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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. £23m at 19 - still only 26 - yes he's a sulk - just in the same way as most quality players nowadays are who know their worth. He will score goals for us as he did in a poorish city side - beattie would benefit. I am not convinced until he actually signs. About time we signed a bonafide worldclass player who will score and add pace to the team
  2. Champ manager??? Well if it was champ manager I would have quit the game and started again that's for starters. Computers are logical and do not lie - they can get things wrong but they don't produce smokescreens - when something is wrong you know it is wrong. Pointless comparison because this is real life. What would I change? What are we able to change would be a start. The club is rotten from the top, if you can't see this now then i'm afraid it will take relegation for it to be more evident. Youth policy - a few natural players who would flourish in any academy does not hide the fact that we are years behind of clubs such as Blackburn, Liverpool and even the Mancs. Young Evertonians are being driven to other clubs by disillusioned fathers who will not allow the love of their club to get in the way of their sons future. Transfer policy / Contracts - spending £5m on a defender who we cannot deploy? Unable to cope with demands of premiership at this moment - needs one on one training with Dunc and Beattie to toughen up??? Buying Beattie without a strike partner sown up (I rate Beattie) - everyone knows he operates best with a pacey player. Allowing Stubbs to go for the sake of 1 year - boyhood blue? resigning Pistone on his terms because we could get no one else - but almost losing Osman over a few grand. Coming out and saying we were signing Sissoko before player signed. Stating interest in Owen at £11m - but we have no funds now?? Substitutions: Derby match - say no more. Ability to set stall out - when it goes wrong - no ideas. 3-1 down no extra striker??? Fortess fund - yeah right Out of three cups at 1st hurdle - almost four (bar replay) Now tell me - out of the highlighted above - who is held responsible and is accountable? not me - I am a fan with an opinion the same as everyone on here (barring RS invaders) - I pay to watch games - as do many thousand justifying our claims as a well supported club - we have spent £25m and have progressed zilch
  3. I agree honesty is great Foz - but in this case it would have been wiser to stick by two players who showed they cared - rather than say what most people were thinking. Ferguson and Mourinho do this to great effect and creates a them and us mentality and that is reflected in the team.
  4. There's a saying once bitten - twice shy. Evertonians have been bitten numerous times by the clowns in charge of running our club. So when we hear of a top quality player meant to be signing - what happens? We all get on the forum saying "great if it's true, but doubt it etc etc" reason being is that the club have tried to hoodwink the fans too many times about being in for such a player when we haven't got the intention nor the resources to go through with it. Owen, Kuyt, Keane, Emre etc etc. Everton at the moment is just like Gerry Halliwell - we need to be linked with someone of prestige just to remind everyone that we still exist whilst not doing anything ourselves to justify it. Anelka will prove to be another addition to that list - Moyes knows he's quality - he's worth the money as he is a proven goalscorer (ideal for Beattie), but Moyes doesn't have the man management skills to handle big name (big attitude) players. Unfortunately that is a bad trait to have as some players need their egos stroking as bad as it is. You can't pay a player £50K a week and try to break their arrogance/petulence - they have the power. I was dissapointed to hear Moyes criticise Arteta and Neville after the derby, and this highlighted what I have been told by a friend close to the club in the media - that Moyes does things which can get players backs up. If he wants to follow Sir Alex, then start off by publicly backing players - create a siege mentality. It's harsh but it is a simple fact and it is based on many dissapointing experiences as a fan. I'm sick of being linked to quality players which we don't get - only to get cut price lacking quality - run all day and do as you are told players - no arguments (Moyes). We are slowly priming a squad fit for championship football where it will get to the stage that Tim, Mikky and Joey will be off looking for a team where players are on the same footballing wavelength. Sorry if I sound negative - it's just the way I feel - and it's the way that I feel because it is the way that I see it and the way it is going to continue unless things change!!!
  5. No - don't be silly! Robbie keane is young, talented and approaching his peak form - why would we want to sign such a player? Truth be known - we have survived off players who have had their better days, I don't want us to continue on those lines. Robbie keane would be a great signing - but he will cost the going rate - we don't pay the going rate. As you can tell - I'm gettin tired of knowing what we need and seeing the club not get it. How many windows do we need to sit through to see this.
  6. I have no doubt that my source was telling me the truth - Moyes telling players that we were signing Keane. How many times is this going to happen with our club? Most of the time when you hear that Arsenal or Chelsea or even Liverpool are going to sign someone for definate - they normally do! How many players do we speak to and not sign? I liken it to looking at a pair of trousers, trying them on and then look at the price again and end up putting them back. Eventually we are gonna be gettin laughed at cos we are seen wearing our brothers hand me downs. It's gotta stop, Parker, Emre, Bellamy, Sissoko (prob not the same - we told someone in the shop we were buying them whilst they were still on the rack). We are getting linked with so many players and then let down that i am never going to take anything for granted unless they have actually signed or they are a Division 1 player that no one else wants.
