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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. He's in my top 5 talented players I have seen in everton 84 to date. Along with Rooney, Saha, Trevor Steven, limpar, probably missed someone here.....,
  2. Just seen him at greggs buying a meat and potatoe pie
  3. Ha ha here's me posting new topic, great news. To be greedy would like pienaar and Donovan adding then..... Quote me on this, top 4 is a real possibility. The reds must be gutted, haha!
  4. Arteta 5 year deal, I'm happy to say the least
  5. Let's be honest, from being the club who historically pioneered many changes to match day experiences, we have been left floundering and following the lead of others. Elstone deserves credit for alot of these changes, kitbag, the betting site, the new retail project, the problem is we are doing all this way after the others, under kenwright stability in the sense of the word has been like a boxer using a great defense without throwing many punches. You can't give the boxer credit for going the distance, when after the final bell the fans would wonder what would have happened if he had a go. Last season for bill for me unless we attract investment, the other fighters are on steroids and we are still drinking raw eggs and chasing chickens.
  6. I agree, what he has had to spend is a joke. We are taking baby steps due to lack of funds theoretically, whereas clubs who have not had to operate in a similar fashion can make strides. The reality is that pound for pound we should be challenging for the league, take a 5 year plan and double it for us, when others can play catch up. My fear is that we will never be able to amass such a quality squad on a limited budget again, we need to capatalise on this opportunity, if that means pay structure then so be it. Sadly, I do feel that wage caps need bringing into the game, not just clubs, then you will not see portsmouths etc
  7. Top and bottom, we ain't in a great deal of debt due to thrifty dealings, it appears we may be starting to run as a more efficient business. The time has come to throw caution to the wind a little and go for the one or two players who could make us challenge, I think we will make top 4 this year, sounds crazy but I think spurs and city will have too much on their plate with Europe.
  8. Insert a buy back clause. Hope we see him back injury free and scoring goals, good lad very unlucky.
  9. Never forget that goal that he scored against West Ham in 1994, under Mike Walker. Arguably a major contribution to us staying up given we ended a horrendous run. Wishing him all the best.
  10. Only thing I can think of is that there maybe some more legal work to be done. If not I await a strongly worded criticism of a limited player who should be ashamed of his conduct. Fair enough, to go and double your money in view of limited chances to break the first team and set yourself up for life is ok with me, but don't shake hands and go about things in a sly fashion. If he said to Moyes "Thanks for the offer, but I am in the best position now to get a contract that will set me up with a view to more first team performances, sorry to dissapoint you, I appreciate everything you have done" I think Moyes may have unleashed some anger, but at the same time held respect for him and talked about getting contract written up so we would get comp. Chances are Moyes and the staff have invested a lot of time coaching this player, however, again, massive lessons to be learned here, thankfully its with a player whose career will fade away.
  11. His repuatation seems to have ridden on the same wave that Jack Rodwells impact has created. In 1991-1992 when Man Utd won the FA youth cup, a certain John O'Kane (remember him) probably benefitted from the same kind of media attention that the likes of Beckham, Scholes, the Nevilles, Nicky Butt created, he retired in 2004 aged 31 playing for Hyde in the non league. Because Rodwell is rightly rated so highly and Gosling may have seemed to have had a similar amount of playing time with a bit of impact around the same time at similar age, it get's lazy journalists applying similar plaudits for a player who is not fit to lace the others boots. We await the fickle bar codes criticisms... http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football-manchester-uniteds-class-of-92-1070596.html
  12. Blimey, we have seen some players do the dirty on their clubs in our time by dragging out talks till they can go on a free transfer and line their pockets, McManaman, Sol Campbell, Owen, now we get to add Dan Gosling to that list of internationally recognised names. Something just doesn't sound right about him in that company. Top and bottom is that he has cost two clubs who have tried to develop him as a player by his greed. Plymouth would have made a supposed extra million from the compensation, he would have known this. Plain and simple the lad is an example of the greed and lack of integrity shown by most players in the game today, the fact that he isn't very good at all makes it even worse! In his mind he probably thinks we are gutted at him leaving, it isn't that, it is that he has cost the club money from the inflated transfer valuation that was given to him no doubt because of two high profile goals. Good riddance.
  13. I reckon you broke in, found the contract and shredded it! In all seriousness, never had the athleticism or ability to threaten first team selection, however for some reason he seemed to have established himself as a Rodwell-esque potential player through in the rumour mills, which is no doubt why the barcodes are getting excited. The only thing they share is friendship and similar age. It's almost like Ben Thornly or Chris Casper to David Beckham. Truth is we know he was never gonna quite make it, however we maybe could have gotten £3m+ for him from a club like Newcastle who do the their scouting using journalist opinion. Never the less bad admin on our behalf...
  14. I think he has been very unlucky at City, dropped to accomodate Robinho. He scored 5 goals in 20 games and not all were 90 mins and some were sub appearances. Given continuity and the opportunity to develop an understanding with Baines he could become a very good player for us, extremely quick which would give us the ability to push the defending team deeper which will allow the likes of Saha to drop deep, hold up play and bring Arteta into an advanced position. Free signing, no brainer. Prefer him to Joe Ledley who lacks pace.
