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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Hafnia

    Arsenal (Away)

    Cahill was at fault for their goal. Ball cleared out, he waited for pass rather than move towards the ball and protect it. They moved forward and scored. Tim's lack of basics at times is annoying.
  2. No, No, No, No. Finding money for a £2.5m player that has 2 years left and who is on the decline? Tell you what, get the extra dosh and get Victor Moses then I will be happy.
  3. Dixie Dean, Tommy Lawton, Alex Young, Joe Royle, Bob Latchford, Graeme Sharp etc - back in the day of team numbers 1-11 these players made the shirt famous, we now have options to give a player any 2 digit number. Whilst I am happy we have Donovan we have also discredited the value of the shirt by giving it to a player on loan for just 10 weeks. With squad numbers we should be looking to reward players with that number, in the way alot of the south American teams use the number 10 shirt. It may seem picky, put don't we have merchandising based on the prestigous Everton number 9?
  4. Felli has made me eat my words to an extent, which I am made up about. He has come on leaps and bounds which does make you question why was he being played out of position to the one he played at Liege? His lack of pace may be less of an issue when playing deeper as he isn't reliant on needing to chase back and just sit and mop up, and his passing has been excellent. Now we know his benchmark let's hope he doesn't slip back.
  5. Brett Angel Alex Nyarko Mikel Madar Tony Thomas Richard Wright OK really.... (ones I have seen) 1. Trevor Steven 2. Andy Gray 3. Peter Reid 4. Wayne Rooney 5. Duncan Ferguson Interms of ability Rooney is 1st followed by Steven, Arteta, Sheedy, Saha
  6. Just the tonic for the lad. made up for him
  7. go on vaughan - get in there 1-0
  8. I have given it to Baxter, amybe his game wasn't as steady as Coleman or Duffy, however highly impressed with his technique and composure - seems to have a bit of scholes about him, I get the feeling that something will click with him soon and you will see him edge into an attacking midfielder role, good quick feet, nice touch and will take ownership. Overall you have got to be pleased with how the lads looked, a credit to the academy to be honest. Coleman and Duffy look pipelined to replace Hibbert and Yobo. Good signs, pretty pleased.
  9. Bill will be watching pen and notepad in hand ready to see who we can secure our next loans against "hhhmmmm that Bidwell looks good - Coleman looks class, yep that's me sorted for another few loans in 5 years time" In all seriousness, players like Colin Harvey, most recently Rodwell all had their debuts in european games, we may see young Agard tear their back 4 apart tonight and have another option up front. Have Billy on the bench, point towards Agard and let him know that that is the work rate we expect from an Everton player - not one who decides he doesn't fancy it when the ball goes like pinball and you need to graft a little. Yep - seen Billy's interview, the message I got wasn't a good one.
  10. We seen the best English raised player since Gazza come through the ranks whilst the club was being run like an elephants graveyard. He was one of our own, gritty, narky and would to an extent run the show, we had no one to do that. We watch him go and take the European championships by storm and hope that the £50k a week contract waiting for him was true and was waiting to be signed................... Then we bought Lescott who was good at £4m (Brum born and raised), not the best defender (Jags is)and we sold him for a similar price to the player that England will focus our World cup hopes on..... The Rooney sale will always stick in my throat for all the reasons that I now know we aren't a major player anymore. This situation can not happen again, Rodwell may not have Rooney's match winning explosiveness, however he is what all the other clubs want, why sell him??? Lescott, I can deal with, no problem at all. Reasons they left? Will we ever know?
  11. You can say he lost us two goals today. The way I look at it he is PURE CLASS. Never before have I seen a striker play for us so composed and silky on the ball, he may lose the ball at times, but you can't change the player and in his case why would you. There is Drogba, Rooney, Torres, Defoe, Adebuyor, all mega money players - Saha is up there. Best striker I have seen at this club in terms of all round technical ability.
  12. intersting point, would be difficult to compare but if you look at Pienaars consistency and work rate versus Mikels it makes him very close as an overall player. He hasn't got the same technical ability when striking a ball, dribbling and close control very similar. His versatility is better, Mikel can go missing when played on the right. Put it this way, there isn't many teams he wouldn't get in...
  13. Don Hutchison anyone....... That was 2000, we are now 2009, player of the year wanted 25% pay rise (20k - 25k) we offered an extra £925 a week, our current top earners are approx 50k, simple, give Pienaar parity, we know he's worth it. If I was him, I would expect a £50k a week 3 year deal, no less. If we offer less, then expect him to walk. And expect to replace with far less.