  7. I'm a staunch Blue and every now and then you come across a decent Red, (very seldom) The info I read came through on an e/mail that was sent to him by this person who is very pally with the players due to his position in the club. That's a fact - i'm telling you that one first hand. I sent this info even after news reports came through saying Everton had pulled out, now today on City FM, they stated that it is just us and Bolton left in the chase. However I for one have seen many sure things fail as a blue fan - and no one can say for sure a player will come to us till their name is on the dotted line (Sissoko?). If i am wrong, I will take this as a lesson, but this is what the site is here for. I would be wrong hear something off a reputable source and not share it with y'all. If Roy Keanes situation was a case study - at least 90% of the people would pick us ahead of Bolton - that's gotta be a certainty. No disrespect to Bolton - they are a solid team and allardyce has done great things there and they are enjoying great times - I can't see keane choosing to play for them with their style, distance to travel, fan base etc. I honestly think it will happen and I hope that the way Keane is as a person will be productive rather than counter productive. He certainly seems to know how to get players running through walls on the pitch - do you think we would have lost in the manner we did at WBA if he was there? Let's wait and see eh.....
  8. can't name source but it is from someone who knows someone who works bellefield - and I know - you can never be sure - but the person who told me is a mate and a is a staunch Liverpool fan. i for one am optimistic - if it happens I will look like i'm in the know! - if it doesn't I will look like an idiot. I heard from this source a week ago that Neville had already told players that keane was very interested. Makes sense - he will be on massive pay off from United (£5million rumoured) and he can stay at current address
  9. Been told by a good source that the players have been told that Roy Keane has decided to join us. Don't know much else about it - but this is a rock solid source though Thoughts?
  10. a swallow doesn't make a summer as they say - consistency is key and i'm yet to be convinced with Joey in this regard. Yeah he is young for a centre half and he does have all the attributes that will make him a star - but let's not get carried away as he is prone to costly lapses in his concentration. If he swaps some of his ability for focus he would be one of the top centre halves in the prem - BUT he needs to address this area and become more of a John Terry/Carragher than a Rio/Titus. But yeah - he is showing some good signs
  11. Paul Power or Ian Wilson. If their wages are too high then I would say Rooney. The only player out there who can influence a game as much as Ronaldinho. Hate him for leaving us but as I have said before - I don't trust the powers that be upstairs -did something go on that we do not know about and Rooney can not talk about it. Why was he left out of merchandising etc even before bids came in???
  12. lads let's be unanimous in agreement that we should show more class than was displayed at the City of manchester stadium and by the Leeds/Millwall fans. We are better than all of them added together, and no matter what your opinions are on liver donations etc - it's all politics - the NHS made that decision not us or George Best. To tell and alcoholic not to drink for moral reasons is contrictory in itself - they are ill and morals come second place to alcohol. A new liver is not going to stop the fact that they are alcoholics. If anyone wants to join the band of do gooders I urge you to read one of the two George Best books I have read and you will understand that he was a simple quiet lad thrust into the spot light where no one else had been before, a true pioneer who had no one to look after him and guide him, and yes he had his faults like all of us all of which were under the microscope. It may enable you make a more fair and informed opinion.
  13. God rest his soul - a truly great player and from what I have seen and read in his books a very nice, intelligent man. Leave it at that. For anyone who wants to come on and join the high and mighty squad, then I say "he without sin cast the first stone" George Best did not ask for sympathy, he didn't ask to be an alcoholic, he didn't ask that his mother die of this genetic disorder. He died of an illness that you would associate all the things that people tried to smear his name with. He was beyond curing and was a dead man a long time ago unfortunately. We are just so fortunate we had this footballing icon to appreciate. If anyone wants to use his death as an opportunity to criticise then maybe they can start off by telling smokers/obese people to stop smoking and stop eating as they are affecting other lives. How many of these do gooders carry donor cards I wonder? A great person died today, and like everyone, he wasn't without faults, however above all he was honest and he didn't try to be something he is not. Please show respect.
