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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. If you were 90% certain that an outcome you were vying for was going to be favourable, you would cover for the 10% uncertainty just in case. surely the Kirby decision was seen as 50/50 - it is yet another indication that those running this club have no idea. Would any other top flight team in serious need of relocation/developmnent put all their eggs in one unstable basket? Nope, plan B would be ready to roll. Wasn't it said there is no plan B?
  2. Read again. Maybe if you weren't so quick to type and point score. I said at the "start of the season". Start of the season - we were already short of Arteta, Jags, Victor, Vaughan, Yak, add on to that when season commenced Neville, Pienaar, Osman (that's 3)= disaster. I told you so may well apply, but it's not what I want - it's just that it doesn't take a genius to work out.
  3. He's a disgrace!, i'm sure it was accidental - ask Cech
  4. Get Jose on....made for him. 5 live say TC is struggling....
  5. There lies the problem Louis, the word "hope" - it's associated with wanting something that is unlikely to happen. I guess the chickens will come home to roost if this is true.
  6. Would we be this bad with Jags or Arteta in the team? Unlikely, the other players would be embarrased by the clear difference in quality they possess so would up their work rate. The team is totally void of confidence and any characters within it to get them going, I got it wrong when I said we would be a better footballing team without Neville. Yobo's back pass before? Outrageous!
  7. Lack leadership. Ability to pass, no one wants the ball, no one showing. Expect 5-0
  8. I am sure our board will not have been sat on their hands in the time that this has been in deliberation, they will have a plan B,C probably D . Anyhow, watching the game, just seen number 3 go in from a team who you would back for relegation. Said at start of season we were 3 injuries away from disaster, not that I thought it would happen, it did. At this level you have contingency, seems we don't do that.
  9. On radio they said loan deals <_< don't get too excited, prob see Alan Snmith...
  10. Get him in the treatment room, remember how he used to get the jukebox to work....
  11. At the current moment in time there isn't much to choose between Fellaini and Cahill in terms of performance, both are playing way below a standard you would expect from a top flight midfielder, thing is Tim has done it in the past for us, Fellaini is yet to put together a string of performances. The novelty value is wearing off with Felliani for a lot of hs most staunch supporters, in the pedestrian way he patrolled the midfield on Saturday, is there much surprise? He will no longer be able to hide behind goals and team wins, cos we ain't getting either.
  12. Downright idiotic and unfair ? Blimey now that is harsh and rash. Especially when the point wasn't that he is poor, i have given my balanced opinion of him. The reason he is in there is that he is a bad value signing. 15million doesn't represent good value for what he gives. Top scorer? Cahil could have scored two headers from set pieces on saturday and i would still have said he was the worst player on the pitch. Cahills overall play was shocking. From a midfielder i expect the ability to control tempo of the game and boss their opponents, the goals are icing on the cake when overall play is adequate. The same applies throughout.
  13. Yeah the Yak is great even at £11m he is value for money, but it just goes to show how well Moyes has done in the market overall that he doesn't get in the list, there have been some poor value signings. Felli, VDM, Kroldrup, Wright, Beattie - which is fair enough.
  14. how sad, let it go....... you like me and many others post on this site when a game is up and running looking for freebie sites, you either don't go because of money reasons, responsibilities, or maybe you don't care, surely not! - reason..... cost of going to game? You have a problem in that you post something that someone can disagree or disAprove OF. Get over it, there are other fans out there with access to www.google.com
  15. when jack had a shot the camera panned to his uncle,name, details, blackpool etc, he was hidden away in some old trafford snug - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  16. I suppose when you read some of my posts I harp on about how we need money. I guess realistically one of the reasdons we need it is that we are able to pay for 'proven' world stage performers and that comes at a price. I don't blame anyone for Fellaini as such, however maybe the reason we signed him was that we never quite had the extra spondoolies to get Moutinho. There is no magical way to know whether someone will fit in the premier league - for every Essien there is a Veron, for every Vidic there is a Kroldrup. Pro's and Cons Fellaini: Pro's: Young and time to develop, Great in the air, first touch, combative, get's in good positions around the box. Cons: Slow, gives away too many fouls, needs to make more killer passes, can disappear from the game, don't know best position Top ten signing? Here's mine in order based on importance and value for money: 1. Arteta 2. Saha (based on assumption was free - most technically gifted player we have IMO) 3. Jagielka 4. Pienaar 5. Cahill 6. Howard 7. Lescott 8. Neville 9. Baines 10 Yobo
  17. Maybe a learning on my part to be more specific about the inflation I was referring to. However to protect my credibility - which should be in tact regardless - here is some reading..... http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/fans-concerned-over-football-inflation-1764258.html I'm not into point scoring, but I do like to back up my posts with facts given the scrutiny (rightly so) they will receive. anyhows COYB!!!
