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Zoo 2.0

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Everything posted by Zoo 2.0

  1. You get the feeling this could easily slip to three or four. Edit: Ashley Young sent off, call that six or seven.
  2. Early substitution from Brighton, shame we can't make eleven.
  3. Steele is a very poor goalkeeper, I'm amazed that he's managed to stay so long at a club like Brighton. He's mid-table Championship player at best, which is all the more disappointing that we haven't tested him.
  4. That's shit from Mykolenko to just let the runner ghost past him, but then equally as bad from Tarkowski to simply let Mitoma have the box to himself. After such a bright start, that's disappointing.
  5. Just realised that Johnny Heitinga is on the Liverpool coaching staff and died a little bit inside.
  6. Hope we go aBove and beyond to sign him.
  7. On the one hand it's a good deal, on the other hand however...
  8. Hate is a strong word, but I absolute hate him. One of the few players that I'd love to see absolutely snapped.
  9. This should be grounds for a National Holiday, "Kalvin Phillips to Ipswich Day" is something I plan to tell my grandkids about.
  10. Came on for Atalanta in the 60th minute tonight. He's gone from warming the bench at Everton to playing Real Madrid .
  11. Same here weirdly enough, said it for years.
  12. His name also rhymed with "bean". Everyone likes baked beans.
  13. Reminder 638,848,982,183,748,972,882 of why the United Kingdom is an absolute shithole.
  14. I agree with what you're saying, but for me personally I said I'd have 3 players maximum above the £100,000 threshold. For me that would be Pickford, Branthwaite and probably Doucoure. Tarks is fantastic, don't get me wrong but I wouldn't break the bank for him. DCL in his prime under Ancelotti was a £100,000 a week player but not anymore - I only want to keep him because we don't seem to have a replacement lined up. You are right that those players helped us survive relegation, but what players helped put is in that position? It's easier said than done, but look at the model that Brighton have used to consolidate in the Premier League - cheap, hungry players that were sold for mega profit on the back of good seasons.
  15. Just my personal take but I'd be looking to move to a model where only 2-3 players are on "luxury wages" which would be £100,000+ Given our financial status, and the fact that hand on heart we've been shite for years most of our players should not be the on big money, nor should we be looking for players expecting a bit paycheck. Signing young, hungry players on sensible contracts is the way forward IMO. Spending a zillion quid has set us back years (perhaps decades) and lessons must be learned.
  16. The WNBA is absolutely awful, due to a lack of funding - the standard is poor despite the US having the "pinnacle" of talent.
  17. It's a friendly, players hardly celebrate. Pellegrini walked off when he scored the opener, that doesn't indicate to me he's leaving Roma for example.
  18. I agree, I meant Kean 2.0 in the sense that he's come from Serie A and doesn't look like he's able to cut the mustard in a higher league. I've no doubt that if Beto went to Atalanta as reported, he'd do well.
  19. If you don't want to be a professional footballer, you literally can't be. If you lose even 5% at this level then you're absolutely done. I don't think people realise the daily demand that playing in the Premier League (or in another top flight league) has, it's elite level sport for a reason. Wasn't it our very own Jelavic that basically took a summer off after a good start at Everton, only to score one goal and virtually head directly to the second tier of China? If DCL didn't want to be a footballer, he'd be overweight, off the pace and quite frankly dogshite. Despite obvious question marks about his ability the shouts about his dedication to his craft are quite frankly miles off the mark.
  20. Is Broja related to Riquelme? Jesus fucking Christ this is about the 27th summer in a row that we've been linked to him - the lads just turned 47 ffs. Jokes aside, really?
  21. Holgate should have been out the door years ago, one of those players where you just despair at still being on the books. He's someone that I can, hand on heart say that I've written off. Despite being content with him leaving, it would be a travesty to sell Godfrey for example and keep Holgate (and to a lesser extent Keane) around.
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