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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Palfy

    Jokes thread

    Two nutters escaping from the asylum come up against a 10ft wall all they've got is torch one nutter says to the other I've got a great idea I'll climb on your back and get on top of the wall then I'll shine the torch down and you can climb up the beam the other one says you must think I'm stupid I know you when I'm half way up your turn the torch off
  2. Thanks for posting that Dunc fills you nostalgia and pride a testament to a great city if we could get a stadium there what a tribute to all those Dockers who worked there and loved their football as our American friends would say awesome
  3. I'd not heard that hope Moshiri isn't stringing us a line about what he's prepared to pay for a player
  4. Not sure what to make of that mate but pretty repetitive and no base or drum line have I missed something
  5. If that's what makes you happy mate carry on I was thinking to myself MikeO is taking a long time to bite but got there in the end just mixing it up a bit or its gonna boring and any way you I've got a good point
  6. They should take Henderson off and stick Stones in the middle he'd to better job and Cahill and Hart will be a lot happier
  7. England lucky to go in 1-0 at halftime poor finishing from Scotland keeps us in the game they should be well in front
  8. Boys I voted in and I voted Labour I like some of you own my own business we cannot change the Brexit out come but what we can do is stop constantly looking for all the negative aspects and bleating about them it's done to late get over it try looking for the positives because it's fucking depressing listening to the whingeing and it's not helping the country move forward my advice is shape up or ship out and let the rest of us get on with it and when the next general election comes I will again vote Labour but I know I won't get another opportunity to vote on Europe so I'm getting on with it
  9. If Scotland beat us that will finish the week off quite nicely on the what can go wrong will go wrong scenario Naismith double Jags own goal iceing on the cake as well what a fucking week if your politics are center to left and your an Evertonian priceless
  10. Your right I got my maths completely wrong started with them in 85 even told the call handler I was whingeing to that I'd been with them 31 years I bet he was thinking you thick prick fuck off and buy yourself a calculator
  11. Orange / EE had my first mobile with them 31 years ago still with them and when you have a problem and need a little bit of flexibility to help you out they don't want to know so fuck em it doesn't pay to stay loyal to these companies you don't get any recognition for it really pisses me off wankers
  12. You know what wouldn't surprise me if didn't stay to see out the full term of his presidency
  13. Protesting and fighting on American streets no sign of reconciliation for some let the Brexit voters and Trump voters live in one country and the Clinton and remain voters live in the other remain get U.K.just brought a new car and want to get some use out of it
  14. If Moshori is coming out with that statement it must be highly embarrassing to the board that he said it just proves it's wrong or they wouldn't bother to mention it and try and water it down still can't believe some supporters think he is right to have said what he said and are prepared to defend him for saying it
  15. He hasn't been brought in to be straight talking he's been paid to make the team better and shouldn't be saying anything publicly that could be detrimental to the club whether it's his personal opinion or not it's not helpful to the team so it doesn't need to be said
  16. Surely his 6M a year is not to say what he believes if what he believes could cast any negativity I for one want him to be shouting from the rooftops this is the place to be come and join me where going places and to players already here that you want to stay sell it to them let know what the vision is that there's a massive future here cause how do expect players to come here and believe it's a great move for your career if you don't believe it yourself. It would be interesting to find out why the players he targeted never actually signed we've been told by the money man it wasn't for lack of funds I believe they would say that it wasn't money but other managers sold them selves and club to them and made them feel there is a big future here which Koeman can't because he doesn't believe it him self he has very little passion for this club it shows in his demeanour week in week out now it's coming through in his statements I can't think of any other manager who has said anything as negative about a club they are currently managing
  17. The problem we have got with Koeman is he truly believes he is bigger and better than this club and in his heart he doesn't really want to be here and he is struggling to hide that fact through his actions
  18. Your job as the manager of any club is to promote the the club you are at as the best team you can play for whether that is Chester,Everton or Barcelona,what has done is the same as a car salesman saying don't buy this Fiat of me go down the road and buy a Ford of him there much better, the Fiat garage will struggle the Ford garage would prosper and the salesman can say not my problem I was only telling the truth. That is know way to run a business to come out with the comments he did is running your own business down
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