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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Early to say but looks like yaks brother is playing again
  2. That's a strong team spurs have. Hate them! Need a performance from Billy today.
  3. And all we need to do that is to get a new stadium, and all we need to do that is get investment. Unfotunately that's the reality. Kings dock..... Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhg!!!!!
  4. Good team when they get it together. Need to play them at 100mph. We can win, some key battles though. Palacios will freshen their engine room, he needs sorting. Bale evidently. Vdv. Want to see Coleman run at ekkotto, get him yellow carded asap, he's a liability for them
  5. Arrggghhh! Why did I throw u2 in the mix!!!! I don't even like them. I've fallen into the trap! I only like "where the streets have no name" U2 = lampard, hate the fact he's related to redknapp who has clearly been taking mr angry lessons in pursuit of furthering his tv career. Leave Richard keys alone! He's been presenting long before you were shaving! And he's been shaving very long before you were born. Anyway et, I suppose your antipodean brown nose antics will not stop despite balanced opinion. Why don't you go on the michael phelps forum and argue as to why the thorpedo was better, or visit imdb and submit a 10 star review of crocodile dundee 2. Gettin tired and not long woken up!
  6. With every post you are losing more credibility. If you were offered lampard or gerrard in exchange for tim you wouldn't accept? You are deluded. Take his pros and cons, he is one of the least rounded players we have in our team. We use his attributes, determination, timing and heading. World class? Watch messi, iniesta, Ashley cole, Ramos, that's world class. You are starting to remind me of a Welshman trying to convince everyone that the stereophonics are up there with the beatles, u2 and the rolling stones.
  7. Let's be honest, no one outside of Moyes and the players know if he is any good. The likelyhood like all number 2's is that they do as they are told. When Irvine left, results did drop. One thing I have often seen with Round is him holding his chin ala the thinker and nodding in agreement with Moyes - if this was to happen just before Moyes brings on Tony Hibbert for a forward player when we need to score then I will drive him to Boro myself. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mfc.co.uk/javaImages/bd/9/0,,1~3344829,00.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mfc.co.uk/articles/20080715/boro-ex-factor-summer-update_70638_1343604&usg=__4apa-gN_K-7088w-KSSGRk6rT4s=&h=180&w=312&sz=26&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=h7dbc7FBuSHVpM:&tbnh=143&tbnw=203&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2522steve%2Bround%2522%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1659%26bih%3D796%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=218&ei=DG7ATM_fJIS0tAbjpJS5CA&oei=DG7ATM_fJIS0tAbjpJS5CA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0&tx=115&ty=58
  8. Doesn't tell me anything i didn't already know. Under bill's tenure moyes has become the 4th highest paid manager in the premier league, hardly gonna bite the hand that feeds him now is he? Being the highest paid manager vs turnover plus highest paid not to win anything you are hardly in a position to criticise a chairman for his backing. I think the article we are referring to carries more weight than moyes defence.
  9. Dunc, I think everyone on here appreciates the impact Cahill has had on the team since he has been here. It's just every time he plays well we seem to be asked questions that indicate that he is some world beater and we do not appreciate him. The fans we have that have followed the club through either or both golden eras know what he is all about, and that is great for the club in times of need. For me he has the same passion and determination as andy gray and Peter Reid, but is no near a master of either position as those two. That is what he needs to be to allow us to play in a formation that will see us be more adventurous. Is he a midfielder or a striker? For me he lacks attributes in both to be fully considered as either.
  10. My take on it is that the team needs to be structured to accommodate tim's game, which often means 5 in midfield. When he does play well it is usually when he scores, as his game is not tackling or passing or dribbling. It is usually making a nuisance. Your likes of arteta, pienaar bring more guile to the team and are far more involved in build up play. They are fundamental to the operation of the midfield. We have no other players of their like who can create or spot a pass. Ossie can, but for me is a squad player.
  11. I think we must have caught it from our neighbours across the park, how could they be so nasty about Harry kewell? In all seriousness, we as evertonians have been privileged to see some exceptional players in out time. None of whom have had the none stop fan fare that Cahill has had. He is a valuable member of the squad. Full stop. Just as an FYI - found his shrugging off and lack of acknowledgement to seamus Coleman a little unfair. The lad laid it up for him after a great run. Ok, heat of the moment etc but young member of squad, show a little appreciation.
