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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Can I have some points please? I forgot to predict last week and we won so consciously didn't this week and we've won again!!! Not that I'm superstitious!
  2. Stones in for Alcaraz
  3. We need 3 points - that's all that matters. This line-up SHOULD win today... ....................Howard......................... Coleman....Stones..Jags....Baines Lennon...McCarthy..Gibson...Osman .........Lukaku....Kone (or Naismith)..... Bring Naismith/Barkley/Mirallas (if fit) on to impact if required.
  4. I'm sure we want him but so do every other club - he looks an incredible prospect! File this under not a chance!
  5. Modern day Arsenal are different to the all conquering Arsenal. Modern day Arsenal are the tiki taki perfect goal Arsenal who do often struggle at the back. All conquering Arsenal were built on solid foundations with the likes of Cole, Campbell, Adams, Keown - this Arsenal were solid, strong, fast and direct... 4-4-2 without fail - quality wingers, battling midfielders in Viera, Petit, Gilberto. Martinez is like the modern day Wenger (on a much lower budget). The 'best Wenger' didn't play like the modern day Wenger.
  6. Holden, Stubbs and Weir... all 'defensive minded' coaches, all gone now.
  7. For me the 'Moyes finished 17th in his 2nd season' argument for Martinez doesn't work and this will be heard over the next weeks as a positive. Moyes inherited a squad that was used to bottom half finishes, Martinez, the opposite. I will stay loyal; always did to Moyes but the only thing keeping me on side with Martinez is the blind optimism that some of these Barca youngsters/Spanish gem rumours will bear fruit and we will start playing free flowing attacking football again... not counter productive sideways shite.
  8. Just read up on Howe being an blue and it's true... didn't know that. One of the very first games I remember watching was the Cup Final when Everton beat Watford in 1984 and it left a huge impression on me, he added. From that moment on I was a real diehard Everton fan. I used to travel and watch the games in London and Southampton and turned into a big fan. I still look out for their results. As a kid I always wanted to see Everton beat Liverpool, but this will be a case of Bournemouth trying to beat them rather than seeing it from an Everton perspective. My already high opinion of him has just risen!
  9. This summer will 100% be a summer of huge change. We're aging in many key areas, there's a few contracts expiring/nearing, there are still a few areas that needed addressing which hadn't and a few of our stars will be in demand (as usual). Do we trust Martinez with the rebuild or do we look elsewhere? If so who? I don't necessarily want Martinez to leave but his signings as a whole have been okay at best... I'm not sure I would trust him with a rebuild (although I'd be intriguided as to who his targets would be). I don't think Laudrup is the answer. 3 names appeal to me... Slaven Bilic, Besiktas look solid but dangerous when attacking. He knows the league, he knows the club, the fans will love him. David Moyes, why not?! I didn't want him to leave originally. New ideas and a larger budget could actually help him crown what he had started. My 3rd and less obvious is Eddie Howe. Bournemouth have played brilliantly with a squad, on paper, a lot less glamourous than many others in a tough, tough league.
  10. Yep, always looked lively and brilliant control/delivery with the ball. Also we need extra height in the team, especially with Garbutt's set-piece delivery. Him and Perisic on the wings next season please!!!
  11. I like Yarmelenko for Kiev... would like to see how he'd work in the Prem.
  12. I'd have loved Welbeck over Rom, especially at that price but let's be honest, he was never a realistic option especially when you see the £110k a week he's on at Arsenal. The transfer fees are what people will go on about most e.g why are teams like Leicester out spending us? Why so much on one player? But the real muscle and factor that gets the best players is wages. We can't compete with the CL teams or London clubs. Welbeck will be on £2.5m more each year than Lukaku... yes it still would work out cheaper over the contract but we couldn't break our structure that much. Give one player over £100k and there will be 5 others feeling they deserve it. Look at Liverpoo and Sterling - he wants Gerrard/Struridge wages... Coutinho and Henderson will do soon too.
  13. Balance. We have stopped playing with 2 wingers and have no balance as a result.
  14. Just about to leave for the game... sat in the Stoke end with a SCFC season ticket holder - could be a long night!
  15. No unless Sociedad will do a straight swap
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