  15. OK here's my 2 cents. While I feel sorry for Baines, talking about homesickness when not pencilled as a defo squad member may have had an impact on Capello not picking him. It wasn't the wisest move, at international level you do not want players unsettling the camp with any negative energy, and home sickness (symptoms) would definately do that - unable to join in with banter, quietness, poor perfromances. I do not take such things as a crticism of Everton and I am 100% behind Capello. Got to agree that Carraghers inclusion is a strange one - Jags is a FAR better player. In my honest opinion if they had included Jags in the preliminary squad he may have hit top form just in time, and at that level he is more than cappable of standing in for John Terry who I rate him as better than. Carragher has turned into a bitter aging bully boy sunday league footballer who targets the young quick lads with a hefty OTT challenge whilst protesting innocence (pienaar, aguero anyone) I think Baines performance against Mexico highlighted some defensive concerns that would not have been evident had Mr Gerrard not gone walkies. None the less I think Capello has gone for the slightly better defensive security of Warnock. Added all in it makes no odds, Ashley Cole will be playing all the time barring injury. Enjoy a nice holiday Leighton and chin up, don't go too far or for too long!!!
  16. Given the situation he would have been wise to indicate that a bigger squad may have seen us challenge for top 4, instead using the word failure indicates he has greater ambition than the club is able to satisfy... Time to take this one on the chin I think, would be nice if he signs however I think it's taxi for Pienaar (no pun intended), he isn't exactly giving the impression he wants to be here. Last contract, wants mega bucks, part of me wishes him well, part of me thinks he's another greedy mercenary. If we can get Ben Arfa cheaper and he sorts his head out we could have a seriously talented replacement
  17. Cheers mike, it was yeah. Not good using mobile for posts!
  18. Funny isn't it how things turn out for some players - tipped for stardom http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/africa/2779947.stm Have a problematic time at a club and eventually approx 5-6 years later start realising it.
  19. Sometimes players need to move away from their known environment to become 100% focused, our squad is geared to helping players settle in, no ego's etc. He may well have an attitude problem, but attitudes only flourish or become prominent in an environment where they are allowed to. It's well known that problems occur when there are ego clashes. Look at Eric Cantona, was a problem at many clubs but when given the right environment was a leader and led by example in training. He is the type of player that could get the fans chanting his name in the hope of some much needed flair, sometimes that is all they need - the platform and reward that they crave. Stifle or criticise them and they revert to derailing behaviours which is what gives them the bad name. To move forward we need to be able to house and deal with some element of ego, all the great players have it, from Torres to Rooney, they have their own needs. Our fans are well known for being fair but encouraging, even Pienaar in his difficult talks has commented on how well he has been treated by us. Missing out on the final squad is exactly what could work in our favour, gives Moyesy that platform to put his arm round him and say "work with me, you will be a regular for your country in no time" Must say, I am surprised we are linked with him, I have always had Moyes down as the type to run a mile from problematic players. He must have 100% faith in the strength and unity of the players that he knows they can not be unsettled by the occasional ego. Look at Drogba the other week, kicked off about the penalty as he wanted golden boot, player unity led by Lampard put him in his place and he soon realised the error of his ways - a weaker spirited squad would have been affected by that and had split camps etc.
  20. Playmaker sitting behind pacey striker/s is a great option, age not really an issue if we have the legs behind him, someone who could link up well with areta (given the ability to bomb on with Rodwell and Felli holding)- could allow us to play 4-3-3 rodwell - Felli areta Aimar Saha - Beckford / Anichebe
  21. I've been a massive fan of the yak, he knows where the net is and he has a great ability to hold up the ball and pick a pass. My concern with him is that his only weakness is his attitude, i don't think he can stay at one club too long. His limited work rate has dropped and he looks like a player who has done his time for us. In an ideal world we would keep him and rotate him, the fact is we need a goal hungry striker to come in. Who that is? I do not know. I would say 9 million is about right for yak.
  22. We are in a win win situation: he signs new contract = great. He says he wants to move to Spurs, then tell Spurs it's £15m or more or we hold off till after world cup where he will be on every form of TV replay as he is the most likleist players from South Africa to have an impact moment in a game. The TV stations will act as the biggest agent in world football, will Spurs fancy going up against bigger powers in the world game if Pienaar does what we know he is capable of. £15m is alot of money for a player out of contract and with about 3 years of peak performance left. If it turns out that we do not agree a fee then keep him for the last year, we paid in region of £2m for him and he could enable us to make the push for top 4. Time to play hardball. I would prefer to sign him on a 4 year deal though.
  23. Bellamy has not got long left in his legs by his own admission, plus his wages would be top bracket. Get Petrov and don't even let those lot have any of our players, we would get 2 good years out of Petrov.
  24. Rumours of City coming in for Mikel are worrying, hopeful he will stay. If he were to go I would pipeline the move for Moutinho (£17m) and the sale of Arteta should be in region of £25m. Moutinho is a class act, at goodison he was played on left wing and was isolated, at their place he ran the midfield. Gifted player, very similar to Arteta in my opinion. I just want our squad to remain as it is barring sell Yobo, - buy another younger centre half as cover - Taylor? I would also sell Yak if we can get £7m then get a more mobile goalscoring centre forward to partner Saha. I think Yak has come to his usual "done a few years, i'm bored, want to move" Is Jose Baxter any closer to making a big step?
  25. I would make him see contract out. Next season could be massive for us and he would be a big part in that. Let's face it, if old arry wanted him - we could play hard ball and say £20m now or we will hold him till end of contract and then you are up against Chelsea, Man Utd, and a host of other bigger names who would take him on a free and offer £80k+ a week - what is it to be?
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