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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. The very fact that you are assuming we need to get rid of players in our threadbare squad to get other players in suggests you have become used to the manner in which our club is being run. Which should never be the case as an Evertonian. The people that need to leave this club are those that can't operate it in the financial manner that it should be run - board members with big pockets and short arms. If that means Mr Kenwright and a few of the others, then so be it. Kenwright has a very high maintainance girlfriend, admired by many and used to being treated to the best. Bill has tried to beg borrow and steal to keep this love affair going - he's even lied! If she continues to go out with Bill whilst her best friends are going out with Billionaires, her reputation will fall. As the saying goes - if you love someone set them free. And it wasn't Jenny Seagrove I was refferring to!!!
  2. It's there for all to see, a grand old club with far more history, success, fan base than all of the other clubs around us being snapped up is waiting patiently for a sugar daddy to come in and rescue it. We are playing minor league in the transfer market and all the other teams and players know it, we couldn't secure Elm and Senderos (fee agreed - personal terms)- hardly blue chip players. It's amazing that Moyes has secured the players that he has. We are never going to be run as a profitable business if we are to buy the types of players that will see us break the top 4 - so the choice is: A: Stay as we are, Cheap and cheerful, hope for a few cup runs, maybe top 8 and sell the likes of Rodwell to Man U and Chelski to keep a transfer float once the player becomes disillusioned with not playing champions league. B: Get the club sold to someone who has money to throw into it.. someone who can fund a transfer war chest which will satisfy the managers and top players ambitions. Break into the top 4 and start generating the type of income that has seen the current top 4 establish themselves as Champions league contenders year in, year out. Does anyone actually believe someone with more money and financial ambition than Blue Bill has never sounded Mr Kenwright out?
  3. I think you should hold hands up and be happy that pienaar is proving you wrong. The logic behind your issues is not there. Find a better player in his position, compare stats, and compare value and compare our expenditure and budget. There is no one, you can't compare billy after one game against a sub standard team, although i was very pleased. Saying pienaar is good but you want more is a contradiction, he is good because he ticks the boxes. Let's just put this one to bed, there are other players such as osman who deserve your over analysis.
  4. I hope it does, we have had no support from those clowns. Forgot about Bellefield needing to be sold. Liverpool were practically given a chunk of stanley park................
  5. His 25 yarder was a fluke, so was his work rate, that was lucky as well. I think Moyes must have him confused with someone else when he said he was "brilliant" and a "revelation". I'm thinking transfer also "Let's keep what we have, let's get the board to get money out and let's strengthen in depth and have a real crack at the top 4"
  6. Blimey Romey - ahead of Rodwell, Pienaar and Billy?, I thought he was better than he has been but for me he is still sooo one paced he looks laboured. He looked tidy enough although he doesn't tend to pass the ball forward. Once or twice he was muscled out of tangles which I found strange, still has a way to go for me. It's a case of looking for small victories with Felli at the moment which is a little tough to take when you consider he was our key signing last year. let's hope he continues to improve and his lack of mobility is less of a hinderence. I thought Rodwell was outstanding, his pass completion must have been 100% and that includes switching 20 yard passes to the flanks over opposition heads. He broke up play, takes the ball either foot and basically ran the show, 18 years of age, the lad is priceless for me at the moment, a true genuine world class midfield prospect. You could see that they were afraid to let him have the ball at the 25yrd range in fear of his shooting from the previous euro game. To own the midfield and have such evident command over his team mates at his age puts him ahead of Gerrard at the same age. I would say even now he is on par with Michael Carrick, Carrick may be slightly ahead with his through balls etc, but Rodwell tackles better and is a bigger threat in the air.
  7. I think they did pass, Bily tended to get inside whilst Baines overlapped and they worked a couple of nice one two's. Baines did pick up the ball deep a few times and you could see he wanted to see a central player making a run so he could play a long ball , whilst the crowd egged him to run forward with it and play to feet. Bily seems to be able to look after the ball, nice feet, excellent delivery (almost Hinchcliffe like - little less pace on ball) - but nice to see the ball beat the first man and keeper, Fellaini and Tim shall be doing plenty of set piece work with him to maximise opportunities. Something tells me his technique should see a few direct free kicks come his way. I'm thinking of putting him in my fantasy footy team based on his corners alone!
