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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Good morning Haf, not what I expected from someone who constantly tells the members, that he's his own man, strange that you needed to mimic Matt's post. Was you feeling insecure and looking for an alliance, like all bullies you can only be brave when your in numbers.
  2. Haf I've waited for others to come forward and back you up got bored of waiting so decided to go back through the pages and revisit the comments you made what a fucking cock you are mate have a look for yourself calling people thick dim wit shits when they didn't agree with you is that tone you like cause if it is your a thick dim wit shit hope that makes you feel better personally I don't like that but I know you do so enjoy
  3. Haf I'm far from arrogant and most certainly not insecure, thanks for the insight about you personally I would never of guessed that your an unintelligent fashionista that reads the Daily mail and to top it off rebel as well
  4. When he does eventually return we need someone who he can link up with when he's going forward who in the squad could be the player to be his new Pienarr
  5. I agree our defence is stronger with him in it but what I disagree with is that he is the biggest factor in the turn around of the defence for me it is more the protection from midfield that wasn't there last season
  6. Williams is an average defender he doesn't have fantastic games nor really poor games I personally don't think he is the sole reason why our defence appears better it's more due to the fact that the midfield have been tightened up where under Martinez he let them wander all over the place in his quest to play total football
  7. It wasn't a vote about if you were left or right it was vote which highlighted whether you are educated or uneducated unfortunately the educated lost
  8. Well if he's an admirer of Klopp hopefully he might learn some of is managerial skills especially man management you can see that he respects his players and they would run through walls for him you don't feel that with our lads if truth be known most would like to run him to John Lennon airport
  9. Fuck me never knew that was what she had entered knew she had sailed round the world solo your right she hasn't got bollocks from memory I don't even think she likes bollocks
  10. Best reply this week so far we should have a comp for best reply of the week
  11. Good point pasty Mirallas when given an opportunity has struggled, give the lad ago next game on the right wing while his tail is up then Bolasi can play closer to Lukaku
  12. Its called desperation talk about as many players as you can and hope that one or two of their agents give you a call
  13. Getting thrashed not enjoying any more switched over
  14. Watching it just got a try I know it sounds wrong but quite enjoying it
  15. Just got back from a two hour walk with the dog surprised not to see it on BBC news. Sorry MikeO had to say mate woof
  16. Nightmare sending an email that you later regret that's one reason why I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account always putting my foot in it the wife tells people who ask why I don't have a Facebook account it's saved his life not having one because if he did someone would have killed him by now my reply is can't argue with that
  17. Good point do you think that whether success is brought or crafted doesn't matter it's the success that is more important how ever it is achieved. For me it's wrestling match with my own believes I have been a critic of Chelsea and City's model for success so now we may possibly have that at our disposal I personally wouldn't at this moment in time see us just buy our way to success that why I mentioned trying to mix it with our youngsters coming through still the model implemented by Arsenal is close to what I would like to a mixture of home grown,brought and improved and already big names I wasn't trying to make a judgment on who's right or wrong just more how happier would people be on moving forward with the money at our disposal something we've never really had the opportunity to discuss before due to having no money for years
  18. I find it strange that we have had two life changing votes in this country one Scotland to leave the union Britain to leave the E.U both really close decisions and the losers of each decision never took to the streets rioting. Yet in America Trump wins with a fairly big points margin and the losers are protesting. Why do you think this is happening there and not here
  19. Your right mate I missed the point you were making it shouldn't take top billing on BBC news woof
  20. You know what MikeO I understand his position on why he did that fair play to the bloke his dog has given him a lot of happy times and loyalty for 18 years to be honest I don't think I could have done that with all those people round if I knew I was taking my dog for her last walk I would have been in bits I know that sounds wet to most people but there ya go
  21. I personally don't think I would like us to have a budget where we could be like a city or Chelsea i don't respect the fact that they buy their way to the top if that makes sense although the fans must love it and don't care how they got there whilst there drunk on success. I would hope that we could find a way of still bringing through youngsters through the academy and mixing it up with good buys and not necessarily all big names. Does that make me sound like I have no ambition and I should be happy if we buy our way to the top
  22. He's been taken there as back up in case of injuries not to be a regular first team player he would have been better off going to a lower division to get more game time or staying and fighting for his place here and at least he would be surrounded by better players and learning more
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