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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Why not recall James Vaughan, or is that just too simple?
  2. Yak will get a brace today.
  3. Take players as they are, it's unlikely you would be criticising his laid back approach when he nonchalantly plants the ball in the back of the net. Liverpool are seeing exactly the same thing with Torres at the mo. You only criticise work rate when they ain't scoring. Yak is the best finisher at the club, and near the top 5 in the league. He's come back from a serious injury, is it his fault we put all our eggs in one basket and signed a league one player on a free? Give him the ball to his feet and watch things happen, don't expect him to run channels up front on his own. Simple, however our super duper manager needs to grow a pair and play him alongside a runner who will give the centre halves something to think about. Whilst we are at it best finishers ahead of yak: Torres, drogba, gerrard, you can pretty much squabble about whether anyone else has the same clinical and calm approach to finding the net. Sorry but had to edit this, what were you thinking when you compiled that list??? Were you going through rothmans football book and doing a quick a to z? Whilst watching re-runs of his miss for Nigeria. The problem with yak is the manager does not know how to get the team to play to his strengths. It's like buying a Porsche and expecting to go off road and perform like a land rover.
  4. And the winner is...... Truth is we do not have a manager who can change things or find a solution quick enough to influence a result. Teams see us as a scalp nowadays and are happy to sit back and steal a goal, what do we do, pack the midfield and end up with a lone striker needing support. Yes - I was referring to ingame tactics, the inability to see where things are going wrong quick enough to make changes so that 1. we do not concede (Hibbert vs Malouda - yellow card FA cup) 2. Make attacking changes with enough time to score (numerous times) Quite astonished that some people are so determined to defend his lack of tactical nouse that they would choose to read the response the other way. Not to say that he takes some beating with his pre match tactics either! Playing the likes of Felli and Heitinga advanced of their best position and choosing to ignore the only player who should be started in an advanced position. Yes that man Coleman.
  5. Traditionally slow starters? ah that's ok then, we can traditionally finish the season outside the top 4 and traditionally say "what if we weren't so poor at the start of the season - we would be in champs league" Yawn, bored of this. Was captain Phil signed up till he is gone 35 so he can do the media relations? The reality is the gap between top 4 and the rest is closing year on year, Bolton holding Man United, West Ham beating Spurs, West Brom beating Arsenal. Truth is we do not have a manager who can change things or find a solution quick enough to influence a result. Teams see us as a scalp nowadays and are happy to sit back and steal a goal, what do we do, pack the midfield and end up with a lone striker needing support. The only team we have scored more than 1 goal against at home in the Prem is Man United when we finally threw caution to the wind, the goal we scored in first half was due to them being caught forward trying to score another, something no other team barring Chelsea or Arsenal will do at Goodsion. We need Moyes to be less cautious...
  6. So you agree that you need to score goals to win a game then?
  7. Hopefully he may soon realise 451 is not the future before it's too late. Footballs a game you win by scoring goals, two strikers please.......
  8. It's quite frightening, I'm actually starting to doubt his credibility, I'm by no means an apologist or a hater but you gotta judge the man based on his current performance, you go on sentiment or history you get relegated. Why is he coming out with this crap? A ten year old in the lower bullens could see that Coleman is our right mid solution, has he not seen bale at spurs? I think he can't see the woods for the trees, he is evidently sticking to his tried and trusted methods from yesteryear, the news is beckford is not Marcus bent and we are not reliant on such a player. I'm gettin to the stage where I'm tired of his inability to see what the fans see. It's not very nice when you are paid thousands of pounds to make important decisions, and some of those decisions could be made by the majority of fans, however seeking a different solution to justify your existence is stubborn and arrogant. The man needs to stop believing his own hype, as unfortunately the press are starting to see what we are, a tactically inept, limited manager. I know that is going to attract some remarks, such as "apart from that what have the Romans done for us" sorry, doesn't wash with me. He could achieve so much more if he sees the problems and solutions quicker, how often have we lost games where he has made subs that appear to be game changing but does it too late?
  9. Not really, he was with Villareal, a Spanish almost equivalent of ourselves. Had 1 ridiculous year with Real Madrid, when he was sacked after achieving record points, but unable to beat an outstanding and possbly best club side in recent memory in Barcelona. So why would he not??? I guess you don't realise how much Moyes is paid? http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2896/premier-league/2010/08/25/2085955/in-pictures-the-ten-highest-paid-football-managers-in Offer Pellegrini the same squad, same salary and give him the same platform he had when he was with Villareal. Would he see it as a challenge? Yes, does he have the experience of such a challenge? Yes. Would he have us playing attacking football with strong tactical nouse... Yes. Transfer funds aside, we are an attractive proposition for any manager. A young squad, some very talented players.
  10. Quite simply it seems to me he can only manage his team when we are in injury crisis time. Give him options to use a sqaud and his choices are baffling. Play felli the only position he can play, defensive mid. Play heitinga instead of distin, drop osman, play beckford and yak up front and Coleman as a right mid. Does he not like it when expectations are high? P.s board, money for a right winger and striker in jan or get lost, the financial backing for this club has been pathetic.
