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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Personally I think he has acquitted himself very well over his move unlike others Lescott to name one good luck to the young man hes done us no harm quite the opposite played his heart out for this club I think he will always hold this club and supporters in high esteem as I will him
  2. MikeO have you had a bang on the head today cause your talking gibberish mate I'd like to know who does it for you musically although I do appreciate your sentiments on Bolan/T.Rex
  3. If Trump wins we are completely fucked out of EU with a USA president who is going to say you're fired when we ask for a deal and Boris wanting to take the Russians on sounds like a fictitious TV program. Welcome to the new U.K the latest third world country run by a bunch of pricks.
  4. T.Rex and Bowie grew up with these legends just finished listening to 20th century boy still so current
  5. He's got 2-3 good years left in him love it if he came back after all he's one of us blue through and through let's hope it materializes
  6. Haf keep the stats coming mate great entertainment need to make them more controversial good debating subjects
  7. He never shows much emotion in interviews which is not a problem long as in the dressing room he injects more emotion in getting his point across. What worries me is that he is hardly in his technical area giving the players a bollocking or advice when we're playing shite obviously not his style but something needs to change cause our results lately have been shocking he needs to be heard more during games really scares me
  8. Everton 2-1 West Ham Now he's off the mark he might go on a run Bolasi
  9. Next eleven games posted by Albany we should come away with 23 points what we must not do is lose to the shite,Arsenal,Chelsea and Utd draws would be fine it would stop them pulling away from us and hopefully get us in the top 4 at the end of the year
  10. Stekkers Jags. Williams. Mori Coleman. Oviedo Ghana. Barry. Mirallas Bolasi. Lukaku No Barkley for me not fitting in to Koemans way of playing he seems to still want to be playing the free role he had with Roberto but koeman is saying to him this the way you play for me do it or your out.I'd like to see us play the 3 at the back I really think we have the perfect squad for that system were solid all the way down the middle of the team which would allow Coleman and Oviedo the freedom to get forward and link up with Mirallas Bolasi and Lukaku
  11. Sounds like he's aiming to high I'd be interested to hear what other clubs he approached but Villa for your first club as manager not happening like Haf for me he needs to start at a lower level and prove his ability I'd like to believe a club like Villa aren't racist and their actions of not entertaining him would have given him the reality check he obviously needs
  12. OK Haf with all your statistical knowledge at your disposal what's he gonna do against West Ham
  13. Draw best result for us keeps it very tight at the top
  14. Great shout but nobody's gonna come forward now you've said that
  15. Has Coleman taken the captain's role for us when Jags isn't on the park sounds good choice he's doing it for his country and it hasn't affected his form quite the reverse so he could be the natural choice when Jags has to hand it over
  16. After today's revelation that Boris wrote an article that wasn't published outlining why we should vote remain rather than leave and then to fight a campaign to leave the way he did are there any people who were persuaded by him to vote leave thinking they have been duped or made a mistake
  17. For give me emperor MikeO just felt like a rant
  18. Stekkers for me but its a game of opinions after all if it wasn't we would have know need for this forum so if someone puts Oviedo who the fuck has the right to dismiss it as a joke vote because in their opinion they don't agree but if someone places a vote and later on declares it as a joke they should be excluded from the process for pissing about
  19. I agree so far this campaign koeman has shored the defence up which had to be his or anyone's first priority after taking over the mess left by Martinez and Jags has played a massive part in the turn around no way his he getting dropped for me he could still walk into any team in the PL
  20. If that stat is accurate then your right he was the most creative defender in that sense but all I'm trying to get a cross is he has lost a lot of his creativity and possibly believe now that maybe due to his injuries but we are playing in the now and not the past. But any way Aidan I do take on board your points
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