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Everything posted by c1982

  1. 24 and still sniffing glue!!! WTF!!! Speechless, just speechless!
  2. Maybe he should mug a homeless person!?
  3. I'd imagine he does this and has done in the past already. If we've got no money, we've got no money... what we don't want is Bill saying yes and putting the club in real danger. Which brings us onto the topic of needing new investment/ownership, which once again everyone agrees we need but we/the clubs owners haven't found the right one so far. So in the meantime we sell high or move on surplus players and buy sensibly - that I can accept and I understand why we are doing this. Hopefully Yobo will go for however much which will allow us to buy Pienaar. Maybe there will be a couple of loans who will improve us, maybe we can pick up a free transfer of 2 (there's enough about), maybe there is some extra money about due to reducing the wage bill last season and finishing strong when maybe a 10th place finish had been planned for financially. Who knows, we on here can only speculate.
  4. Better than Rooney... well he should have been if not for Moyes! (and Kenshite btw!)
  5. Moyes didn't open his eyes... HE WAS ABLE TO STRENGTHEN KEY POSITIONS!!!! Give Moyes money without handicapping him and he will improve us! Give him money this summer and keep the key players there, then we will have a strong start!
  6. The fact remains that Scholes and Carrick are unavailable - you've just said yourself there too that Carrick didn't want to be on stand-by so pressumably ahead of Henderson. Cleverly may be back from injury but he's nowhere near match fit/tournament fit. To say Barkley/McEachran have played as much as AOC is incorrect - AOC has probably played more competitive football this season than the both of them added have in their careers! Barton is rightfully omitted - Terry shouldn't be there imo but he's 'innocent until proven guilty' - and that won't proved until after the Euro's (how convenient!). Gerrard is a different case to Barton in a way that Gerrard has control now (and is a much better player) - Barton is simply a liability and to be honest he's been poor this season too! As for Powell - give the lad time - he's not played at the top level yet. Yes he's linked to man.utd but he's not there yet - not every promising youth is the next Wayne Rooney (this applies to Barkley, etc too!) I agree that Henderson shouldn't be in, I just think you've got a little carried away with your replacements!
  7. I always think he looks like a fat stoner - sure he's not (on both allegations!) I get the feeling that he's popular around the club even with the more senior players - is that due to ability or him being one of 'the boys'?!
  8. Scholes - retired Osman - better option than Henderson Carrick - retired Butterfield - have you really seen him play enough? Barton - shouldn't be considered Cleverly - injured Barkley - hardly played so Henderson is a better option McEachran - same as barkley Sidwell - pretty sure he's injured too? Jenas - injured Cork - looks decent but once again have you really seen enough? Sure Henderson would look class at championship level Shelvey - pretty much on par Lansbury - not done anything to note Rose - looks okay but mainly used as a full-back Spearing - meh Wishere - injured Rodwell - injured Huddlestone - injured Who is the fat git? Powell - big difference between prem and league 2! Like I said ridiculous list really, I think osman, Britton and cole are the only real legitimate calls. Plus maybe Beckham now you've mentioned him!
  9. Do you follow Ross closely in reserve and youth games or is your view just from what you've seen at first team level?
  10. To be fair most on there are ridiculous calls (but I'm sure you're just making a point). I think the genuine fair calls would be osman, Britton, Joe cole and even Adam lallana! Many on that list are retired, injured or simply haven't played much - I don't actually think Henderson would have been in ahead of cleverly or even Rodwell were fully fit.
  11. Osman should be there ahead of Henderson - surely it's of benefit to the national team to pick in-form players?! Henderson (and Downing) are decent players but they've have had god awful seasons and shouldn't really have been considered at all.
  12. Echo above... many congratulations!
  13. http://thtandlcab-football.com/2012/05/29/the-madness-of-may/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-madness-of-may I would recommend any evertonian to read this - very true... we're all guilty of some part! LCAB and THT are very knowledgable and more importantly realistic blues.
  14. http://www.bluekipper.com/players/something_fishy/4576-laverkusen_star_availble_on_a_free.html
  15. I will be supporting roi in all games unless they face England - they have earned their place in this tournament more than most especially when you think back to how France cheated them out of a place at south Africa. Add to that gibbo will be playing for them and I'll always look out for our boys.
  16. Clayton looks top notch too at 17!!! Gradi/Crewe are quite incredible at producing talent (9 of the starting 11 home grown today!) - I'm surprised Gradi hasn't worked in some capacity at a much higher level.
  17. Garbutt has excellent delivery from open play and set pieces and has made a couple of decent challenges too. He has been caught a couple of times positionally but that will come with age hopefully. The Cheltenham system hasn't allowed him to bomb down the left too much but certainly what he's done so far has been encouraging. Powell just looks a natural talent.
  18. You have confirmed all rumours - you are on the wind up!!!
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