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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. In our last seven games we have amassed six points, we have eight games coming up in the next six weeks which will take us to January 2nd, in those games I can see only one win against Hull and two or three draws. We have been in free fall since losing to Norwich, and koeman is struggling to turn it around in fact I believe he is adding to it, with his team selections, systems and uncalled for comments, it won't be too long before he starts losing the dressing room when you look at how some players are performing who are much better than there showing could be a sign that there not happy with him already. At the moment people are saying it's not his team, or he's been left with a poor squad by Martinez, but don't worry he's got 100M to spend in the January transfer window and everything will be alright, I really struggle with that, we could be seriously in the shit by January. If after the next four or five games things are looking any better he has to go to give some one else long enough to turn it round.
  2. That's fair enough Pad I can understand you might find it ridiculous, but could please give your views of the months a head, and where we will find ourselves early January.
  3. Not good Ron, lose next week and for me you can pack your suitcase. It's not early days anymore unless your talking about his three year contract, but this season is ticking on and we aren't looking like we could win another game, at this rate we could find ourselves in the bottom four after Christmas, and if Koeman is still manager in a relegation battle we'd be gone. I predict he will be next manager to go in the Premier league.
  4. Southampton 3-1 Everton Bolasi They've been waiting for this one there gonna be so up for it, and we've got nothing to stop them.
  5. Gana, if I was him I'd be telling my agent get me out of here.
  6. With the games we've got coming our way we're be in at a relegation battle come the end of the year.
  7. Cornish feel like slitting my own throat.
  8. Can't help this and I apologize in advance, Koeman fuck off you fat boring clueless cunt.
  9. Naismiths just scored Christ how we could do with him now
  10. Bring back Moyes this is shite, that's how desperate it's becoming.
  11. I like that line up gonna change my original prediction, who's going to be linking up with Baines on the left.
  12. MikeO never seen that article before but after reading it I stand by what I said, he has been asked the question about his time at Everton by I presume a reporter from the Echo so he has given the only answer he could under the circumstances. When it was suggested he never talks about his time at Everton he gave a very poor answer, about being a professional presenter and trying to give it to Hanson and Lorro when he could, never ever remember seeing that, but remember him talking about Leicester and Spurs frequently. Perhaps Haf could try and find out the stats on how often he mentioned in public playing for us, compared to playing for Leicester, Spurs and Barcelona I have a feeling we would be disappointed.
  13. Sorry Dave I missed the s of Howells, you never know I don't want him calling and having a pop.
  14. I met Gary at Queenwood golf club when playing there with David Howell, they are very good friends so joined him for breakfast. The main topic of conversation was golf and football, when I mentioned that I was an Everton supporter he didn't respond, I got the distinct feeling that he had no emotional connection for the club. After that meeting it brought it more to my attention that on MOTD he openly discusses his affection for Leicester and Spurs and his time spent there, but never mentions his time spent with us even on derby days. My point being I don't think careless if a road around the new stadium was named in his honour.
  15. I would guess every supporter in country likes Klopp, even if they wouldn't want to admit it. For us it feels wrong to like him for obvious reasons, so why am I so captivated by him.
  16. Don't know anything about him, but if clubs of calibre are interested he must have something about him, and in today's market €25M isn't much for a striker especially if he can be flexible in where he plays.
  17. Hope not I've called it a draw thinking that should be as bad as it gets, hope they prove me wrong and win at least 3-0. Don't wish to tempt fate but can you change your mind on a result after you've already posted it.
  18. Thanks Matt never went unnoticed mate.
  19. Haf you need the trainers keep running mate, and hopefully your be able to get them in your favourite colour of pink. Been a very enjoyable experience engaging with you over the last couple of days. Kind regards. Palfy.
  20. Never said you and Matt were allies, what I said was you used Matt because your not your own man your a follower, the fact that Matt made the post is irrelevant, you would have jumped on the bandwagon no matter who made the post or what they said, as long as it was in your favour.
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