  11. . You really still prepared to stand by that statement? Forget history in the sense of comparing him to other managers, other time different scenario, royle did the business on the day, would he have left a wavering unfit yellow carded Tony hibbert on the pitch against malouda who was clearly the focused outlet until they equalised and moyes realised what was going on? Nope. I know of two people who say moyes has an unbelievable drive for analysis, he recruits someone who is good friends of a colleague of mine. I was at first imprssed by this until I realised great ingamemanagers don't need this. He wants to know the most minute detail after the game, the answer to that is..... It's too late, you've played heitinga in midfield, fellaini upfront, osman against a six foot unit, it didn't work, the fans know it and unfortunately the better the squad is the quicker your limitations are being exposed. Do you honestly believe he is going to make us what we want him to? I don't think he can.
  12. He is paid to make the club progress, he gas done that but the stakes are high now. It's a results business, At the moment his decision making is called into question. How often are managers of teams that win questioned? It would be a shame to see him fail, he evidently can take a poor team and make them efficient, he can do that on a budget, the. Question is, is he a winner, a poor cup record and top 4 record says not.
  13. Give Lenny Henry an 8pm Saturday night slot, not cos he's any good, but just remember comic relief and all he did. Should that happen? Nope. Same as moyes does not deserve the right to mess up a club he has taken so far. Yes, all we have is down to him, good and bad. The fact is expectations are high now, he has a team some managers would love, but he isn't getting the best from them. Heitinga in midfield? Osman, weak as kitten, fellaini attacking midfield, distin? Has he caught benitezitus?
  14. Tim is neither a striker or midfielder, and lacks the technique and vision to be a link up player. He is great from set pieces and troubling centre halves. Speaking of which James Vaughan got a debut hat trick tonight for palace, he's a striker, get him fit and have him back asap
  15. Hafnia

    Man Utd (H)

    Always something to be bitter about, referee was appalling, let united players go through the back of our lads time after time, plus the final whistle WTF! Would he gave done that the other way around! Nope there was still 30 seconds left. Ref nearly as bad as dustybin
  16. http://www.talksport.co.uk/sports-news/football/9746/exclusive-–-robson-‘jagielka-not-good-enough-england’. Must know what he's talkin about, after all big time player who is qualified to comment. Seriously, why talk such garbage. He read that jags is a good player? I'm sure fabio did more than read about him. Sounds like a bitter ex player who is frustrated at being average, in my opinion jags is a better player than Terry and rio as those two are past it, maybe he should tell arsene he needs to sack his scouts given their interest in jags.
  17. We are a club running on a strict budget, there is no question about that. The potential is massive, and the potential is the following: The manager, the fans (we would fill a 50,000 modern stadium week in/out)the current players (signed by the manager). Our recent league placings considering the lack of spend has shown that we have a manager who is canny in the transfer market. My point is, where does Bill come into all this? Analogy time, yawn... We could be a wonder horse, great genetics, fast as lightening, winning each race by a mile, unfortunately we have a jockey on board who has a tight hold of the reigns and the horse can not run as quick as it wants to and never wins a race, so the punters are getting cheesed off that a horse they back so often is not giving them the returns they expect. The ones who are happy to pick up a few quid from an each way bet are happy, and will argue that the horses getting run too hard are ending up in the yard never to race again. In short, I think people are frustrated that we are 3 players away from a team that could seriously challenge,m to get these players requires money, and that money is not coming from the money men, end of.
  18. Just seen the chin on sky, couldn't you laugh, questioning arsenals pursuit of schwartzer, hello mark Joleon lescott ring a bell. To give this topic some life let's see some examples of hypocrites.....
  19. I tell you what is a fair deal, having a god given talent that enables you to move to Europe when most friends end up in prison or worse, then when your career hits the rocks a prem club is prepared to take a chance on you, then offer what is likely to be a deal worth over 50k a week till you are 32. 10m quid on top of what has already been amassed ain't a bad deal now is it? If fair means arteta is the benchmark I would say 80% of what he is on at the very most, 60k. Pienaar may have more workrate, he ain't quite got that same level of magic, still a great player.
  20. We wanted to sort a deal before the world cup did we not? Oh yes, I have the resounding feeling he loves us and wanted to sign. Nope, my guess is he wants ball park pay with arteta, 55k and that's it, sign or go.
  21. While football is full of clubs like Manchester city who devalue everything good about football, treating loyal overpaid players disgracefully, while paying weekly wages in excess of 200k to disloyal mercenaries, what is the point? The game has gone grotesque, if wage caps were brought in and revenue and expenditure were at a business ethical ratio then yes. I would happily invest.
  22. Refuse to do business with the clown
  23. Moyes has been plotting his sale IMO, I would take the money. Loic remy would do me fine, if his potential is for real.
  24. Mr gosling wanted 25k, maybe the reduction there has enabled us a little
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