  20. Without fully knowing their squad I'll guess r.keane, McGeady and Stokes.
  21. So Moyes didn't want any of these? Of course he did - some very good players but they cost money which we didn't/don't have!!! Final challenge (as you failed your 1st)... Substitue Moyes signings for above players when we've had money and these players have actually been available - you can't use Johnson over Bily as I've done that one!
  22. He's always had his hands tied though and when he has had money he's spent it wisely without needing to buy wingers - his one big boo boo in my opinion was signing Bily as a winger when he could have potentially had Adam Johnson for cheaper but he's since sold Bily and used the money to sign Jelavic and Gibson. Moyes signed VDM who we all got excited about... and to be fair Drenthe who he treated like any other player who he's managed new to the league. Rumours were we wanted N'Zogbia and I think we did. I'm not actually sure there are that many wingers available - discard the nani's, young's, malouda's and even downing's as we can't afford these... give me a pienaar type player (like we had with him and Arteta - unlucky with injuries!) any day. Write me a list of wingers who could be available to us who Moyes wouldn't want and I may downgrade you to a cun...
  23. Part of me agrees, we need to build around Jelavic. Jelavic isn't a naturally pacy striker. Pienaar plus his clone for the other wing would be perfect. With a striker like Jelavic we need to keep possession in the opps half and we'll score goals as we'll get chances. I really like hoillett but think maybe there could be better players for us (and to compliment Jelavic).
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