  12. Ok world class, let's throw this out there, it's a load of rubbish in it's description, vague isn't even in it. Even Simon cowell refers to some x factor acts as being world class! WTF!! So in that case some snotty nosed 19 year old with an attitude who covers James brown can be compared with the man himself? Load of crap. For the purpose of the discussion I will try and compare Cahill to the best in the world, at least that I think is the nearest we can define this so overused term. In terms of the best in the world he ain't even near. One reason for this is that in terms of technical ability he is a million miles away. There are many more technically able players in terms of passing, shooting, tackling, first touch, vision who aren't considered world class. For me he can't play in a two man central midfield nor is a striker. Is he effective? Yes, when an opponents superior technique is overcome by his tenacious nature. Would I have him ahead of a fit again rodwell? Nope. A world class player would never be sacrificed for potential world class in our squad, when others could make way. Sorry if this long winded, thinking as I type on iPhone, to summarise, yes Cahill is an effective player and has been a talisman. Don't confuse this with world class. Players I have seen in an everton shirt I rate as being better in terms of technical comparison to Cahill stretches very far, the difference is many of them you have never found yourself arguing as to whether they are world class. Limpar, kanchelskis, bracewell the list is huge. Goater was effective for man city, was he world class?
  13. Seriously, your posts remind me of an 8 year old being asked their opinion on global warming by John craven.
  14. What is world class? - seriously you can have a full debate on that one. Cahill is a decent premier league player. His attributes are excellent heading ability, determination and focus. In terms of technical ability very very average. Pleased we have him - been a great buy. Is he in the same bracket as lampard, gerrard, scholes, diaby etc - No.
  15. Went for dusty bin. Never say I don't give credit where due. Very good today, given my criticism of him, he deserves the award for stepping up to the plate. All things being equal the yak was awesome, not giving it to him on the basis that what we seen today is the minimum we should expect off such a unit. His shoulder barge deserves it's own thread, even my red mates were tickled and impressed.
  16. Moyes should not be the reason he is at the helm mike. Whether it's his appointment or the fact he was kept on. Kenwright rightfully takes claim for the best manger we've had since Joe royal, even if smith can take some credit. There is more to his role that many chairmen have been fortunate not to face, of which he hasn't excelled at.
  17. If I see another post pointing to the fact that kenwright brought in David moyes I will go mental. He was well touted, cheap, and came highly recommended from Walter smith. If I was to go to asda, buy a load of ingredients and give them Gordon Ramsey - does that mean I can take credit for the food he makes? Can anyone tell me please, does this man deserve to be in control of everton? He just clearly doesn't! He is emotional and vocal, like many of the 30 odd thousand who will be there today. But that does not make it right. A chairmans ownership, when brought into serious question should be over, simple as that. He has way too many flaws and mistakes. Some may say I'm a bill hater, I'm not. I don't think he is very good. That is not enough for our club. His tenure has seen missed opportunity galore. We have had a team on the cusp of something special for years. However he has never given us that little extra to to get there. I.e Where's our striker and right winger. Moyes on the balance should have been given more.
  18. I know for a fact that Lerner approached him before buying villa. Whether you think Lerner is good or not he is a credible chairman and has supported villa tremendously. This itself makes me doubt bill and his honesty
  19. And so we end up back in 2004. His 24/7 search has seen absolutely zilch. Owners of integrity are in existence, the unfortunate greed of some does not excuse him the fact that he has failed to find a buyer. 6 years on, the same questions are being asked. Unless any of us are privvy to inside knowledge, how are we to know who has or is interested, and unless we are able to carry out due diligence how would we know the ability to fund the club. All I know is a net spend of next to nothing in his time has cost us our ability to kick on. Just keep reading the kings dock episode, gross mismanagement on a massive scale, people can talk about the Europe ban as much as they want, for me kings dock is the one big missed opportunity in the history of the club.
