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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. City with all "their" millions are about as popular as lottery lout Michael Carroll (remember him?). He may well have had the money to buy a big house next to lesser off successfull businessmen (who built up their fortunes through hard work and graft) But when he starts bringing the attention of the media to where he is, dressing up in massive gold chains, flouncing his cash wastefully whilst the local drive around quietly in their Bentleys surely he can't expect to be popular? To top it off, he decides he wants to be accepted so he offers his next door neigbour money for his most favoured car which the neighbour does not wish to sell? Even if he gets that car will it take away the fact that he can not act with class and chooses to financially barge his way around, forgetting that he was previously claiming benefits? I can't see why that would get peoples backs up? It's Friday, analogy day........................
  2. Sun reporting it's done at £22m plus add ons. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/2573491/Joleon-Lescott-set-to-sign-for-Man-City.html?OTC-RSS&ATTR=Football The add on better be Onuha at that price. Problem is a diluted none international version of Joleon is going to cost £15m now.....
  3. £20m is disappointing, if they will pay over £30m for John Terry we should be looking at £30m no less. Play hard ball with them, let's face it, English defenders, who is left for them to buy? The lot acrss the park paid £18m for a right back and they are not exactly rolling in cash are they? If we get £30m, spend £15m on defensive replacements and go after Moutinho.
  4. Turner from Hull, Wes Brown, Distin, Cahill, Hangeland, Dunne, Richards, Onuha, Lucas Neill, Carvalho? (would be awesome if we could), Ryan Nelson All of these stand out in the mind for being solid, not senderos, go on any Arsenal forum and you will see what they think of him. We can get better than Senderos.
  5. Senderos is a big no from me, just the other day I was stating how poor he is. He is far too error prone, if AC Milan don't want to take up an option to buy at £6m and Arsenal don't want him, why is he good enough for us. Big mistake to buy him. For every good tackle there is a lapse of concentration. Back up for £2m maybe, to replace Joleon, no chance.
  6. That's understandable, it's a bit like giving your kid 50p a week pocket money and saying "don't worry kid, if you want to spend that on midget gems, I won't steal them" it's friday - great day for analogy's
  7. In an ideal world, Moyes will have a centre half lined up ready to replace (lad from Hull let's just say - £8m) If they really want Joleon equal to the level that we don't want to sell then £30m+ is the price - JT is out the way - they have highlighted how much they wanted to pay for him which gives us our benchmark, upson is not in lescotts class in the sense he is centre half only. I can honestly see Moyes sticking out for £30m - hopefully on his return to the UK he will have identified the players he wants in using the money he feels we will get for Joleon, maybe we will get them agreed in priciple and the the transactions happen. That's an ideal situation for me, as much as I want to keep him, £30m could really give us strength in other areas whilst replacing Joleon at a lesser value.
  8. A gent who set the blueprint of how managers should conduct themselves. Never seen to get involved in mind games or bickering. When looking at his clubs and achievements remains one of the best english managers. Showed courage and dignity to the end. RIP Sir Bobby.
  9. I wouldn't deal with that bunch from north London - they buy who we want and flog who they don't want. Just feel like we are running on hand me downs, let other clubs get what they want and hope we can help failures rediscover their former glories.
  10. Agree with your sentiments - I think Rodwell may end up playing 80% of the games in midfield as a ball winner for arteta.... however we are in dire straits yet again if we lose a couple of players to injury. We need to insure the core of the team, at this moment we are down on players - we released castillo and van der meyde who were squad back up. Didn't the CEO say he seen our targets and was excited?
  11. To be honest I would only include Jo if it was negotiated as 'an option to buy at £5m' - in other words if we decide we don't want Jo at the end of next season they pay us a further £5m so to speak. He has a lot to prove for me.
  12. yeah soz - quoted the wrong response!