  14. Lets look at the team and assess Martyn - solid Hibbert - can defend can't pass Weir - solid but easily outpaced Yobo - playing well - prone to concentration lapses Neville - does a job Arteta - class act - lightweight though Cahill - needs more strings to his bow - wanna see last years form Davies - inconsistent, wanna see more directness Kilbane - 100%er but not enough ability Beattie - not his fault that a partner has never been bought for his game Ferguson - the one true class player we can rely on Bent - bad attitude is becoming more evident - sulks Mcfadden - had time to prove himself- not sure Van der meyde - looks good - unfit at the mo and we need him firing all in all these are near all Moyes players - not good enough, i'm not sulking - I have given this team time and they are not standing the test of it. I'm not fickle, I have looked at the team and there is no pace, no bite, no leader in the middle no goalscorer. We are a worse team than we were 3 years ago. We will be in trouble, we did so well last year due to the invention of the 4-5-1 when no one else got onto it and we were not conceding, this year teams have been improved in the league and we haven't. I think Moyes may bail and go to Rangers, he has given it a go but never got us quite there
  15. any type of trophy will be fine as long as we are progressing - that's what we want to see Everton doing well. - we don't care about how your poxy club does - we don't need to worry about slating it - your own fans do that for us. You fluked a champs league. This is why your fans are deluded, ringing up legends for example with repeated moans of "it's not good enough!" the simple answer is this - Liverpool have not been good enough for your overexpecting fans for near 15 years, the quality that you are craving to see went out with barnes (at his peak), beardsley, and dalglish. face the facts, you may do well in cups here and there- Millwall FA cup final - say no more. The true measure is the league, and you ain't even got a side worthy of challenging for such honours. Spend less time on Toffeetalk and go and worry about your own club on your own forum, you need to.
  16. when will you win your next league championship? worry about that cos you don't win leagues by being lucky, you need to be good, so you may as well support someone else. Don't worry - you are allowed to do this as a RS supporter - it's not as though anyone expects more of you
  17. In response to the title question - I think Trials is a good pub to watch (next to James Street station) 750,000 people on the streets - not 750,000 Liverpool fans. How many of those people with nothing else to do that would cost no money have been inside Everton F.C's first ground (aka Anfield) - seems they like you need a history lesson Kato. Liverpool winning the European Cup and doing so poorly in the league is like an X factor winner - you are mediocre, everyone knows you are mediocre, far more talented rivals had been knocked earlier, and in the long run you just don't stand the test of time against the genuine articles.
  18. I thought it was camera trickery but can't be, the people in background carry on playing with unbroken footage, its difficult to hit the bar once alone, never mind with the accuracy to make it come back then another 4 times. Oh well it's great to see what true genius really is.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=aRHk8ol...sty+rap+amazing Absolutely unbelievable - let's buy him.
  20. You cannot seriously compare him to Viera - of course you are gonna have a vested interest in hoping that the obvious comparisons such as the long strides and tough tackles make him similar in ways to Viera, but then so it also makes him similar to Carlton Palmer. One swallow making a summer means early signs mean nothing, only time will tell...
  21. one swallow doesn't make a summer, I would sooner be more worried about morientes who seems to be another Veron - can't take to the demands of the premiership - class yes, but it's horses for courses and that horse doesn't like the prem. Sissoko may be a decent player, £5m is a tough billing to live up to. You are making him sound out to be a bargain... time will tell and he needs to do it over a period of time consistently, Cheyrou, Le Tallec, Kewell, Diouf, Josemi. All started off great, then.................you fill in the rest.
  22. more I think about it the more annoyed I am. Here we are constantly having to face the snide, patronising press who still think of us as some club that do not have the right to be in top four never mind buy top class players and we have come out and spoken of more transfer failures??? (let alone the Alan Stubbs contract mishandling) Would you expect to pull a certain fit bird if she knew you had been knocked back by all the other girls in your local? Answer is no, so why have we come out yet again with another excuse to give the anti Everton bandwagon a chance to laugh at us. The answer to that is simple... we are skint and have no intention of signing these players. It is a publicity stunt in my opinion to take the heat off the Alan Stubbs situation. It says it all when we are putting unneccesary and tasteless clauses in a loyal servants 1 year contract.
  23. I'm unsure that moyes has made the right decision in coming out with this...if we did offer £10m for Kuyt then great. But let it be known that the fans now expect a £10m striker, and if he goes in for a £7m striker, will the selling club do a Lyon and say "well you offered x amount for such and such and this player is just as good so sorry - £7m ain't happening" A bit naive I think, unless it is the perennial build the fans hopes up job only to then sign a £750,000 midfielder from PNE. sorry if i'm bein a bit of a critic, but let's face it - the club aren't exactly breaking transfer records at the moment...
  24. Let's hope we have as much good fortune as the RS did in Europe, then who knows...
  25. it's definately another game for Duncan to add under his list of classics that we mean fans will still be talking about him in years to come. Ok, he has never done it week in week out due to injury, but when we have needed him he has been there and showed the forever doubting critics that here stands one of the best british styled centre forwards there has been. If he gets at them in the way in which he did against the mancs last season then it is game on. When he knows he has to do it, he does it. We need an early goal, stay tight at the back and hoepfully get something from a set piece
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