  20. Outstanding piece, many may disagree but there is so much content that apologists need to discredit till you get to the point where you ask yourself, "why do we need to spend so much time justifying this mans tenure and status?" - "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum" has become tired. It's a decoration, something we used to believe. "Peoples club" is sadly more appropriate, in a way of saying "yep, Marks and Spencers is where the nice food is at, but Aldi do fruit for 59p" When Kenwright reviews his time at the club, can he honestly say he was a good Chairman? I don't think he can. I would love for him to have a moral victory that will endear him to his fiercest critics, i.e securing a sale that would transform our fortunes. Would Bill stand up and be successful in an Apprentice style bun fight? I think not. His tenure unfortunately is a story of missed opportunities. Not going into them, the piece highlights most of them adequately. He would likely point to David Moyes as the reason he should stay in, or the fact that he made himself teamleaders when no one else would etc etc. In the end he would likely be given the boot with comments such as "Hot air" "lies", "talk the talk". In the end we need to remind ourselves that the club is ours - the fans. Whilst Liverpool have had to publically fend off bulldozers in order to get themselves a better future, we are still being chipped away at brick by brick out of the limelight. Liverpool are trying to swim, they nearly drowned recently, but they will soon be swimming again, for us, we are forever treading water, trying to kid ourselves that we can win a race this way. The best thing Bill could do for us is to sell us to an owner of integrity.
  21. That's the million dollar question, why would he be left out of the team... "I know that Bayern haven't approached Everton yet and they haven't contacted me either. I have to admit that I feel flattered that I'm being linked with a big club such as Bayern Munich though. I'd definitely be interested in joining them. They play Champions League football and I'm still eligible to play in the competition, since we don't play European football with Everton." How does he know they haven't contacted Everton? - Evidently, Mr Agent has been busy on his blackberry. I'm sorry but the whole scenario with him seems very wrong to me. Because he is a committed Pyscho Pat type of player, does not mean he has good old fashioned morals - loyalty. Yep we all know he loves to gee the crowd, look at the send off Ajax gave him, problem he has is that he seems to be very much in love with his own status, not playing starves him of the opportunity to be on his stage. I have yet to subscribe to the undoubted man love he seems to get from many fans which is why I can post an unbiased point of view. If this was a none alpha male footballer we are talking about - lets leave Ossie, Bainsey alone, I no doubt would be seeing far fiercer criticism.
  22. No Kuyt, which is a bonus - he usually get's stuck in and the derby is his type of game. I would go all out against these lot. Agger is injured also and is a doubt, that leaves them using their much criticised long ball approach from defence. I would play Heitinga and Distin, have a strong word with both and get stuck right into Torres, starve him of services from midfield. Which effectively means cut gerrard out of the play. With Felli and Arteta and Tim, we should win the battle there as Gerrard has no midfield to complement his play. Get Pienaar to attack Johnson at every opportunity with Baines offering support, I would have Yak upfront with Beckford to start. They have no pace at the back whatsoever, I would use beckford as the outlet/run channels with Tim pushing forward to support Yak. Never confident in derby's, however on paper and on form this one should have the players chomping at the bit.
  23. For me, he needs to focus on playing for the club that pays his wages. When playing for Holland he was making sounds about moving, at this moment he isn't playing and is making sounds. Sorry but I think a fair few of you are making excuses for him based on his cult status. For me he needs to knuckle down and win the centre half spot back. Whilst Moyes makes some very strange decisions, there must be something behind him leaving heitinga out. It makes my blood boil when players talk to the press about interest from other clubs, maybe Mr Moyes believes Heitinga isn't focused, it would certainly appear that way. At this moment he is turning into another Tommy Gravesen, plays to the crowd when it suits him, but has his eyes on other suitors. Very unsettling for the other players. He's only been here 5 minutes, we rescued him from a very unhappy time in Spain where opinions of him were not great. If he does think that he is playing below the level he should be due to the fact that he was mixing it in the world cup final, he wants to look at the list of: Kleberson, Kuyt, Roque Junior (Duncs mate), - world cup winners and finalists, none of which would be first names on our team sheet to say the least.
  24. He is a striker, he needs to feel wanted and supported, when he does it shows in his game. He has never and will never be the type of player who covers 10km a game, give him the ball in and around the box and he will do the buisness. For me his attitude and body language is the same win or lose, however when we lose the perception is that he is lazy, when we win it is that he is laid back and cool. He is what he is, his apparent carefree attitude is what makes him such a cool finisher in my opinion, he never lets things bother him. Remember Jason Lee.....
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