  13. £7m is the only official bid we have made this summer. That was for Naughton, any other bids? As far as I can see apart from that we are talking bosmans and loans. Anyway - that was my reason for £7m
  14. I think we all need to look at this from a financial perspective not an emotional perspective. If we had a problem spending money like Real and City then keep Joleon. This issue we have is that we have no money and a weak depth of strength in the squad. Every player has his price. Given that Johnson went to Liverpool for £18.5m then as far as I'm concerned the starting price is £25m. Allied to the fact that we are dealing with a club that has excessive sums of money, and that Joleon can cover at LB we are really looking at £30m plus. If Moyes gets his original budget prob (£7m)plus the £30m for Lescott we could seriously get the players in we need. A left midfielder, right back, Moutinho/Defour and a centre half. Something is going on - why are we looking at bosmans and loans? surely we get £15m each year for transfers? I think if we sell Lescott we will just get the same money back for transfers and big bill will save the £7m for another day............. One thing is for sure, we don't ever have enjoyable transfer windows do we!
  15. ffs, just give him the dosh he wants. Chances are he will want parity with arteta, cahill, saha, fellaini and yak, and to be honest he would be justified. Why piss him off when we would only get £8m for him but would need £15m to replace him. Consistent performer, fan favourite, I do not want to see another Don Hutchison situation again. Don wanted a few grand more when he was on 15k, and we had players like campbell and big dunc on 35k. Pienaar could look at fellaini and demand same pay.
  16. £25m is my price, if they want him, then they will pay that, the red shite spending £18m on that bloated right back has firmly set the pricing expectation, anything less then no. The way I look at this is: "If we had £25m to spend but didn't have lescott, would we look to pay £15m for lescott?, or would we get someone cheaper and strengthen other areas of the squad?" It's as simple as that, and until Kenwright sells us (and he did have the opportunity to sell us to Randy Lerner) that is how we will operate. Unfortunately money talks. Respect to lescott though, he hasn't thrown his toys out the pram in order to treble his wages.
  17. Looks like he would move here, can we get in ahead of Hamburg??? Aren't they signing Berg aswell? Certainly would add some steel to midfield, Fellaini and Cana acting as Arteta's bodyguards, I say sign him, prefer him to M'Bia, 7 yellows and 1 red ain't that bad to be honest, I don't know how that would translate in the Prem.
  18. Ball was a fan favourite, and thinking back a major factor in the game against Coventry when we stayed up, nonetheless judge him as he is now, as back up i'm fine with that. A brickwall of a defender.
  19. If we look at the lescott situation properly. Yes he is a great player and has been brilliant for us, but at the same time he is not unreplaceable, certainly if we get a player of Richards potential and £15m or so, then I feel it is good business. If we had a stronger financial position I would say no chance, but alas we are not exactly rolling in it. The money from lescott will give us an opportunity to strengthen other areas of the team and also to find a replacement. We could get a similar quality player from abroad for a lot less. Rodwell will be a centre half in 2 years, and lescott does have a history with knee problems, all in all it does make sense, will be a loss but we will be adequately compensated.
  20. I was being sarcy, I was havin a go at Stoke, they are harmless though - that said if they do get him and he does the business, they will have last laugh
  21. Leave Stoke alone, they gave us Bracewell, they now possess James Beattie and Steve Simonsen...... nah i'm not getting into this one. Any club that buys M'bia is asking for trouble, he attitude stinks, in fact he shoukld play for these: http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/ac%20milan%20pooh.jpg
  22. In principal I think that the compensation is right to a point, there certainly needs to be a cap or a banding on it though. Imagine if somone stole Rooney or Rodwell at an early age, we would be pig sick. On the other hand, back in Sep 1998 when we played Leeds at home (dacourt sent off - bowyer), the Leeds fans thought that given their elevated financial status they could wave £20 notes at us. Move on to 2009..........Funny old game.
  23. They are probably holding out for 18m, we should have got them to negotiate for us when we sold Rooney to Utd. Drive a hard deal.
  24. The yak is probably about 10 years younger than Kanu, that will make him 34 I think....
  25. Not very often Bluekipper give a 4 star rating to a rumour and are wrong, they will have insiders in club, heard many negatives about Micah in last year, hope we get some stringent performance/disciplinary conditions in the contract. May have just needed new start and wanted Chelsea a year or two ago.
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