  18. Not to insult, I just think you have set your sights lower than I have. I'm not about knocking the club, i'm merely putting your commercial victories in perspective, the glaring ommision on your point about shirt sponsors was Fulham - twice the amount we get. The kitbag deal was hardly deal of the century - as I say a struggling Man City got a similar Le Coq Sportif deal. The turnover was primarily down to the success on the pitch and player sales - not down to commercial activity, which was the original part of my point.
  19. If J.R Ewing came offering you good money for your back garden - you wouldn't sell - you know that he will strike oil and the subtsantial money he gave you would appear to be pennies. That's how I feel about selling our potential talent. They know he's gonna be a star. £20m, £30m, £40m could appear to be small change for this lad one day, the only way you would sell is if he was destined to be a similar player to Phil Neville - he's already better...
  20. I'll do this in stages: 1. Record turnover every year??? You would like to think so, inflation has a lot to do with that. In the words of Bill after anouncing record turnover: "Our debt is a big debt and a worrying debt, but it is manageable because of our performance on the field and because we do well each year as a business, thanks to David (Moyes). But it is too much debt that every year is going to be added to" "Every summer it's the same problem. David must think 'every summer, how can I do it?'. He must be sitting there looking at these figures thinking 'they have given me nothing again and they want the Champions League'. "But we do manage to sustain the debt. We have a good bank and we have had to go to them again this summer. All we can do is borrow and that's what we are doing again this year to give David not nearly enough money to take a club that's finished fifth in the last two seasons even higher. 2. Finch Farm was acquired in 2006 by Everton who later sold the land on for £2.1 million and then had it developed to the club’s specification by developers ROM Capital (an arm of the aAim Group). On completion, Finch Farm was valued by ROM Capital at £17 M. Everton signed a 50-year tenancy agreement with ROM Capital for Finch Farm.[2] Everton have an option to purchase the site after 5 years. So we are renting somewhere whilst we are lumbered with the problematic site in Bellefield which can not be built on. 3. Biggest shirt sponsorship in the clubs history - £2m a year. Let's put that into perspective... Liverpool have signed one worth £20m a year with Standard Chartered, Man City and Spurs and Arsenal more than double what we are on £5m a year, Fulham receive £4m a year from LG. 4. Kitbag haver the rights to sell our kit which is estimated at £3m a year. Based on the fact that it is Le Coq Sportif, I can't see your neutral fan clamouring for it ala Nike/Adidas. The deal we got from Le Coq Sportif was not much better than the one Man City had with them when they were struggling in the league. Before they went to Reebok. Again - is it a success story??? I think I won't even get onto the club shops and knowsley stadium move as I am now suitably depressed. Where did I say that it is us v them in terms of players/coaching staff versus powersuits? Must have been where you read the financials....
  21. Unspectacular progress behind the scenes? I think the amount of chief execs we have had in recent years points to something very spectacular behind the scenes - of which we do not know about. The steady progress you refer to is Moyes successful dealings in the bargain basement with success owing to a team spirit that at times has been built on a siege mentality. I can't see anything that has gone on from a commercial aspect that has made me think that anyone else is due plaudits. So if you know commercially what I do not know, please enlighten me. Again to repeat many a blue's opinion, the progress has been made in spite of, not because of Kenwright and co. When players such as Arteta comment on the 'family' aspect of the club, again surely that is credit to Moyes, the backroom staff and the players, unless Mikel has a masters degree in econometrics and has been doing his bit to help out the guys in power suits who spend their days working out how to make our club profitable without sacrificing playing staff.
  22. Can't believe the lad has his own thread and some comments are uncomplimentary, he will have big shoulders after coming through games against Benfica etc when in all honesty he should be getting last 20 against Hull etc. Some of the comments aren't fair at all. Let's hope that the lad makes it as a rock steady prem player, he has already done something for us that Rooney never managed, score against Liverpool. I can't see him making the £20m bracket, but neither would John O'Shea - yet he get's plenty of games for united without being anything other than steady. We seem to have a habit of building some youngsters up and then being almost ungrateful when they don't look like making it. That is down to the fact that we are highly unlikely to buy a world class player at the going rate - so all our hopes are down to developing one (who will no doubt be sold on the drip to buy some utility players)
  23. Cor blimey Mr Maddock!!! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water!!! Some of the fans comments fly right back at him with more questions, this I like! I don't think I have ever seen a chairman attract so much attention for the magician like ways the club manager has managed to run a football club on a shoe string. It's almost like Andrew Ridgley getting the rights to Careless Whisper.
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