  14. Talking about Donovan as a Top 100 player compared to anyone else in our side is a little premature, until he has played at the frantic pace of the premier league he is not able to be judged as such. I would say that if he was in the top 80% in our league he would be doing well, which would mean there is more than 100 ahead of him in our league alone. Arteta, Pienaar, Billy, Baines, Jagielka, Saha, Yakubu, the list goes on, if he was to be considered ahead of those I would be very pleased and would say sign him permanently! As much as i'm not a massive fan of his image etc, Beckham may not show his true ability due to the fact that the players intelligence in the MLS is not at the level of the likes of Scholes, Giggs, Van Nistlerooy, Cantona, Ronalso, Zidane, all of whom have played with Beckham. With all due respect, playing Beckham in a team like LA Galaxy is like putting a racing driver in a family saloon and expecting him to break lap records. That is no offence to the MLS, Beckham took his big contract to go there to develop the game and should be fully committed to honouring it. Truth is, he may be nearing 35 but he is the best player you have had in that league since the likes of Pele, Best and Beckenbauer came over. If Donovan was to play alongside or against Beckham in a world 11 team, you would be in no doubt of Beckhams ability, you would possibly see Donovan struggle to match the mental sharpness. I hope we do sign Donovan as he does look like he has the technical attributes to do well and I hope he does, however when you see players like Shevchenko, Veron etc struggle to adapt to our league I am more sceptical than optimistic.
  15. Let's hope he can adapt to the pace of the game, I ain't so sure. Beckham needed Italy to get sharp and the prem is way quicker than Italy.... May take him 3 months to find his feet.
  16. £15m if that is true then i'm afraid that is an insult. We paid £15m in one form or another for Fellaini, not even going to bother comparing them - Rodwell better than Fellaini - hands down, potentially as good as Lampard/Gerrard/ Ferdinand - we are talking telephone numbers. The risk is that great I would not sell for £30m. If we are going to be in the position to attract top talent then we need to possess top talent. Look at Man City, they needed to get Robinho as a statement of intent (I don't even think they wanted him, they wanted a flag ship signing in order to be successful in recruiting Kaka (failed) but they got some top players in as a result. We need to keep Jack till he is showing his ability on a consistent level, at the moment he represents the best value for the teams such as Chelsea, Man U, Real as he has yet to get an England cap, as soon as he does, bet your bottom dollar he will be in the £25m+ bracket - which wpuld mean they would already see a return on investment. Top and bottom - do not sell at any price.
  17. No I don't think for one minute he has mentioned quitting and it isn't related to Kirby, I think being utterly cheesed off may lead some people to think that he is ready to call it a day. I don't think he will, I think he is being canny in the way that he was before signing his contract, he wanted money to spend and only signed when he was told he will have cash. Now the team isn't performing he is using the lack of investment as one of the reasons. I think he is diverting the attention onto the board whilst being kind to Bill as I don't think he wants to stab him in the back. I am pretty optimistic that something major will happen at the club over the next month or so, I still don't get that with Phillip Green on board (worth 4,330m) how have we not got the opportunity to have the investment that will give us a world class stadium (Scotland Road maybe)which in turn will give us the platform to be more self sufficient.
  18. What point? An interpretation maybe, read what you will, it's all there.
  19. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/2009/11/26/getting-boot-from-everton-was-making-of-me-says-celtic-star-danny-fox-86908-21851768/ Here's another player we had plying trade in Scotland. You can never be sure that they would make it at prem level though. Mate is a Chester fan, says Ruddy was awesome for them. Hope he makes it, still young for a keeper, look at how many make it young and then fade due to expectations, Wright, Kirkland,Foster to an extent (united looking at Akinfeev to replace van der sar)
  20. What irritates me is that the club have sold an idea to the fans that in order to compete financially we will have to move? and some actually believe that. A £70m odd outlay for a potential return of £6m more a year, which was initially offset against a £10m injection of cash from the housing development of Bellefield - which was canned, for us to move the benefits need to be far greater
  21. Yak wants to go? Sell him. He will be a liability as an unhappy player, will not work for the team, is he a fair weather player maybe? Get rid. I like him as a player who has done well for us, but that goes out the window when he is not prepared to put in a shift for a struggling team whilst he's picking up £50k a week. That's if it is true of course...
  22. I'm more embarrased than relieved. I didn't want kirby. I want a new stadium but all the reasons against kirby i agreed with. Why is it that despite very strong opposition from a large percent of fans did the club carry on regardless with this venture? It was hardly unanimous, even if the vote was legit. After the kings dock potential and failure were we to be pleased about being club that pioneered state of the art stadiums back in the day having to go cap in hand for a mediocre subsidised new home at the cost of our heritage? That's one argument that can be countered depending on your view. My point is that i am embarrased by our situation, pride in how we go about doing things has fallen, why? Because the amount of credible reasons for not pursuing this were ignored and now we have had a big fat public no given to us. Plus it has caused mass disagreement between fans. If it was right like kings dock, there would have been unity.
  23. The best free kick taker in the world like Beckham doesn't always score or create goals. The fact that we are focusing on this as we seem incapable of creating goals through fluent attacking play, apart from the occasional Saha piece of magic.
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