  8. Can you repeat that please, I fancy seeing Pienaar cracking home another 25 yarder after running the right flank for the past 45 mins.
  9. I'm sure the thread poster will say fools seldom differ!
  10. What a cracker, between that quote "better than Jags" and the thread "let's sell Pienaar" i'm going for a lie down.
  11. Pienaar is one of our most talented players who combines talent with workrarate. His versatility, ability to beat a man, work for the team and to also make decoy runs makes him one of our best options going forward. To replace him would cost somewhere in the region of £15m. He also outperformed KaKa in that confederations cup match. Rumours are Arsene Wenger was interested in taking him. Actually, Yeah lets sell him for £5m make a 100% profit and then spend £8m on a player no one has heard of and then get told that the deal cost £10m because of signing fees, wages, train fares and the cost of gettin a shirt printed for the press photos.
  12. Not to say that any Everton fans are called Nero, but he did play the fiddle whilst Rome was burning. What is absolutely (our CEO's favourite buzz word)critical is that fans continue to look and question the grey areas of what is going on in this club. The problem we have is that when genuine and logical questions are asked, we are met with differing answers or in the case of Blue Bill (i'm bored of that question, i'm not answering it). There are parts in that article that you can scoot past, however there are parts where you think hhhmmm yes. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to give any of the points consideration. Bobby Elstone stated that we had paid £8m more than the Lescott transfer fee, Moyes then came out and said, "you can work it out - and summarised that the club had not spent £8m more" There will be a point after all of this when Moyes scoots off and the Moyes loyalists (most of us) who are content with the prudent (lies) board approach will soon voice their anger. We shall see what has been played out when the Kirby decision is announced. His net transfer spend per year since he started has been £2.8m give or take a few thousand (that includes loan fees too) - KPMG
  13. Is it that certain managers who have played the game have an affinity for certain types.... Hoddle loved his flair players and those who could pass the ball like himself, Moyes likes unfussy work horses and tends to heap praise on them, For example he wishes he had 11 Kevin Kilbanes!!! Having 1 was bad enough. What he done for the club has been outstanding, that doesn't mean he is exempt from criticism. When was the last time we took a team apart in the prem and had a good old toe to toe we'll score more goals than you game. I don't think i've ever enjoyed going 1-0 up, cos you know we just try and nullify the other team rather than chase a 2nd. When we are behind we look so much better as we have to attack. He needs to take learnings from this game.
  14. Looks like Bill Kenwright has joined toffeetalk, welcome to the site Bill. However using threads as a gentle way of breaking bad news to the fans is not on. I tell you what, start making more west end productions instead of continualy selling the family silver. In all seriousness sell Arteta? Would Liverpool contemplate selling Gerrard? To replace Arteta would cost £20m at least - and then what player to replace him?
  15. http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/09-10/comment/fan/article.asp?submissionID=12846 A must read.
  16. Scoring goals isn't negative at all, but buying a midfielder who offers very little mobility for £15m is, if we are talking about awaiting for this maturity was £15m the right deal at that time? I really really hope I am proved wrong about him, but the QE2 seems to turn quicker. As a similar statured player Patrick Viera was effective as he broke up play cos his long strides chewed up the ground and he was highly mobile, when that pace went, so did the player.
  17. I'm not totally opposed to Fellaini and I am hoping he can develop his game more in a way that his lack of mobility and pace is not so evident - however when you look at the circumstances you can not help be frustrated. We could and should have got Moutinho for an extra couple of million more than what we paid for fellaini - we identified him, toyed about, left it late and then paid more for an unproven belgian at the very last minute in order not to face a massive fan backlash for getting rid of carsley with no backfill (who could still do a better job than fellaini - we wouldn't pay his contract for 2 years!) - the problem immediately was that Fellaini wasn't able to do Carsley's old role and he was deployed further up field to hold up the play like a deep lying second striker. You can't grumble with Cahill - he has been an awesome player for us, but the current system we play needs to change and that means no place for him in a 2 man central role. If we had got Moutinho, he would have gone straight in to the midfield and given us an Arsenal style look about our centre - highly mobile, comfortable on the ball and able to create. It would have allowed us to mix up play with him and Arteta changing to freshen things up. I do honestly feel that some Everton fans are in denial about Fellaini, there is atendancy to point at the number of goals he scored (6ft 4in arial threat should score) and ignore his inability to track back effectively when hit on the counter attack by pacey players. If we had paid £5m for him we would say it was good business - £15m is a bit hard to take.
