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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Gotta go for the jugular, still play 5 in midfield and give TC a free role to cause as much mayhem as possible. To start. Nige, Hibbo, Yobo, Weir, Neville, Osman, Arteta, TC, Davies, Kilbane, Duncan gonna be tough but if we hit them with everything and get an early goal then who knows... just do not concede. Great that Joey had a good game yesterday, confidence player who will need to be on his game.
  2. I for one think that this is great news, a strong ref who is not kidded by the foreign diving and play acting that villareal used in the first leg to kill the game when they were under the cosh. I don't think he will blow up every time their keeper hits the deck. It seems like we were penalised in the first leg just cos the keeper was small. Well pleased, couldn't have asked for a better ref in a game where the home fans will try and influence decisions from our physical but fair style of play. Having Phil Neville as a recognised face will go well too.
  3. another two words Norris, Rob Jones. care to tell me the classy way in which Liverpool dealt with his early and unfortunate retirement due to serious injury he gained by continually playing through the pain barrier??? Don't talk about class to us, we are all in agreement that the Alan Stubbs saga is a very unfortunate and difficult situation that we could do without. So don't start giving it the Liverpool better than Everton speel coas this isn't the topic for it.
  4. fair enough fitness and hard work will get you far, but only coupled with ability will it make a big difference in a team. Unfortunately for Killa, he plays in a position where the abilty to beat a man is key. We need a match winner in these positions if we are to play 1 man up front. Think back to the days of Kanchelskis, compare him with Kilbane and you will see the justification. Kilbane will not let you down and is a top team player, but he will not win you games when pitched against a top full back.
  5. it's a very unfortunate thing that something so sensitive as this has come out. If it is part and parcel of the way business is done, surely it would have been best kept under wraps, however I have always seen us as a club that looks after their own, and if (god forbid) he was ever to relapse or any other Everton player, I for one would have no problem in the money generated from our support being used to continue paying the salary of a player who has always given 110% to the cause. He is not exactly Winston Bogarde on a free £40k per week dinner ticket. Contracts may be cold and clinical fair enough - however I think in this case the club has been a bit insensitive.
  6. stubbs is a true blue, and he feels totally let down no doubt that a sensitive issue such as his history with cancer has been dealt with in a cold and clinical manner. Aren't players insured??? The whole way in which this has come out only furthers my concerns as to how the powers that be operate, fortress fund, rooney sale, lack of signings, stating money is available for Owen, Baros etc. The club is not doing itself any favours - we are starting to look a PR joke
  7. heads should roll - the clowns responsible for putting together such a disgusting and cold offer should never work in the club again. You can't have banners outside the ground proudly stating People club and treat one of our own in such a way. I understand that the club needs to be more prudent financially but this is an absolute joke. Whether it is Bill or Wyness - they must go - simple as. Why any player would want to join us or stay after this becoming public knowledge is beyond me. I want the club to issue a statement/apology along with a donation to an appropriate charity - this is yet another example of our club letting the fans down.
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