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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Players aren't robots programmed to play one system, if a manager wants them to play a different style he teaches them on the training ground what he wants, surly it can't be that nearly all the out field players are shit and don't understand what he's after, bar 2 as some of you believe. Why can't you believe he's a poor manager that can't get the players on board, because he's making nonsensical decisions and remarks. I've said it before and I'll say it again he is not equipped for this job, the expectation is far too great for him.
  2. Haf totally agree with you mate we have both been saying the same thing for weeks, I've been called ridiculous, you got to give him more than 16 games, you got to give him at least 3 transfer windows, it's not his fault it's Martinez. After watching that shite those of you who still believe that them post still make sense are living in cloud cuckoo land. He's got know passion for our club he's a mug.
  3. Come on Koeman do something to change it, instead of just standing there with you hands in your pocket.
  4. Take Barkley off stick Delli on in the middle take off Lennon put Mirallas on the left and Bolasie right
  5. Their keeper just touched the ball
  6. Said weeks ago he's losing the dressing room
  7. I've seen some shite teams in my 51 years of following Everton, but I'm struggling to remember one that every week for nine weeks have been constantly outplayed.
  8. This is dire, its like a training ground exercise we're defend you try and score.
  9. We have a better chance than I fought last week, they have 2-3 key players out, but I still feel our line up is lacking any inventiveness, and we will have a big whole in midfield between Lukaku and the two defensive midfielders, unless Gana is given the freedom to play a more forward role. Let's hope we set up to take the game to them from the off.
  10. You've never come across Danny Dyer before, does the real world end past Bristol. Yeah saw it mate one of the best I've seen, great T.V.
  11. My post regarding Laurence Stewart was my attempt at being sarcastic. I know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and has obviously backed fired on me with Paul's reply.
  12. Can't see Sunderland selling till end of season, he is their best chance of staying up, if he went in January the owners wouldn't be seen in Sunderland again for fear of their lives.
  13. It's not all doom and gloom mate, we've just signed Laurence Stewart to the back room staff. I predict we are gonna go in 1-0 down at half-time, Stewart is going to digest all the data he has collected on his laptop, then tell Koeman where it's going wrong and what to do. Then second half we're going to turn it round and win 3-1.
  14. Rom really, did you read that article, I originally thought it was written by a member of his family trying to justify why he should have a job in football.
  15. What a load of shite, we are are becoming the best club in the country at signing people that don't play football.
  16. Did notice a couple of refs trying to enforce it at the beginning of the season, but seems to reverted back to how it used to be, although Rooney got a booking for over protesting the weekend.
  17. Gerrard has announced his retirement, a genuine scouser and great servant to the game. Shame he signed for the wrong half of the City.
  18. That's what Gana is there for to hold when Besic or some else in that position goes forward, so if breaks down we are not left exposed. At the moment we are playing very negative football by playing two DM at the same time, we are inviting teams on to us and struggle to get forward with any real purpose by leaving Lukaku to isolated.
  19. He's running before the shite really hits the fan, and all those he lied to come after him for fucking their lives up. When he goes we need to take his passport off him so the prick can't get back in, and he won't be able to go running to the European court of human rights to force us to let him back in.
  20. Our shirt deal income each year doesn't even cover Koemans wages, think I need a pint of Chiang to get over that.
  21. Exactly Bill we are our own worst enemy with our defensive set up, it's not working we are just bringing teams on to us, then the defence cracks under the constant pressure, let's pick a team that plays more in the opposition's half instead of our own and give ourselves a chance of winning a game, and just as important our battered defence break.
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