  18. Yeah, I remember Gary Neville saying Kilbane was his toughest opponent closely followed by Arjen Robben
  19. You certainly wouldn't spend £15m on a player that can't fit in with another key member of the squad. At least he's admitted it I suppose.
  20. The problem I see is that if we are to play 2 strikers (which is something I think we need to be able to do to get better results against the top 4, and certainly avoid draws against lesser teams) - namely Yak and Saha, then neither player warrants selection. This is a pretty bad state of affairs when you consider one is a great goalscoring talisman who is a firm fan favourite who you would hate to drop through loyalty alone, and the other is a £15m investment. The first choice centre pairing would be Rodwell and Arteta (billy on left, pienaar on right) without a shadow of a doubt. Already Rodwell shows more ability in positioning, athleticism, passing, composure - than fellaini and Cahill combined. Arteta is one of the best midfielders in the Premier league from the perspective of making things happen and changing pace and direction of play. Neither Fellaini or Cahill are effective as out an out midfielders, they need another player to supplement their weaknesses which means we only have one striker when they play. If we had another decent option on the right hand side I would probably give pienaar the attacking midfield role in a 5 man attack also - which means there could be 3 for one place. I think in all honesty both players may find themselves warming the bench more than they would have hoped and being used in a rotation. However the impact that they would have would be great, would they be happy with that though?
  21. £1m is fair enough, let's face it, if someone took Rodwell or Baxter we would be incensed. That aside, if the bearded idiot wants us banned from transfer windows (I reckon Kenwright would have loved that one - must be gutted now) then maybe he wants to look at how Delph was procured, glass houses and bricks.
  22. I don't mind the fact that the club is being run prudently at present, I want to see some light at the end of the tunnel in terms of "why can teams such as Spurs invest heavily in transfers and overtake us?" - the answer is that they have investors and are backed by money men. I would be intrigued to know whether our ability to obtain a buyer or heavy financial backing is reliant on moving to Kirby and will this financial outly be funded by someone other than the club or Bill Kenwright. What attendances can we expect and what will be the revenue generated by such a move. surely as many people have stated, we are attractive to investors, especially given that other clubs with less kudos manage to secure investment.
  23. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/2968287/Credit-crunch-How-Premier-League-teams-will-be-affected--Football.html If the club want us to look at football as a business, then any fan of reasonable morals would stay at home and pocket the money spent on going to the match when the £50 could pay for their childrens tuition, driving lessons, uni fund - whatever. Football is football, don't expect fans to have to become financial experts, we go to the games and spend our money because we love the club and want success and have pride. If you control a club and financially cannot give it the money it's reputation and fans need, then get out. Do not refuse to answer straight questions such as "how much are you asking for the club" because we deserve better, Hiding behind a canny manager will not get you all the time in the world, many fans are waiting for the day when Man City, United or Real Madrid will come calling for Jack Rodwell, with Kenwright in charge he will be sold. Thanks for all you've done Bill, now please "actively" sell us. i.e let it be known how much we are up for.
  24. It's an outrage, if someone did that to you on a sunday morning or 7 a side, there would be severe consequences, not to mention a riot. To appeal against the ban is disgraceful may as well say "yes, what i did was wrong, the victim may never play again, will lose a potential fortune, but do you know what, a ten game ban is a bit harsh?!" For defour to state that it wouldn't have happened if the ref had blown up earlier deserves the outrage it has caused, maybe if someone gave him a good smack in the mouth they could use the excuse "if you chose your words carefully that wouldn't have happened!" - see how that sits with the club captain. They should play that clip to all professional footballers as a reminder of the responsibilty that they have to eachother.
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